Wong, Chi-Huey
- A. Brik, J. Alexandratos, Y. C. Lin, J. H. Elder, A. J. Olson, A. Wlodawer, D. S. Goodsell and C. H. Wong, 2005, “1,2,3-triazole as a peptide surrogate in the rapid synthesis of HIV-1 protease inhibitors”, Chembiochem, 6, 1167-1169. (SCIE)
- H. N. Yu, D. A. Thayer, M. C. Galan and C. H. Wong, 2005, “A general strategy toward S-linked glycopeptides”, Angewandte chemie-international edition, 44, 4596-4599. (SCIE)
- T. J. Tolbert, D. Franke and C. H. Wong, 2005, “A new strategy for glycoprotein synthesis: ligation of synthetic glycopeptides with truncated proteins expressed in E. coli as TEV protease cleavable fusion protein”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 13, 909-915. (SCIE)
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- D. Wu, G. W. Xing, M. A. Poles, A. Horowitz, Y. Kinjo, B. Sullivan, V. Bodmer Narkevitch, O. Plettenburg, M. Kronenberg, M. Tsuji, D. D. Ho and C. H. Wong, 2005, “Bacterial glycolipids and analogs as antigens for CD1d-restricted NKT cells”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 102, 1351-1356. (SCIE)
- C. C. Hsu, Y. Zhang, M. Wada, D. Franke and C. H. Wong, 2005, “Directed evolution of D-sialic acid aldolase L-3-deoxy-manno-2-octulosonic acid (L-KDO) aldolases”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 102, 9122–9126. (SCIE)
- C.-C. Hsu, Y. Zhang, M. Wada, D. Franke, C.-H. Wong, 2005, “Directed evolution of d-sialic acid aldolase l-3-deoxy-manno-2-octulosonic acid (l-KDO) aldolases”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 102, 9122-9126. (SCIE)
- J. J. Shie, J. M. Fang, C. J. Kuo, T. H. Kuo, P. H. Liang, H. J. Huang, W. B. Yang, C. H. Lin, J. L. Chen, Y. T. Wu and C. H. Wong, 2005, “Discovery of potent anilide inhibitors against the severe acute respiratory syndrome 3CL protease”, J Med Chem, 48, 4469-4473. (SCIE)
- D. A. Calarese, H. K. Lee, C. Y. Huang, M. D. Best, R. D. Astronomo, R. L. Stanfield, H. Katinger, D. R. Burton, C. H. Wong and I. A. Wilson, 2005, “Dissection of the carbohydrate specificity of the broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibody 2G12”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 102, 13372–13377. (SCIE)
- M. Fridman, V. Belakhov, L. V. Lee, F. S. Liang, C. H. Wong and T. Baasov, 2005, “Dual effect of synthetic aminoglycosides: antibacterial activity against Bacillus anthracis and inhibition of anthrax lethal factor”, Angewandte chemie-international edition, 44, 447-452. (SCIE)
- A.R. Sawkar, S.L. Adamski-Werner, W.-C. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, E. Beutler, K.-P. Zimmer, J.W. Kelly, 2005, “Gaucher disease-associated glucocerebrosidases show mutation-dependent chemical chaperoning profiles”, Chem. Biol, 12(11), 1235–1244.
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- M. M. Numa, L. V. Lee, C. C. Hsu, K. E. Bower and C. H. Wong, 2005, “Identification of novel anthrax lethal factor inhibitors generated by combinatorial Pictet-Spengler reaction followed by screening in situ”, Chembiochem, 6, 1002-1006. (SCIE)
- J. J. Shie, J. M. Fang, T. H. Kuo, C. J. Kuo, P. H. Liang, H. J. Huang, Y. T. Wu, J. T. Jan, Y. S.E. Cheng and C. H. Wong, 2005, “Inhibition of the severe acute respiratory syndrome 3CL protease by peptidomimetic alpha,beta-unsaturated esters.”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 13, 5240–5252. (SCIE)
- C. H. Wong, 2005, “Protein glycosylation: new challenges and opportunities”, J Org Chem, 70, 4219-4225. (SCIE)
- Sinchaikul, S., Pan, F. M., Cheng, C. W., Wong, C. H., Fang, J. M., Tseng, M. J. and Chen, S. T., 2005, “Protein microarray using alpha-amino acids as metal tags on chips.”, Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 15(5), 1413-1416. (SCIE)
- Y. Kinjo, D. Wu, G. Kim, G. W. Xing, M. A. Poles, D. D. Ho, M. Tsuji, K. Kawahara, C. H. Wong and M. Kronenberg, 2005, “Recognition of bacterial glycosphingolipids by natural killer T cells”, Nature, 434, 520-525. (SCIE)
- S. H. Wei, H. Rosen, M. P. Matheu, M. G. Sanna, S. K. Wang, E. Jo, C. H. Wong, I. Parker and M. D. Cahalan, 2005, “Sphingosine 1-phosphate type 1 receptor agonism inhibits transendothelial migration of medullary T cells to lymphatic sinuses”, Nat Immunol, 6, 1228-1235. (SCIE)
- Zajonc DM, Maricic I, Wu D, Halder R, Roy K, Wong CH, Kumar V, Wilson IA, 2005, “Structural basis for CD1d presentation of a sulfatide derived from myelin and its implications for autoimmunity.”, The Journal of experimental medicine, 202(11), 1517-26. (SCIE)
- G. W. Xing, D. Wu, M. A. Poles, A. Horowitz, M. Tsuji, D. D. Ho, C. H. Wong, 2005, “Synthesis and human NKT cell stimulating properties of 3-O-sulfo-alpha/beta-galactosylceramides”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 13, 2907-2916. (SCIE)
- G. T. Fan, Y. S. Pan. K. C. Lu, Y. P. Cheng, W. C. Lin, S. Lin, S. H. Lin, C. H. Wong, J. M. Fang and C. C. Lin, 2005, “Synthesis of ?galactosyl ceramide and the related glycolipids for evaluation of their activities on mouse splenocytes”, Tetrahedron, 61, 1855-1862. (SCIE)
- G. T. Fan, Y. S. Pan. K. C. Lu, Y. P. Cheng, W. C. Lin, S. Lin, S. H. Lin, C. H. Wong, J. M. Fang and C. C. Lin Wong, C. H., Fang, J. M. and C. C. Lin , 2005, “Synthesis of alpha-galactosyl ceramide and the related glycolipids for evaluation of their activities on mouse splenocytes.”, Tetrahedron, 61, 1855-1862. (SCIE)
- Brik, A., Wu, C. Y., Best, M. D. and Wong, C. H., 2005, “Tetrabutylammonium fluoride-assisted rapid N(9)-alkylation on purine ring: Application to combinatorial reactions in microtiter plates for the discovery of potent sulfotransferase inhibitors in situ.”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 13(15), 4622-4626. (SCIE)
- C. Y. Wu, A. Brik, S. K. Wang, Y. H. Chen and C. H. Wong, 2005, “Tetrabutylammonium fluoride-mediated rapid alkylation reaction in microtiter plates for the discovery of enzyme inhibitors in situ”, Chembiochem, 6, 2176-2180. (SCIE)