瀏覽人次: 101




Cheng, Wei-Chieh

  • Sung, M. T. Lai, Y. T. Huang, C. Y. Chou, L. Y. Shih, H. W. Cheng, W. C. Wong, C. H. Ma, C., 2009, “Crystal structure of the membrane-bound bifunctional transglycosylase PBP1b from Escherichia coli”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 106(22), 8824-8829. (SCIE)
  • Tsou, En-Lun, Yeh, Yao-Ting, Liang, Pi-Hui, Cheng, Wei-Chieh*, 2009, “A convenient approach toward the synthesis of enantiopure isomers of DMDP and ADMDP”, Tetrahedron, 65(1), 93-100. (SCIE)
  • Shih, Hao-Wei, Guo, Chih-Wei, Lo, Kien-Hock, Huang, Min-Yang, Cheng, Wei-Chieh*, 2009, “Solution-Phase Parallel Synthesis of Novel Spirooxazolinoisoxazolines”, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 11(2), 281-287.

Juan, Li-Jung

  • Lee SB, Ou DS, Lee CF, Juan LJ, 2009, “Gene-specific transcriptional activation mediated by the p150 subunit of the chromatin assembly factor 1.”, The Journal of biological chemistry, 284(21), 14040-9. (SCIE)

Li, Tsung-Lin

  • Y. T. Huang, S. Y. Lyu, P. H. Chuang, N. S. Hsu, Y. S. Li, H. C. Chan, C. J. Huang, Y. C. Liu, C. J. Wu, W. B. Yang, T. L. Li*, 2009, “In vitro characterization of enzymes involved in the synthesis of nonproteinogenic residue (2S,3S)-b-methylphenylalanine in glycopeptide antibiotic mannopeptimycin”, CHEMBIOCHEM, 10, 2480-2487. (SCIE)
  • H. N. Huang, T. L. Li, Y. L. Chan, C. L. Chen, C. J. Wu*, 2009, “Transdermal immunization with low-pressure-gene-gun mediated chitosan-based DNA vaccines against Japanese encephalitis virus”, BIOMATERIALS, 30(30), 6017-6025. (SCIE)
  • J. Y. Cheng, H. N. Huang, W. C. Tseng, T. L. Li, Y. L. Chan, K. C. Cheng, C. J. Wu*, 2009, “Transcutaneous immunization by lipoplex-patch based DNA vaccines is effective vaccination against Japanese encephalitis virus infection”, J CONTROL RELEASE, 135, 242-249. (SCIE)
  • T. L. Li*, D. Spiteller, J. B. Spencer, 2009, “Identification of a pentaketide stilbene produced by a type III polyketide synthase from Pinus sylvestris and characterisation of free coenzyme A intermediates”, CHEMBIOCHEM, 10, 896-901. (SCIE)

Ma, Che Alex

  • Sung MT, Lai YT, Huang CY, Chou LY, Shih HW, Cheng WC, Wong CH* and Ma C*, 2009, “Crystal structure of the membrane-bound bifunctional transglycosylase PBP1b from Escherichia coli”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, 8824-8829. (SCIE)
  • Wang CC, Chen JR, Tseng YC, Hsu CH, Hung YF, Chen SW, Chen CM, Khoo KH, Cheng TJ, Cheng YSE, Jan JT, Wu CY, Ma C* and Wong CH*, 2009, “Glycans on influenza hemagglutinin affect receptor binding and immune response”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, 18137-18142. (SCIE)

Wong, Chi-Huey

  • T.-L. Hsu, S.-C. Cheng, W.-B. Yang, S.-W. Chin, S.-L. Hsieh, C.-H. Wong, 2009, “Profiling Carbohydrate-Receptor Interaction with Recombinant Innate Immunity Receptor-Fc Fusion Proteins”, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 284(50), 34479-34489. (SCIE)
  • C.-H. Wong and P.G. Wang, 2009, Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology, Vol. 6: Carbohydrates, Nucleosides and Nucleic Acids, 759 pages, Missouri, USA: Elsevier.
  • L. Motiei, S. Rahimipour, D.A. Thayer, C.-H. Wong, M.R. Ghadiri, 2009, “Antibacterial cyclic D,L-alpha-glycopeptides.”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 7(25), 3693-3695. (SCIE)
  • J. C. Lewis, S. Bastian, C. S. Bennett, Y. Fu, Y. Mitsuda, M. M. Chen, W. A. Greenberg, C.-H. Wong, and F. H. Arnold, 2009, “Chemoenzymatic Elaboration of Monosaccharides Using Engineered Cytochrome P450BM3 Demethylases”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 106(39), 16550-16555. (SCIE)
  • Z. Hong, L. Liu, M. Sugiyama, Y. Fu, C.-H. Wong, 2009, “Concise synthesis of iminocyclitols via Petasis-type aminocyclization.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(24), 8352-8653. (SCIE)
  • M.-T. Sung, Y.-T. Lai, C.-Y. Huang, L.-Y. Chou, H.-W. Shih, W.-C. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, C. Ma, 2009, “Crystal structure of the membrane-bound bifunctional transglycosylase PBP1b from Escherichia coli.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(22), 8824-8829. (SCIE)
  • C.-H. Wong, 2009, “Enzymes for Glycoprotein Synthesis”, CHIMIA, 63(6), 318-326. (SCIE)
  • C.-C. Wang, J.-R. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, C.-H. Hsu, Y.-F. Hung, S.-W. Chen, C.-M. Chen, K.-H. Khoo, T.-J. Cheng, Y.-S. E. Cheng, J.-T. Jan, C.-Y. Wu, C. Ma, and C.-H. Wong, 2009, “Glycans on influenza hemagglutinin affect receptor binding and immune response”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 106(43), 18137-18142. (SCIE)
  • S.-Y. Wang, C.-Y. Su, M. Lin, S.-Y. Huang, W.-I. Huang, C.-C. Wang, Y.-T. Wu, T.-J. R. Cheng, H.-M. Yu, C.-T. Ren, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, Y.-S. E. Cheng, 2009, “HA-pseudotyped retroviral vectors for influenza antagonist screening.”, Journal of biomolecular screening : the official journal of the Society for Biomolecular Screening, 14(3), 294-302.
  • C.-H. Liang, C.-C. Wang, Y.-C. Lin, C.-H. Chen, C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, 2009, “Iron Oxide/Gold Core/Shell Nanoparticles for Ultrasensitive Detection of Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions”, ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 81(18), 7750-7756. (SCIE)
  • C.-Y. Wu, P.-H. Liang and C.-H. Wong, 2009, “New development of glycan arrays”, ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, 7(11), 2247-2254. (SCIE)
  • A. Schiefner, M. Fujio, D. Wu, C.-H. Wong and I. A. Wilson, 2009, “Structural Evaluation of Potent NKT Cell Agonists: Implications for Design of Novel Stimulatory Ligands”, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 394(1), 71-82. (SCIE)
  • W.-H. Wen, M. Lin, C.-Y. Su, S.-Y. Wang, Y.-S. E. Cheng, J.-M. Fang and C.-H. Wong, 2009, “Synergistic effect of zanamivir-porphyrin conjugates on inhibition of neuraminidase and inactivation of influenza virus.”, Journal of medicinal chemistry, 52(15), 4903-4910. (SCIE)
  • S. R. Hanson, E. K. Culyba, T. L. Hsu, C.-H. Wong, J. W. Kelly, E. T. Powers, 2009, “The core trisaccharide of an N-linked glycoprotein intrinsically accelerates folding and enhances stability”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(9), 3131-3136. (SCIE)
  • M.-H. Chuang, S.-H. Chiou, C.-H. Huang, W.-B. Yang and C.-H. Wong, 2009, “The lifespan-promoting effect of acetic acid and Reishi polysaccharide”, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 17(22), 7831-7840. (SCIE)

Wu, Chung-Yi

  • Liang C-H, Wu,C-Y*, 2009, “Glycan Array: A Powerful Tool for Glycomics Studies”, Expert Review of Proteomics, 6(6), 631-645. (SCIE)
  • Wang, C.-C.; Chen, J.-R.; Tseng, Y.-C.; Hsu, C.-H.; Hung, Y.-F.; Chen, S.-W.; Chen, C.-M.; Khoo, K.-H.; Cheng, T.-J.; Cheng, Y.-S.; Jan, J.-T.; Wu, C-Y., Ma, A.C.*; Wong, C-H*, 2009, “Glycans on influenza hemagglutinin affect receptor binding and immune response ”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 106(43), 18137-18142. (SCIE)
  • Chi-Hui Linag,Cheng-Chi Wang,Yu-Chen Lin,Chung-Hsuan Chen,Chi-Huey Wong*,Chung-Yi Wu*, 2009, “Iron Oxide/Gold Core/Shell Nanoparticle for Ultrasensitive Detection of Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions”, Analytical Chemistry, 81, 7750-7756. (SCIE)
  • Chung-Yi Wu*, Pi-Hui Liang*, Chi-Huey Wong*, 2009, “New development of glycan arrays”, ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, 7(11), 2247-2254. (SCIE)
  • Wang, S. Y.; Su, C. Y.; Lin, M.; Huang, S. Y.; Huang, W. I.; Wang, C. C.; Wu, Y. T.; Cheng, T. J. R.; Yu, H. M.; Ren, C. T.; Chung-Yi Wu.; Wong, C. H.; Cheng, Y. S. E.*, 2009, “HA-pseudotyped retroviral vector for influenza antagonist screening.”, Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 14(3), 294-302.

Yang, An-Suei

  • Hung-Ju Chang, Hung-Ju Hsu, Chi-Fon Chang, Hung-Pin Peng, Yi-Kun Sun, Hui-Ming Yu, Hsi-Chang Shih, Chun-Ying Song, Yi-Ting Lin, Chu-Chun Chen, Chia-Hung Wang, An-Suei Yang*., 2009, “Molecular Evolution of Cystine-Stabilized Miniproteins as Stable Proteinaceous Binders”, STRUCTURE, 17, 620-631. (SCIE)