瀏覽人次: 88




Cheng, Wei-Chieh

  • Tin-Hao Chan, Yi-Fan Chang, Jung-Jung Hsu, and Wei-Chieh Cheng, 2010, “Straightforward Synthesis of Diverse 1-Deoxyazapyranosides via Stereocontrolled Nucleophilic Additons to Six-Membered Cyclic Nitrones”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2010(59), 5555-5559. (SCIE)
  • Chen-Yu Liu, Chih-Wei Guo, Yi-Fan Chang, Jen-Tsung Wang, Hao-Wei Shih, Yu-Fang Hsu, Chia-Wei Chen, Shao-Kang Chen, Yen-Chih Wang, Ting-Jen R. Cheng, Che Ma, Chi-Huey Wong, Jim-Min Fang* and Wei-Chieh Cheng*, 2010, “Synthesis and Evaluation of a New Fluorescent Transglycosylase Substrate: Lipid II-Based Molecule Possessing a Dansyl-C20 Polyprenyl Moiety”, Org. Lett., 12(7), 1608-1611.. (SCIE)
  • Shih HW, Chen KT, Chen SK, Huang CY, Cheng TJ, Ma C, Wong CH, Cheng WC, 2010, “Combinatorial approach toward synthesis of small molecule libraries as bacterial transglycosylase inhibitors.”, Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 8(11), 2586-2593. (SCIE)
  • Cheng TJ, Wu YT, Yang ST, Lo KH, Chen SK, Chen YH, Huang WI, Yuan CH, Guo CW, Huang LY, Chen KT, Shih HW, Cheng YS, Cheng WC, Wong CH, 2010, “High-throughput identification of antibacterials against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and the transglycosylase.”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 18(24), 8512-8529. (SCIE)
  • Su CY, Cheng TJ, Lin MI, Wang SY, Huang WI, Lin-Chu SY, Chen YH, Wu CY, Lai MM, Cheng WC, Wu YT, Tsai MD, Cheng YS, Wong CH, 2010, “High-throughput identification of compounds targeting influenza RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(45), 19151-19156. (SCIE)

Juan, Li-Jung

  • Lin RK, Wu CY, Chang JW, Juan LJ, Hsu HS, Chen CY, Lu YY, Tang YA, Yang YC, Yang PC, Wang YC, 2010, “Dysregulation of p53/Sp1 control leads to DNA methyltransferase-1 overexpression in lung cancer.”, Cancer research, 70(14), 5807-17. (SCIE)
  • Lee CF, Ou DS, Lee SB, Chang LH, Lin RK, Li YS, Upadhyay AK, Cheng X, Wang YC, Hsu HS, Hsiao M, Wu CW, Juan LJ, 2010, “hNaa10p contributes to tumorigenesis by facilitating DNMT1-mediated tumor suppressor gene silencing.”, The Journal of clinical investigation, 120(8), 2920-30. (SCIE)

Li, Tsung-Lin

  • H. J. Chai, J. H. Li, H. N. Huang, T. L. Li, Y. L. Chan, C. Y. Shiau, C. J. Wu*, 2010, “Effects of sizes and conformations of fish scale collagen peptides (FSCPs) on facial skin qualities and transdermal penetration efficiency”, J BIOMED BIOTECHNOL, 2010, 757301.

Ma, Che Alex

  • Shih HW, Chen KT, Chen SK, Huang CY, Cheng TJ, Ma C, Wong CH, Cheng WC, 2010, “Combinatorial approach toward synthesis of small molecule libraries as bacterial transglycosylase inhibitors.”, Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 8(11), 2586-2593. (SCIE)
  • Liu CY, Guo CW, Chang YF, Wang JT, Shih HW, Hsu YF, Chen CW, Chen SK, Wang YC, Cheng TJ, Ma C, Wong CH, Fang JM, Cheng WC, 2010, “Synthesis and evaluation of a new fluorescent transglycosylase substrate: lipid II-based molecule possessing a dansyl-C20 polyprenyl moiety.”, Organic letters, 12(7), 1608-1611. (SCIE)

Wong, Chi-Huey

  • M. Schelwies, D. Brinson, Y.-H. Hong, M. K. Lotz, C.-H. Wong, and S. R. Hanson, 2010, “GlcN-6-sulfamate Heparan Analogs as Inhibitors of Endosulfatases”, ChemBioChem, 11(17), 2393-2397. (SCIE)
  • C.-S. Tsai, P.-Y. Liu, H.-Y. Yen, T.-L. Hsu, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “Development of trifunctional probes for glycoproteomic analysis.”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 46(30), 5575-5577. (SCIE)
  • S. Otsuki, S. Hanson, S. Miyaki, S. Grogan, M. Kinoshita, H. Asahara, C.-H. Wong , M. Lotz, 2010, “Extracellular sulfatases support cartilage homeostasis by regulating BMP and FGF signaling pathways.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(22), 10202-10207. (SCIE)
  • C.-C. Chang, A. F. Ku, Y.-Y. Tseng, W.-B. Yang, J.-M. Fang, and C.-H. Wong, 2010, “6,8-Di-C-glycosyl flavonoids from Dendrobium huoshanense.”, Journal of natural products, 73(2), 229-232. (SCIE)
  • R. J. Payne and C.-H. Wong, 2010, “Advances in Chemical Ligation Strategies for the Synthesis of Glycopeptides and Glycoproteins”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 46, 21-43. (SCIE)
  • W.-H. Wen, S.-Y. Wang, K.-C. Ysai, Y.-S. E. Cheng, A.-S. Yang, J.-M. Fang, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “Analogs of zanamivir with modified C4-substituents as the inhibitors against the group-1 neuraminidases of influenza viruses.”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 18(11), 4074-4084. (SCIE)
  • J. C. Lewis, S. M. Mantovani, Y. Fu, C. D. Snow, R. S. Komor, C.-H. Wong, F. H. Arnold, 2010, “Combinatorial Alanine Substitution Enables Rapid Optimization of Cytochrome P450BM3 for Selective Hydroxylation of Large Substrates”, CHEMBIOCHEM, 11(18), 2502-2505. (SCIE)
  • H.-W. Shih, K.-T. Chen, S.-K. Chen, C.-Y. Huang, T.-J. Cheng, C. Ma, C.-H. Wong, W.-C. Cheng, 2010, “Combinatorial approach toward synthesis of small molecule libraries as bacterial transglycosylase inhibitors.”, Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 8(11), 2586-2593. (SCIE)
  • R. D. Astronomo, E. Kaltgrad, A. K. Udit, S.-K. Wang, R. Pantophlet, C.-Y. Huang, J. C. Paulson, C.-H. Wong, M.G. Finn and D. R. Burton, 2010, “Defining criteria for oligomannose immunogens for HIV using icosahedral virus capsid scaffolds.”, Chemistry & biology, 17(4), 357-370.
  • X. Li, D. Wu, M. Fujio, M. Imamura, S. Vasan, C.-H. Wong, D. D. Ho, M. Tsuji, 2010, “Design of a potent CD1d-binding NKT cell ligand as a vaccine adjuvant.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(29), 13010-13015. (SCIE)
  • H.-Y. Liao, C.-H. Hsu, S.-C. Wang, C.-H. Liang, H.-Y. Yen, C.-Y. Su, J.-T. Jan, C.-T. Ren, T.-J. Cheng, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “Differential Receptor Binding Affinities of Influenza Hemagglutinins on Glycan Arrays”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132(42),14849-14856. (SCIE)
  • W.-Y. Chen, W.-B. Yang, C.-H. Wong, D.T.-B. Shih, 2010, “Effect of Reishi Polysaccharides on Human Stem/Progenitor Cells”, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 18(24), 8583-8591. (SCIE)
  • S.-H. Chang, J.-L. Han, Susan Y. Tseng, H.-Y. Lee, C.-W. Lin, Y.-C. Lin, W.-Y. Jeng, A. H.-J. Wang, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “Glycan Array on Aluminum Oxide Coated Glass Slides Through Phosphonate Chemistry”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(38),13371-13380. (SCIE)
  • T.-J. R. Cheng, Y.-T. Wu, S.-T. Yang, A. Loh, S.-K. Chen, Y.-H. Chen, W.-I. Huang, C.-H. Yuan, H.-W. Shih, Y.-S. E. Cheng, W.-C. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “High-Throughput Identification of Antibacterials against Methichillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and the Transglycosylase”, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 18(24), 8512-8529. (SCIE)
  • C.-Y. Su, T.-J. R. Cheng, M.-I. Lin, S.-Y. Wang, W.-I. Huang, S.-Y. Lin-Chua, Y.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Wu, M. M. C. Lai, W.-C. Cheng, Y.-T. Wu, M.-D. Tsai, Y.-S. E. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “High-throughput Identification of Compounds Targeting Influenza RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase Activity”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 107(45), 19151-1916. (SCIE)
  • C.-H. Hsu, K.-C. Chu, Y.-S. Lin, J.-L. Han, Y.-S. Peng, C.-T. Ren, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “Highly alpha-selective sialyl phosphate donors for efficient preparation of natural sialosides.”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 16(6), 1754-1760. (SCIE)
  • K.-H. Lin, J.-J. Liang, W.-I. Huang, S.-Y. Lin-Chu, C.-Y. Su, Y.-L. Lee, J.-T. Jan, Y.-L. Lin, Y.-S. E. Cheng, and C.-H. Wong, 2010, “In vivo protection of bacterial and viral infections in murine models using a synthetic new {alpha}-GalCer analog.”, Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 54(10), 4129-4136. (SCIE)
  • W.A. Greenberg, C.-H. Wong, 2010, “One-step Synthesis of L-fructose using Rhamnulose-1-phosphate Aldolase in Borate Buffer”, editor(s): J. Whittall, P. Sutton, From Practical Methods for Biocatalysis and Biotransformations, pp. 203-205, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
  • J.-J. Shie, C.-A. Chen, C.-C. Lin, A. F. Ku, T.-J. R. Cheng, J.-M. Fang, and C.-H. Wong, 2010, “Regioselective synthesis of di-C-glycosylflavones possessing anti-inflammation activities.”, Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 8(19), 4451-4462. (SCIE)
  • C.-Y. Liu, C.-W. Guo, Y.-F. Chang, J.-T. Wang, H.-W. Shih, Y.-F. Hsu, C.-W. Chen, S.-K. Chen, Y.-C. Wang, T.-J. Cheng, C. Ma, C.-H. Wong, J.-M. Fang, W.-C. Cheng, 2010, “Synthesis and evaluation of a new fluorescent transglycosylase substrate: lipid II-based molecule possessing a dansyl-C20 polyprenyl moiety.”, Organic letters, 12(7), 1608-1611. (SCIE)

Wu, Chung-Yi

  • Y.-L. Huang, C.-Y. Wu*, 2010, “Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: Challenges and Opportunities”, Expert review of vaccines, 9 (11), 1257-1274. (SCIE)
  • Chen-I Wu, Yi-Sheng Wang, Nelson G. Chen, Chung-Yi Wu and Chung-Hsuan Chen*, 2010, “Ultrasound Ionization of Biomolecules”, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 24, 2569-2574. (SCIE) (IF: 2.2; SCI ranking: 50%,59.7%,35.7%)
  • Liang, C.-H.; Wu, C.-Y.*, 2010, “Glycomics: Relevance for Personalized Medicine”, Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, 8, 49-63.
  • Hsu, C.-H.; Chu, K.-C.; Lin, Y.-S.; Han, J.-L.; Peng, Y.-S.; Ren, C.-T.; Wu, C.-Y.* and Wong, C.-H.*, 2010, “Highly Alpha-Selective Sialyl Phosphate Donors for Efficient Preparation of Natural Sialosides.”, Chemistry-A European Journal, 16(6), 1754-1760. (SCIE)
  • Liao H-Y, Hsu C-H, Wang S-C, Liang C-H, Ye H-Y, Su C-Y, Jan J-T, Ren C-T, Cheng T.-J R,* Wu C-Y*, Wong C-H*, 2010, “Differential Receptor Binding Affinities of Influenza Hemagglutinins on Glycan Arrays”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, 14849-14856. (SCIE)
  • Shih-Huang Chang, Jeng-Liang Han, Susan Y. Tseng, Hsin-Yu Lee, Chin-Wei Lin, Yu-Chen Lin, Wen-Yih Jeng, Andrew H.-J. Wang, Chung-Yi Wu,* Chi-Huey Wong*, 2010, “Glycan Array on Aluminum Oxide Coated Glass Slides through Phosphonate Chemistry”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, 13371-13380. (SCIE)

Yang, An-Suei

  • Ing-Chien Chen, Chung-Ming Yu, Yu-Ching Lee, Yi-Jen Huang, Hung-Ju Hsu, and An-Suei Yang*, 2010, “Signal sequence as a determinant in expressing disulfide-stabilized single chain antibody variable fragments (sc-dsFv) against human VEGF”, MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, 6(7), 1307-1315. (SCIE)
  • Yi-Jen Huang, Ing-Chien Chen, Chung-Ming Yu, Yu-Ching Lee, Hung-Ju Hsu, Anna Ching-Ching Tung, Hung-Ju Chang, An-Suei Yang*, 2010, “Engineering Anti-vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Single Chain Disulfide-stabilized Antibody Variable Fragments (sc-dsFv) with Phage-displayed sc-dsFv Libraries”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(11), 7880-7891. (SCIE)
  • Wen WH, Wang SY, Tsai KC, Cheng YS, Yang AS, Fang JM, Wong CH, 2010, “Analogs of zanamivir with modified C4-substituents as the inhibitors against the group-1 neuraminidases of influenza viruses.”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 18(11), 4074-4084. (SCIE)
  • Ho CW, Popat SD, Liu TW, Tsai KC, Ho MJ, Chen WH, Yang AS, Lin CH, 2010, “Development of GlcNAc-inspired iminocyclitiols as potent and selective N-acetyl-beta-hexosaminidase inhibitors.”, ACS chemical biology, 5(5), 489-497. (SCIE)