瀏覽人次: 418


化學生物學研究領域 2022

Chen, Yun-Ru Ruby

  • Jin-Lin Wu, Tung-Hung Su, Pei-Jer Chen, and Yun-Ru Chen*, 2022, “Acute‑phase serum amyloid A for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients with low AFP level”, Scientific Reports, 12, 5799. (SCIE)
  • Yuh Shen Lye and Yun-Ru Chen*, 2022, “TAR DNA-binding protein 43 oligomers in physiology and pathology”, IUBMB LIFE, 2022, 1-18. (SCIE)

Cheng, Wei-Chieh

  • Guo CW, Chen KT, You TY, Lin CC, Cheng WC, 2022, “Synthesis and Evaluation of Diverse N-Substituted Disaccharide Dipeptides for Human NOD2 Stimulation Activity.”, Chemistry, an Asian journal, 17(4), e202101169. (SCIE) (IF:  ;  )

Hung, Shang-Cheng

  • Byung-sun Jeon, Teng-Yi Huang, Mark W. Ruszczycky, Sei-hyun Choi, Namho Kim, Joseph Livy Franklin, Shang-Cheng Hung*, Hung-wen Liu*, 2022, “Byproduct formation during the biosynthesis of spinosyn A and evidence for an enzymatic interplay to prevent its formation”, TETRAHEDRON, 103, 132569. (SCIE)

Li, Tsung-Lin

  • C. C. Liaw, I. W. Lo, Y. C. Lin, H. T. Huang, L. J. Zhang, P. C. Hsiao, T. L. Li,* Y. H. Kuo*, 2022, “Four cucurbitane glycosides taimordisins A–D with novel furopyranone skeletons isolated from the fruits of Momordica charantia”, FOOD CHEMISTRY: X, 14, 100286. (SCIE)
  • Y. C. Pan, Y. L. Wang, S. I. Toh, N. S. Hsu, K. H. Lin, Z. Xu, S. C. Huang, T. K. Wu, T. L. Li, C. Y. Chang*, 2022, “Dual-mechanism confers self-resistance to the antituberculosis antibiotic capreomycin”, ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, 17(1), 138-146. (SCIE)
  • B. R. Chen, W. M. Li, T. L. Li , Y. L. Chan, C. J. Wu*, 2022, “Fucoidan from Sargassum hemiphyllum inhibits infection and inflammation of Helicobacter pylori”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(1), 429. (SCIE)
  • R. Rattinam, R. S. Basha, Y. L. Wang, Z. C. Wang, N. S. Hsu, K. H. Lin, S. Malek Zadeh, K. Adhikari, J. P. Lin, T. L. Li*, 2022, “KasQ an epimerase primes the biosynthesis of aminoglycoside antibiotic kasugamycin and KasF/H acetyltransferases inactivate its activity”, BIOMEDICINES, 10(2), 212. (SCIE)
  • M. H. Chen, Y. S. Li, N. S. Hsu, K. H. Lin, Y. L. Wang, Z. C. Wang, C. F. Chang, J. P. Lin, C. Y. Chang, T. L. Li*, 2022, “Structural and mechanistic bases for StnK3 and its mutants-mediated Lewis-acid-dependent epimerization and retro aldol reactions”, ACS CATALYSIS, 12, 1945-1956. (SCIE)

Ma, Che Alex

  • HY Huang, HY Liao, X Chen, SW Wang, CW Cheng, M Shahed-Al-Mahmud, YM Liu, A Mohapatra, TH Chen¬¬, JM Lo, YM Wu, HH Ma, YH Chang, HY Tsai, YC Chou, YP Hsueh, CY Tsai, PY Huang, SY Chang, TL Chao, HC Kao, YM Tsai, YH Chen, CY Wu, JT Jan, TJR Cheng, KI Lin*, C Ma* and CH Wong*, 2022, “Vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein lacking glycan shields elicits enhanced protective responses in animal models”, SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 14, eabm0899. (SCIE)
  • CY Wu, CW Cheng, CC Kung, KS Liao, JT Jan, C Ma and CH Wong*, 2022, “Glycosite-deleted mRNA of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a broad-spectrum vaccine”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 119, e2019995119. (SCIE)
  • T Yong, KK Chang, YS Wang and C Ma*, 2022, “Active humoral response reverts tumorigenicity through disruption of key signaling pathway”, Vaccines, 10, 163. (SCIE)
  • KYA Huang, D Zhou, TK Tan, C Chen, HME Duyvesteyn, Y Zhao, HM Ginn, L Qin, P Rijal, L Schimanski, R Donat, A Harding, J Gilbert-Jaramillo, W James, JA Tree, K Buttigieg, M Carroll, S Charlton, CE Lien, MY Lin, CP Chen, SH Cheng, X Chen, TY Lin, EE Fry, J Ren, C Ma, AR Townsend, DI Stuart, 2022, “Structures and therapeutic potential of anti-RBD human monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2”, THERANOSTICS, 12, 1-17. (SCIE)

Wong, Chi-Huey

  • C.-Y. Wu, C.-W. Cheng, C.-C. Kung, K.-S. Liao, J.-T. Jan, C. Ma, C.-H. Wong, 2022, “Glycosite-deleted mRNA of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a broad-spectrum vaccine.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(9), e2119995119. (SCIE)
  • C.-Y. Chen, Y.-W. Lin, S.-W. Wang, Y.-C. Lin, Y.-Y. Cheng, C.-T. Ren, C.-H. Wong, and C.-Y. Wu, 2022, “Synthesis of Azido-Globo H Analogs for Immunogenicity Evaluation.”, ACS central science, 8(1), 77-85. (SCIE)
  • H.-Y. Huang, H.-Y. Liao, X. Chen, C.-W. Cheng, S.-W. Wang, M. Shahed-Al-Mahmud, T.-H. Chen, J. M. Lo, Y.-M. Liu, H.-H. Ma, Y.-H. Chang, C.-Y. Tsai, P.-Y. Huang, S.-Y. Chang, T.-L. Chao, H.-C. Kao, Y.-M. Tsai, Y.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Chen, K.-C. Lee, C.-Y. Wu, J.-T. Jan, K.-I. Lin, T.-J. R. Cheng, C. Ma, and C.-H. Wong, 2022, “Vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein lacking glycan shields elicits enhanced protective responses in animal models.”, Science translational medicine, 14(639), eabm0899. (SCIE)