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Medical Biology Division
Hsiao, Michael
- Liu HW, Su YK, Bamodu OA, Hueng DY, Lee WH, Huang CC, Deng L, Hsiao M, Chien MH, Yeh CT, Lin CM, 2018, “The disruption of the β-catenin/TCF-1/Stat3 signaling axis by 4-Acetylantroquinonol B inhibits the tumorigenesis and cancer stem cell-like properties of glioblastoma cells, in vitro and in vivo”, Cancers, 10(12), 491. (SCIE)
- Kuo WY, Hsu HJ, Wu CY, Chen HS, Chou YC, Tsou YL, Peng HP, Jian JW, Yu CM, Chiu YK, Chen IC, Tung CP, Hsiao M, Lin CL, Wang YA, Wang AH, Yang AS, 2018, “Antibody-drug conjugates with HER2-targeting antibodies from synthetic antibody libraries are highly potent against HER2-positive human gastric tumor in xenograft models.”, mAbs, 11(1),153-165. (SCIE)
- Shu CW, Tzeng YD, Li JY, Liu PF, Kuo SY, Liu LF, Hsieh CW, Lee CH, Wu CH, Hsiao M, Chang HT, 2018, “Kinome-wide siRNA screening identifies Src-enhanced resistance of chemotherapeutic drugs in triple-negative breast cancer cells”, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Nov 9;9:1285. (SCIE)
- Hung WY, Chang JH, Cheng Y, Chen CK, Chen JQ, Hua KT, Cheng CW, Hsiao M, Chung CL, Lee WJ, Chien MH, 2018, “Leukocyte Cell-Derived Chemotaxin 2 Retards Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Progression Through Antagonizing MET and EGFR Activities.”, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 51(1), 337-355.
- Chuang HH, Huang MS, Wang PH, Liu YP, Hsiao M, Yang CJ, 2018, “Pin1 Is involved in HDAC6-mediated cancer cell motility”, International Journal of Medical Sciences, 15(13), 1573-1581. (SCIE)
- Chien MH, Lee WJ, Yang YC, Tan P, Pan KF, Liu YC, Tsai HC, Hsu CH, Wen YC, Hsiao M, Hua KT, 2018, “N-α-acetyltransferase 10 protein promotes metastasis by stabilizing matrix metalloproteinase-2 protein in human osteosarcomas”, Cancer Letters, 433, 86-98. (SCIE)
- Wu SY, Huang YJ, Tseng YM, Huang CY, Hsiao M, Wu AT, Huang TH, 2018, “Destruxin B suppresses drug-resistant colon tumorigenesis and stemness is associated with the upregulation of miR-214 and downregulation of mTOR/β-catenin pathway”, Cancers, 10(10), 353. (SCIE)
- Bamodu OA, Yang CK, Tzeng DT, Kuo KT, Huang CC, Deng L, Hsiao M, Lee WH, Yeh CT, 2018, “4-Acetyl-antroquinonol B suppresses SOD2-enhanced cancer stem cell-like phenotypes and chemoresistance of colorectal cancer cells by inducing hsa-miR-324 re-expression”, Cancers, 10(8), 269. (SCIE)
- Wang PS, Chou CH, Lin CH, Yao YC, Cheng HC, Li HY, Ger LP, Chen YC, Lin FC, Hsiao M*, Lu PJ, 2018, “A novel long non-coding RNA linc-ZNF469-3 promotes lung metastasis through miR-574-5p-ZEB1 axis in triple negative breast cancer”, Oncogene, 37(34), 4662-4678, Cite 14. (SCIE)
- Chang JH, Cheng CW, Yang YC, Chen WS, Hung WY, Chow JM, Chen PS, Hsiao M, Lee WJ, Chien MH, 2018, “Downregulating CD26/DPPIV by apigenin modulates the interplay between Akt and Snail/Slug signaling to restrain metastasis of lung cancer with multiple EGFR statuses.”, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 37(1), 199. (SCIE)
- Kuo KT; Huang WC, Bamodu OA, Lee WH, Wang CH, Hsiao M, Wang LS, Yeh CT, 2018, “Histone demethylase JARID1B/KDM5B promotes aggressiveness of non-small cell lung cancer and serves as a good prognostic predictor”, Clinical Epigentics, Aug 9;10(1), 107.
- Chang YC, Yang YC, Tien CP, Yang CJ, Hsiao M*, 2018, “Roles of aldolase family genes in human cancers and diseases”, Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Aug;29(8), 549-559, Cite 10. (SCIE)
- Huang SP, Chiou J, Jan YH, Lai TC, Yu YL, Hsiao M*, Lin YF, 2018, “Over-expression of lysyl oxidase is associated with poor prognosis and response to therapy of patients with lower grade gliomas”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 501(3), 619, 627. (SCIE)
- Yang YC, Chien MH, Liu HY, Chang YC, Chen CK, Lee WJ, Kuo TC, Hsiao M, Hua KT, Cheng TY, 2018, “Nuclear translocation of PKM2/AMPK complex sustains cancer stem cell populations under glucose restriction stress.”, Cancer Letters, May 1;421, 28-40. (SCIE)
- Liu M, Bamodu OA, Kuo KT, Lee WH, Lin YK, Wu ATH, M Hsiao, Tzeng YM, Yeh CT, Tsai JT, 2018, “Downregulation of cancer stemness by novel diterpenoid ovatodiolide inhibits hepatic cancer stem cell-like traits by repressing wnt/b-catenin signaling”, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 46(4), 891-910. (SCIE)
- Lin TC, Huang KW, Liu CW, Chang YC, Lin WM, Yang TY, Hsiao M*, 2018, “Leptin signaling axis associates with clinical prognosis and is multifunctional in regulating cancer progression”, Oncotarget, 9(24), 17210-17219.
- Cheng TY, Yang YC, Wang HP, Tien YW, Shun CT, Huang HY, Hsiao M, Hua KT, 2018, “Pyruvate kinase M2 promotes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma invasion and metastasis through phosphorylation and stabilization of PAK2 protein.”, Oncogene, 37(13), 1730-1742. (SCIE)
- Wu CH, Lan CH, Wu KL, Wu YM, Jane WN, Hsiao M, Wu HC, 2018, “Hepatocellular carcinoma-targeted nanoparticles for cancer therapy”, International Journal of Oncology, 52(2), 389-401. (SCIE)
- Chan MH, Pan YT, Chan YC, Hsiao M*, Chen CH, Sun L, Liu RS, 2018, “Nanobubble-embedded inorganic 808 nm excited-upconversion nanocomposites for tumorous multiple imaging and treatment”, Chemical Science, Feb 9; 9(12), 3141-3151, Cite 20. (SCIE)
- Chan YC, Chan MH, Chen C, Liu RS, Hsiao M*, Tsai DP, 2018, “Near-Infrared-Activated Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer-Based Nanocomposite to Sense MMP2-Overexpressing Oral Cancer Cells”, ACS Omega, 3(2), 1627-1634. (SCIE)
- Chan MH, Chen SP, Chen CW, Chan YC, Lin RJ, Tsai DP, Hsiao M*, Chung RJ, Chen X, Liu RS, 2018, “Single 808 nm laser treatment comprising photothermal and photodynamic therapies by using gold nanorod hybrid upconversion particles”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(4), 2402-2412. (SCIE)
Hsieh, Shie-Liang
- Liao TL, Huang YL, Chen YM, Lee HC, Chen DY, Hsieh SL*, 2018, “Association of C-type lectin 18 levels with extrahepatic manifestations in chronic HCV infection”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 8(1), 17287. (SCIE)
- Tsai TY, Peng CY, Yang HI, Huang YL, Tao MH, Yuan SS, Lai HC, Hsieh SL*, 2018, “The human C-type lectin 18 is a potential biomarker in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection.”, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE, 25(1), 59. (SCIE)
- Tsai HW, Huang MT, Wang PH, Huang BS, Chen YJ, Hsieh SL*., 2018, “Decoy receptor 3 promotes cell adhesion and enhances endometriosis development”, JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, 244(2), 189-202. (SCIE)
Hwang-Verslues, Wendy W.
- Yu, C.-W., Cheng, K.-C., Chen, L.-C., Lin, M.-X., Chang, Y.-C., Hwang-Verslues, W.W.*, 2018, “Pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and CCL2 suppress expression of circadian gene Period2 in mammary epithelial cells”, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS, 1861(11), 1007-1017. (SCIE)
- Fattah Fararjeh-Salah Abdul, Tu Shih-Hsin, Chen Li-Ching, Liu Yun-Ru, Lin Yen-Kuang, Chang Hang-Lung, Chang Hui-Wen, Wu Chih-Hsiung, Verslues Wendy-Hwang, Ho Yuan-Soon, 2018, “The Impact of the effectiveness of GATA3 as a prognostic factor in breast cancer”, Human Pathology, 80, 219-230. (SCIE)
- Wu YW, Hsu KC, Lee HY, Huang TC, Lin TE, Chen YL, Sung TY, Liou JP, Hwang-Verslues WW, Pan SL, Huang-Fu WC,, 2018, “A novel dual HDAC6 and tubulin inhibitor, MPT0B451, displays anti-tumor ability in human cancer cells in vitro and in vivo”, FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY, 9, 205. (SCIE)
Lee, Wen-Hwa
- Chen YL, Hu CM, Hsu JT, Chang CC, Huang TY, Chiang PH, Chen WY, Chang YT, Chang MC, Tien YW, Lee EY, Jeng YM, Lee WH, 2018, “Cellular 5-hydroxylmethylcytosine content determines tumorigenic potential and prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.”, American journal of cancer research, 8(12), 2548-2563. (SCIE)
Lin, Kuo-I
- Ko, Y.-A., Chan, Y.-H., Liu, C.-H., Liang, J.-J., Chuang, T.-H., Hsueh, Y.-P., Lin, Y.-L., and Lin, K.-I*, 2018, “Blimp-1-mediated pathway promotes Type I IFN production in plasmacytoid dendritic cells by targeting to Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase M”, Frontiers in Immunology, 9, 1828. (SCIE)
- Tsai, M.-S., Chiang, M.-T., Tsai, D.-L., Yang, C.-W., Hou, H.-S., Li, Y.-R., Chang, P.-C., Lin, H.-H., Chen, H.-Y., Hwang, I.-S., Wei, P.-K., Hsu, C.-P., Lin, K.-I, Liu, F.-T., and Chau, L.-Y, 2018, “Galectin-1 restricts vascular smooth muscle cell motility via modulating adhesion force and focal adhesion dynamics”, Scientific Reports, 8(1), 11497. (SCIE)
- Hung, K.-H., Woo, Y. H., Lin, I-Y., Liu, C.-H., Wang, L.-C., Chen, H.-Y., Chiang, B.-L., and Lin, K.-I*, 2018, “The KDM4A/KDM4C/NF-κB and WDR5 epigenetic cascade regulates the activation of B cells”, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 46(11), 5547-5560. (SCIE)
Lu, Joyce Jean
- Chang HC, Huang PH, Syu FS, Hsieh CH, Chang SL, Lu J*, Chen HC*, 2018, “Critical involvement of atypical chemokine receptor CXCR7 in allergic airway inflammation.”, Immunology, 154(2), 274-284. (SCIE)
- Liu SM, Lin CH, Lu J, Lin IY, Tsai MS, Chen MH, Ma N, 2018, “miR-596 Modulates Melanoma Growth by Regulating Cell Survival and Death.”, The Journal of investigative dermatology, 138(4), 911-921. (SCIE)
Shen, Chia-Ning
- Chuang, T.J., Chen, Y.J., Chen, C.Y., Mai, T.L., Wang, Y.D., Yeh, C.S., Yang, M.Y., Hsiao, Y.T., Chang, T.H., Kuo, H.C., Cho, H.H., Shen, C.N., Kuo, H.C., Lu, M.Y., Chen, Y.H., Hsieh, S.C, Chiang, T.W.,, 2018, “Integrative transcriptome sequencing reveals extensive alternative trans-splicing and cis-backsplicing in human cells”, Nucleic Acids Research, 46(7), 3671-3691. (SCIE)
- T.L. Chen, Y.W. Lin, Y.B. Chen, J.J. Lin, T.L. Su, C.N. Shen*, T.C. Lee*, 2018, “A low-toxicity DNA-alkylating N-mustard-quinoline conjugate with preferential sequence specificity exerts potent antitumor activity against colorectal cancer”, Neoplasia, 20(2), 119-130. (SCIE)
- S.C.Tang, L. Baeyens, C.N. Shen, S.J. Peng, H.J. Chien, D.W. Scheel, C.E. Chamberlain, M.S.German., 2018, “Human pancreatic neuro-insular network in health and fatty infiltration.”, Diabetologia, 61(1), 168-181. (SCIE)
- S.C.Tang, C.N. Shen*, P.Y. Lin, S.J. Peng, H.J. Chien, Y.H. Chou, C.E. Chamberlain, P.J. Pasricha., 2018, “Pancreatic neuro-insular network in young mice revealed by 3D panoramic histology.”, Diabetologia, 61(10), 158-167. (SCIE)
Yang, Hwai-I
- Tsai TY, Peng CY, Yang HI, Huang YL, Tao MH, Yuan SS, Lai HC, Hsieh SL, 2018, “The human C-type lectin 18 is a potential biomarker in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection.”, Journal of biomedical science, 25,59. (SCIE)
- Lin YJ, Chang CL, Chen LC, Hu HH, Liu J, Korenaga M, Huang YH, Jen CL, Su CY, Nishida N, Sugiyama M, Lu SN, Wang LY, Yuan Y, L'Italien G, Yang HI, Mizokami M, Chen CJ, Lee MH, 2018, “A Glycomarker for Short-term Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Longitudinal Study With Serial Measurements.”, Clinical and translational gastroenterology, 9(9), 183. (SCIE)
- Shih S, Huang YT, Yang HI, 2018, “A multiple mediator analysis approach to quantify the effects of the ADH1B and ALDH2 genes on hepatocellular carcinoma risk.”, Genetic epidemiology, 42(2), 394-404. (SCIE)
- Chu YJ, Yang HI, Wu HC, Lee MH, Liu J, Wang LY, Lu SN, Jen CL, You SL, Santella RM, Chen CJ, 2018, “Aflatoxin B1 exposure increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with hepatitis C virus infection or alcohol consumption.”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 94, 37-46. (SCIE)
- O'Brien TR, Yang HI, Groover S, Jeng WJ, 2018, “Genetic Factors That Affect Spontaneous Clearance of Hepatitis C or B Virus, Response to Treatment, and Disease Progression.”, Gastroenterology, 156(2):400-417. (SCIE)
- Polaris Observatory Collaborators, 2018, “Global prevalence, treatment, and prevention of hepatitis B virus infection in 2016: a modelling study.”, The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 3(6), 383-403. (SCIE)