Chang, Tse Wen
- Hung AF, Chen JB, Lu CS, Chen NY, Yu HM, Chang TW, 2011, “Lipid rafts hinder binding of antibodies to the extracellular segment of the membrane-anchor peptide of mIgA.”, Molecular immunology, 48(15-16), 1975-1982. (SCIE)
- Wu PC, Chen JB, Kawamura S, Roos C, Merker S, Shih CC, Hsu BD, Lim C, Chang TW, 2011, “The IgE gene in primates exhibits extraordinary evolutionary diversity.”, Immunogenetics, 64(4), 279-287. (SCIE)
Chen, Chien-Jen
- Hsu LI, Chen WP, Yang TY, Chen YH, Lo WC, Wang YH, Liao YT, Hsueh YM, Chiou HY, Wu MM, Chen CJ*, 2011, “Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferase (GST) superfamily and risk of arsenic-induced urothelial carcinoma in residents of southwestern Taiwan”, J Biomed Sci, 18(1), 51. (SCIE)
- Lien WC, Lee WC, Wang HP, Chen YC, Liu KL, Chen CJ, 2011, “Male gender is a risk factor for recurrent appendicitis following nonoperative treatment”, World J Surg, 35(7), 1636-1642. (SCIE)
- Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lu Y, Singh GM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, Lin JK, Farzadfar F, Khang YH, Stevens GA, Rao M, Ali MK, Riley LM, Robinson CA, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group Blood Glucose.129 collaborators: Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lu Y, Singh GM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, Lin JK, Farzadfar F, Khang YH, Stevens GA, Rao M, Ali MK, Riley LM, Robinson CA, Ezzati M, Abdeen Z, Aekplakorn W, Afifi MM, Agabiti-Rosei E, Salinas CA , Alnsour M, Ambady R, Barbagallo CM, Barceló A, Barros H, Bautista LE, Benetos A, Bjerregaard P, Bo S, Bovet P, Bursztyn M, Cabrera de León A, Castellano M, Castetbon K, Chaouki N, Chen CJ, Chua L, Cífková R, Corsi AM, Delgado E, Doi Y, Esteghamati A, Fall CH, Fan JG, Ferreccio C, Fezeu L, Fuller EL, Giampaoli S, Gómez LF, Carvajal RG, Herman WH, Herrera VM, Ho S, Hussain A, Ikeda N, Jafar TH, Jonas JB, Kadiki OA, Karalis I, Katz J, Khalilzadeh O, Kiechl S, Kurjata P, Lee J, Lee J, Lim S, Lim TO, Lin CC, Lin X, Lin HH, Liu X, Lorbeer R, Ma S, Maggi S, Magliano DJ, McFarlane-Anderson N, Miettola J, Miranda JJ, Mohamed MK, Mohan V, Mokdad A, Morales DD, Nabipour I, Nakagami T, Nangia V, Neuhauser H, Noale M, Onat A, Oróstegui M, Panagiotakos DB, Passos VM, Pérez C, Pichardo R, Pin Phua H, Plans P, Qiao Q, Ramos LR, Rampal S, Rampal L, Redon J, Revilla L, Rosero-Bixby L, Sanisoglu SY, Scazufca M, Schaan BD, Sekuri C, Shera AS, Shi Z, Silva E, Simons LA, Söderberg S, Solfrizzi V, Soysal A, Stein AD, Stessman J, Vanderpump MP, Viet L, Vollenweider P, Wang N, Wang YX, Waspadji S, Willeit J, Woodward M, Xu L, Yang X, Yoon JS, Yu Z, Zhang J, Zhang L, 2011, “National, regional, and global trends in fasting plasma glucose and diabetes prevalence since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 370 country-years and 2•7 million participants”, Lancet, 378(9785), 31-40. (SCIE)
- Chen CF, Lee WC, Yang HI, Chang HC, Jen CL, Iloeje UH, Su J, Hsiao KC, Wang LY, You SL, Lu SN, Chen CJ*, 2011, “ Changes in Serum Levels of HBV DNA and Alanine Aminotransferase Determine Risk for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk”, Gastroenterology, 141:1240-1248. (SCIE)
- Boffetta P*, McLerran D, Chen Y, Inoue M, Sinha R, He J, Gupta PC, Tsugane S, Irie F, Tamakoshi A, Gao Y, Shu XO, Wang R, Tsuji I, Kuriyama S, Matsuo K, Satoh H, Chen CJ, Yuan JM, Yoo KY, Ahsan H, Pan WH, Gu D, Pednekar MS, Sasazuki S, Sairenchi T, Yang G, Xiang Y, Nagai M, Tanaka H, Nishino Y, You SL, Koh WP, Park SK, Shen CY, Thornquist M, Kang D, Rolland B, Feng Z, Zheng W, Potter JD, 2011, “Body mass index and diabetes in Asia: a cross-sectional pooled analysis of 900,000 individuals in the Asia Cohort Consortium”, PLoS ONE, 6(6), e19930. (SCIE)
- Hsu KH, Chen KC, Yang TY, Yeh YC, Chou TY, Chen HY, Tsai CR, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Tsai YH, Chen KY, Huang MS, Su WC, Chen YM, Hsiung CA, Chang GC*, Chen CJ, Yang PC, 2011, “Epidermal growth factor receptor mutation status in stage I lung adenocarcinoma with different image patterns”, J Thorac Oncol, 6(6), 1066-1072. (SCIE)
- Yang HI, Yuen MF, Chan HL, Han KH, Chen PJ, Kim DY, Ahn SH, Chen CJ*, Wong VW, Seto WK, 2011, “Risk estimation for hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B (REACH-B): development and validation of a predictive score”, Lancet Oncol, 12(6), 568-574. (SCIE)
- Hwang LC, Chen SC, Chen CJ, 2011, “Increased risk of mortality from overweight and obesity in middle-aged individuals from six communities in Taiwan”, J Formos Med Assoc, 110(5), 290-298. (SCIE)
- Hsieh YC, Lien LM, Chung WT, Hsieh FI, Hsieh PF, Wu MM, Tseng HP, Chiou HY, Chen CJ, 2011, “Significantly increased risk of carotid atherosclerosis with arsenic exposure and polymorphisms in arsenic metabolism genes”, Environ Res, 111(6), 804-810. (SCIE)
- Fwu CW, Chien YC, You SL, Nelson KE, Kirk GD, Kuo HS, Feileib M, Chen CJ*, 2011, “Hepatitis B virus infection and risk of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A cohort study of parous women in Taiwan”, Hepatology, 53(4), 1217-1225. (SCIE)
- Chen CJ*, Yang HI., 2011, “Natural history of chronic hepatitis B REVEALed”, J Gastrolentrol Hepatol, 26(4), 628-638.
- Yu KJ, Hsu WL, Pfeiffer RM, Chiang CJ, Wang CP, Lou PJ, Cheng YJ, Gravitt P, Diehl SR, Goldstein AM, Chen CJ, Hildesheim A*, 2011, “Prognostic utility of anti-EBV antibdy testing for defining NPC risk among individuals from high-risk NPC families”, Clin Cancer Res, 17(7), 1906-1914. (SCIE)
- Chen CJ, 2011, “Arseniasis in the world: from endemic to pandemic”, editor(s): Chen CJ, Chiou HY, Health Hazards of Environmental Arsenic Poisoning: From Epidemic to Pandemic, pp. 1-20, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
- Wang SL, Tseng CH, Chen CJ, 2011, “Arsenic and type 2 diabetes and hypertension in human populations”, editor(s): Chen CJ, Chiou HY, Health Hazards of Environmental Arsenic Poisoning: From Epidemic to Pandemic, pp. 33-49, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
- Zheng W, McLerran D, Rolland B, Zhang X, Inoue M, Matsuo K, He J, Gupta PC, Ramadas K, Tsugane S, Irie F, Tamakoshi A, Gao YT, Wang R, Shu XO, Tsuji I, Kuriyama S, Tanaka H, Satoh H, Chen CJ, Yuan JM, Yoo KY, Ahsan H, Pan WH, Gu D, Pednekar MS, Sauvaget C, Sasazuki S, Sairenchi T, Yang G, Xiang YB, Nagai M, Suzuki T, Nishino Y, You SL, Koh WP, Park SK, Chen Y, Shen CY, Thornquist M, Feng Z, Kang D, Boffetta P, Potter JD, 2011, “Association between body-mass index and risk of death in more than 1 million Asians”, N Engl J Med, 364(4), 719-729.
- See LC, Lee JS, Huseh YM, Tu MC, Chen CJ, 2011, “Association between ingested arsenic and cataracts”, editor(s): Chen CJ, Chiou HY, Health Hazards of Environmental Arsenic Poisoning: From Epidemic to Pandemic, pp. 33-49, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
- Wu MM, Chiou HY, Chen CL, Hsu LI, Lien LM, Wang CH, Hsieh YC, Wang YH, Hsueh YM, Lee TC, Cheng WF, Chen CJ, 2011, “Association of heme oxygenase-1 GT-repeat polymorphism with blood pressure phenotypes and its relevance to future cardiovascular mortality risk: an observation based on arsenic-exposed individuals”, Atherosclerosis, 219(2), 704-708. (SCIE)
- Tseng CH, Chong CK, Huseh YM, Chiou HY, Wang SL, Chen CJ, 2011, “Blackfoot disease and microcirculation abnormality”, editor(s): Chen CJ, Chiou HY, Health Hazards of Environmental Arsenic Poisoning: From Epidemic to Pandemic, pp. 95-108, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
- Lee MH, Yang HI, Jen CL, Lu SN, Yeh SH, Liu CJ, You SL, Sun CA, Wang LY, Chen WJ, Chen CJ* for the REVEAL-HCV Study Grup, 2011, “Community and personal risk factors for hepatitis C virus infection: a survey of 23,820 residents in Taiwan in 1991-2”, Gut, 60(5), 688-694. (SCIE)
- Chen CJ, Lee MH, 2011, “Early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma by multiple microRNAs: validity, efficacy and cost-effectiveness (editorial)”, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(36), 4745-4747. (SCIE)
- Yang SY, Yang TY, Chen KC, Li YJ, Hsu KH, Tsai CR, Chen CY, Hsu CP, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Tsai YH, Chen KY, Huang MS, Su WC, Chen YM, Hsiung CA, Chang GC, Yang PC, Chen CJ, 2011, “EGFR L858R mutation and polymorphisms of genes related to estrogen biosynthesis and metabolism in never-smoking female lung adenocarcinoma patients”, Clin Cancer Res, 17:2149-2158. (SCIE)
- Hsu WL, Yu KJ, Chien YC, Chiang JY, Cheng YJ, Chen JY, Liu MY, Chou SP, You SL, Hsu MM, Lou PJ, Wang CP, Hong JH, Leu YS, Tsai MH, Su MC, Tsai ST, Chao WY, Ger LP, Chen PR, Yang CS, Hildesheim A, Diehl SR, Chen CJ, 2011, “Familial tendency and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Taiwan: effects of covariates on risk”, Am J Epidemiol, 173, 292-299. (SCIE)
- Wang SL, Li WF, Chen CJ, Huang YL, Chen JW, Chang KH, Tsai LY, Chou KM, 2011, “Hypertension incidence after tap-water implementation: a 13-year follow-up study in the arseniasis-endemic area of southwestern Taiwan”, Science of the Total Environment, 409:4528-4535. (SCIE)
- Huang CY, You SL, Chen CJ, Cheng WF, Luo HC, Hsieh CY, 2011, “Incidence of cervical cancer and age-specific survival of small cell cervical carcinoma in Taiwan”, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 90(12), 1342-1349. (SCIE)
- Huang YT, Jen CL, Yang HI, Lee MH, Su J, Lu SN, Iloeje UH, Chen CJ*, REVEAL- HBV/HCV Study Group, 2011, “Lifetime risk and gender difference of hepatocellular carcinoma among patients affected with chronic hepatitis B and C”, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(27), 3643-3650. (SCIE)
- Finucane MM, Stevens GA, Cowan MJ, Danaei G, Lin JK, Paciorek CJ, Singh GM, Gutierrez HR, Lu Y, Bahalim AN, Farzadfar F, Riley LM, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group [Body Mass Index] [198 collaborators: Stevens GA, Finucane MM, Cowan M, Danaei G, Lin JK, Paciorek CJ, Singh G, Gutierrez HR, Lu Y, Bahalim AN, Farzadfar F, Riley LM, Ezzati M, Aamodt G, Abdeen Z, Abdella NA, Rahim HF, Addo J, Ali MM, Al-Nsour M, Ambady R, Aro P, Babu BV, Barbagallo CM, Barceló A, Barros H, Bautista LE, Bjerregaard P, Bonora E, Bovet P, Breckenkamp J, Broda G, Brown IJ, Bursztyn M, de León AC, Cappuccio FP, Castetbon K, Chatterji S, Chen Z, Chen CJ, Chua L, Cífková R, Cobiac LJ, Corsi AM, Craig CL, Dastgiri S, de Sereday MS, Dinc G, Dorsi E, Dragano N, Drewnowski A, Elliott P, Engeland A, Esteghamati A, Fan JG, Ferreccio G, Fornés NS, Fuchs FD, Giampaoli S, Gómez LF, Graff-Iversen S, Grant JF, Carvajal RG, Gulliford MC, Gupta R, Gupta PC, Gureje O, Heim N, Heinrich J, Hemmingsson T, Herrera VM, Ho SC, Holdsworth M, Hopman WM, Husseini A, Ikeda N, Jacobsen BK, Jafar TH, Janghorbani M, Jasienska G, Joffres MR, Jonas JB, Kalter-Leibovici O, Karalis I, Katz J, Keinan-Boker L, Kelly P, Khalilzadeh O, Khang YH, Kiechl S, Kiyohara Y, Krause MP, Kusuma YS, Langhammer A, Lee J, Lévy-Marchal C, Li Y, Li Y, Lim S, Lin CC, Lind L, Lissner L, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lorbeer R, Ma G, Ma S, Macià F, Magliano DJ, Makdisse M, Marques-Vidal P, Miccoli R, Miettola J, Miranda JJ, Mohamed MK, Mohan V, Mohanna S, Mokdad A, Morales DD, Muiesan LM, Nabipour I, Nangia V, Nemesure B, Neovius M, Nerhus KA, Nervi F, Neuhauser H, Nguyen M, Onal AE, Onat A, Oróstegui M, Ouedraogo H, Panagiotakos DB, Panza F, Park Y, Pednekar MS, Peres MA, Pérez C, Pichardo R, Phua HP, Pistelli F, Plans P, Prabhakaran D, Raitakari OT, Rampal S, Rampal L, Rasmussen F, Redon J, Revilla L, Reyes-García V, Roaeid RB, Rodriguez-Artalejo F, Rosero-Bixby L, Sachdev HS, Sánchez JR, Sanisoglu SY, Schapochnik N, Sereday MS, Serra-Majem L, Shaw J, Shiri R, Shu XO, Silva E, Simons LA, Smith M, Solfrizzi V, Sonestedt E, Stattin P, Stein AD, Stergiou GS, Stessman J, Sudo A, Sundh V, Sundquist K, Sundström J, Tobias M, Torheim LE, Tur JA, Uhernik AI, Ukoli FA, Vanderpump MP, Varo JJ, Veierød MB, Velásquez-Meléndez G, Verschuren M, Villalpando S, Vioque J, Ward M, Waspadji S, Willeit J, Woodward M, Xu L, Xu F, Yang G, Yeh LC, Yoon JS, You Q, Zheng W, Zhou M], 2011, “National, regional, and global trends in body-mass index since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 960 country-years and 9•1 million participants”, Lancet, 377(9765), 557-567. (SCIE)
- Farzadfar F, Finucane MM, Danaei G, Pelizzari PM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, Singh GM, Lin JK, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Cholesterol). (147 collaborators: Farzadfar F, Finucane MM, Danaei G, Pelizzari PM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, Singh GM, Lin JK, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Ezzati M, Salinas CA, Al Nsour M, Ali MM, Al-Nuaim AR, Ambady R, Antonio M, Azizi F, Barbagallo CM, Barbieri M, Barros H, Bautista LE, Bjerregaard P, Björkelund C, Bovet P, Brekenkamp J, Bursztyn M, de León AC, Campos H, Capuano V, Castetbon K, Chang CJ, Chen CJ, Choi JS, Chua L, Cífková R, Costanza MC, Eggertsen RW, Esteghamati A, Fan JG, Ferreccio C, Florez HJ, Fornés NS, Fowkes FG, Franceschini G, Frisk F, Giampaoli S, Gómez LF, Gomez-Zumaquero JM, Graff -Iversen S, Carvajal RG, Gupta R, Hansen TW, Hata J, He J, Herrera VM, Ho SC, Frisman GH, Ikeda N, Jaddou HY, Jafar TH, Janghorbani M, Joffres MR, Jonas JB, Kadiki OA, Karalis I, Kastarinen MJ, Katz J, Khalilzadeh O, Khang YH, Kiechl S, Kobayashi J, Kubínová R, Lam TH, Lawes CM, Lee J, Lim S, Lin HH, Lin X, Lin CC, Ma S, MacLean DR, Magliano DJ, Mannami T, Marques-Vidal P, Miettola J, Miquel JF, Miranda JJ, Mohamed MK, Mohan V, Mokdad A, Mollentze WF, Morales DD, Muiesan LM, Nabipour I, Nangia V, Nerhus KA, Neuhauser H, Oh SW, Ohkubo T, Onat A, Oróstegui M, Pan WH, Panagiotakos DB, Panza F, Passos VM, Pérez C, Pichardo R, Phua HP, Polakowska M, Rafiei M, Ramos LR, Reddy KK, Redon J, Revilla L, Roaeid RB, Ronkainen K, Roth GA, Sanisoglu SY, Sarraf-Zadegan N, Schooling CM, Schwarz B, Silva E, Simons LA, Solfrizzi V, Stein AD, Stessman J, Suka M, Swai AB, Tai ES, Thomas GN, Thorogood M, Tuomilehto JO, Unwin N, Vander Hoorn S, Vanderpump MP, Volpato S, Welin LX, Willeit J, Woodward M, Xu L, Yamamoto A, Yang X, Yeh LC, Yoon JS, You Q, Zhang J), 2011, “National, regional, and global trends in serum total cholesterol since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 321 country-years and 3•0 million participants”, Lancet, 377(9765), 578-586. (SCIE)
- Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lin JK, Singh GM, Paciorek CJ, Cowan MJ, Farzadfar F, Stevens GA, Lim SS, Riley LM, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group( Blood Pressure).(169 collaborators: Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lin JK, Singh GM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, Farzadfar F, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Ezzati M, Abdeen Z, Agyemang C, Al Nsour M, Ali MM, Ambady R, Babu BV, Barbagallo CM, Barceló A, Barreto S, Barros H, Bautista LE, Bjerregaard P, Björkelund C, Bo S, Bobak M, Bonora E, Botana MA, Bovet P, Breckenkamp J, Breteler MM, Broda G, Brown IJ, Bursztyn M, de León AC, Casiglia E, Castetbon K, Chatterji S, Chen Z, Chen CJ, Chua L, Cífková R, Cobiac LJ, Cooper RS, Dankner RS, Dong GH, Elliott P, Erem C, Esteghamati A, Fan JG, Ferreccio C, Firmo JO, Fornés NS, Fuchs FD, Getz L, Giampaoli S, Gómez LF, Graff-Iversen S, Carvajal RG, Gulliford MC, Gupta P, Gureje O, Hansen TW, He J, Heinrich J, Hennis A, Herrera VM, Ho SC, Ibrahim MM, Ikeda N, Jafar TH, Joffres MR, Jonas JB, Kamadjeu RM, Karalis I, Kastarinen MJ, Katz J, Kelly P, Khalilzadeh O, Khang YH, Kiechl S, Kim KW, Kobayashi J, Kubínová R, Kusuma YS, Lam TH, Lawes CM, Le C, Lee J, Lin X, Lin HH, Lin CC, Liu X, Lorbeer R, Ma S, Ma G, Magliano DJ, Makdisse M, Mancia G, Mbanya JC, Miettola J, Minh HV, Miranda JJ, Mohamed MK, Mohan V, Mokdad AH, Morales DD, Morgan K, Muiesan LM, Muntoni S, Nabipour I, Nangia V, Neuhauser H, Ninomiya T, Olivieri O, Onal AE, Onat A, Oróstegui M, Panagiotakos DB, Panza F, Pednekar MS, Pérez C, Pérez-Fernández R, Pichardo R, Phua HP, Plans P, Poulter N, Raitakari OT, Rampal S, Rampal L, Redon J, Revilla L, Roaeid RB, Rojas-Martinez R, Sanisoglu SY, Sans S, Schelleman H, Schneider IJ, Silva DA, Silva E, Simons LA, Smith M, Soebardi S, Solfrizzi V, Stein AD, Stergiou GS, Stessman J, Suka M, Tambs K, Tesfaye F, Thorogood M, Tilvis RS, Trenkwalder P, Tuomilehto JO, Tzourio C, Vander Hoorn S, Vanderpump MP, Verschuren M, Vioque J, Waspadji S, Wilhelmsen L, Willeit J, Woodward M, Xavier AJ, Xu L, Yang G, Yeh LC, Yoon JS, You Q, Zhou M), 2011, “National, regional, and global trends in systolic blood pressure since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 786 country-years and 5•4 million participants”, Lancet, 377(9765), 568-577. (SCIE)
- Chen HC, Schiffman M, Lin CY, Pan MH, You SL, Chuang LC, Hsieh CY, Liaw KL, Hsing AW, Chen CJ*, CBCSP-HPV Study Group, 2011, “Persistence of Type-specific Human Papillomavirus Infection and Increased Long-term Risk of Cervical Cancer”, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 103(18), 1387-1396.
- Lo YL, Hsiao CF, Jou YS, Chang GC, Tsai YH, Su WC, Chen KY, Chen YM, Huang MS, Hsieh WS, Yang PC, Chen CJ, Hsiung CA, 2011, “Polymorphisms of MLH1 and MSH2 genes and the risk of lung cancer among never smokers”, Lung Cancer, 72, 280-286. (SCIE)
- Yang HI*, Lee MH, Chen CJ,2011,〈Prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma risk in chronic hepatitis B and C: review of findings in R.E.V.E.A.L.-HBV/HCV study〉,《J Clin Hepatol》,27, 357-362。
- Chen HC, You SL, Hsieh CY, Lin CY, Pan MH, Chou YC, Liaw KL, Schiffman M, Hsing AW, Chen CJ, for CBCSP-HPV Study Group, 2011, “Prevalence of genotype-specific human papillomavirus infection and cervical neoplasia in Taiwan: a community-based survey of 10,602 women”, Int J Cancer, 128(5):1192-203. (SCIE)
- Lee MH, Yang HI, Wang CH, Chen CJ*, 2011, “Response to Letter by Lin et al Regarding Article, “Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Increased Risk of Cerebrovascular Disease””, Stroke, 42(6), E390-391. (SCIE)
- Cheng WF, Chen YL, You SL, Chen CJ, Chen YC, Hsieh CY, Chen CA*, 2011, “Risk of gynaecological malignancies in cytologically atypical gladular cells: follow-up study of a nationwide screening population”, Brit J Obstet Gynecol, 118(1), 34-41.
- Chen CJ*, Yang HI for the REACH-B Working Group, 2011, “Risk score for development of HCC: ready for use in practice? - Authors' reply”, Lancet Oncol, 12:518-519. (SCIE)
- Chen CJ, 2011, “Skin lesions: hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratosis and cancer”, editor(s): Chen CJ, Chiou HY, Health Hazards of Environmental Arsenic Poisoning: From Epidemic to Pandemic, pp. 33-49, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
- Chen CJ, 2011, “Taiwan: environmental health concerns”, editor(s): Nriagu JO, Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 5, pp. 303-311, Burlington: Elsevier.
- Chen JW, Chen HY, Li WF, Liou SH, Chen CJ, Wu JH, Wang SL, 2011, “The association between total urinary arsenic concentration and renal dysfunction in a community-based population from central Taiwan”, Chemosphere, 84(1), 17-24. (SCIE)
- Chang YJ, Chen HC, Lee BH, You SL, Lin CY, Pan MH, Chou YC, Hsieh CY,Chen YM, Chen YJ, Chen CJ, 2011, “Unique variants of human papillomavirus genotypes 52 and 58 and risk of cervical neoplasia”, Int J Cancer, 129, 965-973. (SCIE)
Hsiao, Michael
- Su JL, Cheng X, Yamaguchi H, Chang YW, Hou CF, Lee DF, Ko HW, Hua KT, Wang YN, Hsiao M, Chen PB, Hsu JM, Bast RC Jr, Hortobagyi GN, Hung MC, 2011, “FOXO3a dependent mechanism of E1A-Induced chemosensitization.”, Cancer Res, Nov. 1;71(21):6878-6887. Cite 18. (SCIE)
- Fu TY, Hou YY, Chu ST, Liu CF, Huang CH, Chen HC, Hsiao M, Lu PJ, Wang JS, Ger LP, 2011, “Manganese superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase as prognostic markers in patients with buccal mucosal squamous cell carcinomas.”, Head Neck, 33(11), 1606-1615 Cite 10.
- Yang CM, Hou YY, Chiu YT, Chen HC, Chu ST, Chi CC, Hsiao M, Lee CY, Hsieh CJ, Lin YC, Hsieh YD, Ger LP, 2011, “Interaction between tumour necrosis factor-alpha gene polymorphisms and substance use on risk of betel quid-related oral and pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in Taiwan.”, Arch Oral Biol, 56(10), 1162-1169 Cite 9. (SCIE)
- Huang JH, Lai TC, Cheng LC, Liu RS, Lee CH, Hsiao M*, Chen CH, Her LJ, Tsai DP, 2011, “Modulating cell-uptake behavior of Au-based nanomaterials via quantitative biomolecule modification”, J Mater Chem, 21, 14821-14829. Cite 4.
- Hou YY, Ou HL, Chu ST, Wu PC, Lu PJ, Chi CC, Leung KW, Lee CY, Wu PH, Hsiao M, Ger LP, 2011, “NAT2 slow acetylation haplotypes are associated with the increased risk of betel quid-related oral and pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.”, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 112(4):484-492. Cite 10.
- Parab HJ, Huang JH, Lai TC, Jan YH, Liu RS, Wang JL, Hsiao M*, Chen CH, Hwu YK, Tsai DP, Chuang SY, Pang JH, 2011, “Biocompatible transferrin-conjugated sodium hexametaphosphate-stabilized gold nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity and cellular uptake.”, Nanotechnology, 22(39), 395706. Cited 13. (SCIE)
- Chen PS, Su JL, Cha ST, Tarn WY, Wang MY, Hsu HC, Lin MT, Chu CY, Hua KT, Chen CN, Kuo TC, Chang KJ, Hsiao M, Chang YW, Chen JS, Yang PC, Kuo ML, 2011, “miR-107 promotes tumor progression by targeting the let-7 microRNA in mice and humans.”, J Clin Invest, 121(9), 3442-3455. Cited 55. (SCIE)
- Cheng PW, Lu PJ, Chen SR, Ho WY, Cheng WH, Hong LZ, Yeh TC, Sun GC, Wang LL, Hsiao M*, Tseng CJ, 2011, “Central nicotinic acetylcholine receptor involved in Ca(2+) -calmodulin-endothelial nitric oxide synthase pathway modulated hypotensive effects.”, Brit J Pharmacol, 163(6), 1203-1213. Cited 7. (SCIE)
- Chen SC, Shih CM, Tseng GC, Cheng WE, Chiou J, Hsiao M, Kuo ML, Su JL, Chen CY, 2011, “Vascular endothelial growth factor C as a predictor of early recurrence and poor prognosis of resected stage I non-small cell lung cancer”, Ann Acad Med Singapore, 40(7), 319-326 Cited 8.
- Yeh CC, Hsieh HL, Lee J, Jan YH, Lai TC, Hong CY, Hsiao M*, Kuo MY, 2011, “Polyethylenimine-mediated PUMA gene delivery to orthotopic oral cancer: Suppression of tumor growth through apoptosis induction in situ and prolonged survival.”, Head Neck, 33(6), 878-885. Cited 6.
- Kok SH, Hou KL, Hong CY, Wang JS, Liang PC, Chang CC, Hsiao M, Yang H, Lai EH, Lin SK, 2011, “Simvastatin inhibits cytokine-stimulated Cyr61 expression in osteoblastic cells: A therapeutic benefit for arthritis.”, Arthritis Rheum, 63(4), 1010-1020. Cited 13.
- Weng SY, Yang CY, Li CC, Sun TP, Tung SY, Yen JJ, Tsai TF, Chen CM, Chen SH, Hsiao M, Huang PH, Yang-Yen HF, 2011, “Synergism between p53 and Mcl-1 in protecting from hepatic injury, fibrosis and cancer.”, J Hepatol, 54(4), 685-694. Cited 9. (SCIE)
- Wang CH, Liu CJ, Chien CC, Chen HT, Hua TE, Leng WH, Chen HH, Kempson IM, Hwu YK, Hsiao M, Lai TC, Wang JL, Yang CS, Lin HM, Chen YJ, Margaritondo G, 2011, “X-ray synthesized PEGylated (polyethylene glycol coated) gold nanoparticles in mice strongly accumulate in tumors”, Mater Chem Phys, 126(1-2), 352-356. Cited 15. (SCIE)
- Liu WT, Lin CH, Hsiao M, Gean PW, 2011, “Minocycline inhibits the growth of glioma by inducing autophagy”, Autophagy, 7(2), 166-175. Cited 32. (SCIE)
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