Chen, Yun-Ru Ruby
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Cheng, Wei-Chieh
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Hung, Shang-Cheng
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Juan, Li-Jung
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Li, Tsung-Lin
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Lin, Su-Chang
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- Lin Shan-Meng, Lin Su-Chang, Hong Jhen-Yi, Su Tsung-Wei, Kuo Bai-Jiun, Chang Wei-Hsin, Tu Yi-Fan, Lo Yu-Chih*, 2017, “Structural Insights into Linear Tri-ubiquitin Recognition by A20-Binding Inhibitor of NF-κB, ABIN-2”, STRUCTURE, 25(1), 66-78. (SCIE)
Ma, Che Alex
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Wong, Chi-Huey
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- C.-L. Chen, J.-C. Hsu, C.-W. Lin, C.-H. Wang, M.-H. Tsai, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, C. Ma, 2017, “Crystal structure of a homogeneous IgG-Fc glycoform with the N-glycan designed to maximize the antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity”, ACS Chemical Biology, 12(5), 1335-1345. (SCIE)
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- C.-Y. Wu, C.-W. Lin, T.-L. Tsai, C.-C. D. Lee, H.-Y. Chuang, J.-B. Chen, M.-H. Tsai, B.-R. Chen, P.-W. Lo, C.-P. Liu, V. S. Shivatare and C.-H. Wong, 2017, “Influenza A surface glycosylation and vaccine design.”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 114(2), 280-285. (SCIE)
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- C.-Y. Ting, Y.-W. Lin, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, 2017, “Design of Disaccharide Modules for a Programmable One-Pot Synthesis of Building Blocks with LacNAc Repeating Units for Asymmetric N-Glycans”, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 6(12), 1800-1807. (SCIE)
- R. Andrabi, C.-Y. Su, C.-H. Liang, S.-S. Shivatare, B. Briney, J. E. Voss, S. K. Nawazi, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, D. R. Burton, 2017, “Glycans Function as Anchors for Antibodies and Help Drive HIV Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Development.”, Immunity, 47(5), 1004. (SCIE)
- Y.-W. Huang, H.-I. Yang, Y.-T. Wu, T.-L. Hsu, T.-W. Lin, J. Kelly, C.-H. Wong, 2017, “Residues Comprising the Enhanced Aromatic Sequon Influence Protein N-Glycosylation Efficiency.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(37), 12947-12955. (SCIE)
- T. H. Tseng, T.-W. Lin, C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Chen, J.-L. Lin, T.-L. Hsu, C.-H. Wong, 2017, “Substrate Preference and Interplay of Fucosyltransferase 8 and N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferases.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(28), 9431-9434. (SCIE)
- L.-Y. Huang, S.-C. Wang, T.-J. R. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, 2017, “Undecaprenyl Phosphate Phosphatase Activity of Undecaprenol Kinase Regulates the Lipid Pool in Gram-Positive Bacteria.”, Biochemistry, 56(40), 5417-5427. (SCIE)
Wu, Chung-Yi
- Kim Hyeon-Ji, Wu Chung-Yi, Yu Hui-Ming, Sheen Jen, Lee Horim*, 2017, “Dual CLAVATA3 peptides in Arabidopsis shoot stem cell signaling”, Journal of Plant Biology, 60(5), 506-512. (SCIE)
- Andrabi Raiees, Su Ching-Yao, Liang Chi-Hui, Shivatare Sachin S., Briney Bryan, Voss James E., Nawazi Salar Khan, Wu Chung-Yi, Wong Chi-Huey, Burton Dennis R.*, 2017, “Glycans Function as Anchors for Antibodies and Help Drive HIV Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Development”, Immunity, 47(3), 524-537.e3. (SCIE)
- Chen Chia-Lin, Hsu Jen-Chi, Lin Chin-Wei, Wang Chia-Hung, Tsai Ming-Hung, Wu Chung-Yi, Wong Chi-Huey*, Ma Che*, 2017, “Crystal Structure of a Homogeneous IgG-Fc Glycoform with the N-Glycan Designed to Maximize the Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity”, ACS Chemical Biology, 12(5), 1335-1345. (SCIE)
- Yang W., Punyadarsaniya D., Lambertz R. L. O., Lee D. C. C., Liang C. H., Höper D., Leist S. R., Hernández-Cáceres A., Stech J., Beer M., Wu C. Y., Wong C. H., Schughart K., Meng F., Herrler G., 2017, “Mutations during the Adaptation of H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus to the Respiratory Epithelium of Pigs Enhance Sialic Acid Binding Activity and Virulence in Mice”, Journal of Virology, 91(8), e02125-16. (SCIE)
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- Tsung-I Tsai, Shiou-Ting Li, Chiu-Ping Liu, Karen Y Chen, Sachin S. Shivatare, Chin-Wei Lin, Tsui-Ling Hsu, Ying-Ta Wu, Ming-Hung Tsai, Meng-Yu Lai, Nan-Horng Lin, Chung-Yi Wu, Chi-Huey Wong*., 2017, “An Effective Bacterial Fucosidase for Glycoprotein Remodeling.”, ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, 12, 63-72. (SCIE)
- Ting Cheng-Yueh, Lin Yu-Wei, Wu Chung-Yi, Wong Chi-Huey*, 2017, “Design of Disaccharide Modules for a Programmable One-Pot Synthesis of Building Blocks with LacNAc Repeating Units for Asymmetric N-Glycans”, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 6(12), 1800-1807. (SCIE)
Yang, An-Suei
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