View count: 107

Chemical Biology Division



Chen, Yun-Ru Ruby

  • Chun-Lun Ni, Hoi-Ping Shi, Kuo-Ging Lin, Hui-Ming Yu, and Yun-Ru Chen*, 2011, “Folding Stability of Amyloid-beta 40 Monomer is an Important Determinant of the Nucleation Phase in Fibrillization”, Faseb Journal, 25(4),1390-1401. (SCIE)
  • Wei-Ting Chen, Yi-Hung Liao, Hui-Ming Yu, Irene H. Cheng, and Yun-Ru Chen*, 2011, “Distinct Effects of Zn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, and Al3+ on Amyloid-beta Stability, Oligomerization, and Aggregation: Amyloid-beta Destabilization Promotes Annular Protofibril Formation”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(11), 9646-9656. (SCIE)

Cheng, Wei-Chieh

  • Shih HW, Chen KT, Cheng TJ, Wong CH, Cheng WC, 2011, “A New Synthetic Approach toward Bacterial Transglycosylase Substrates, Lipid II and Lipid IV.”, Org. Lett., 13(17), 4600-4603. (SCIE)
  • Chang YF, Guo CW, Chan TH, Pan YW, Tsou EL, Cheng WC, 2011, “Parallel synthesis of natural product-like polyhydroxylated pyrrolidine and piperidine alkaloids.”, Molecular diversity, 15(1), 203-214. (SCIE)
  • Meng FC, Chen KT, Huang LY, Shih HW, Chang HH, Nien FY, Liang PH, Cheng TJ, Wong CH, Cheng WC, 2011, “Total Synthesis of Polyprenyl N-Glycolyl Lipid II as a Mycobacterial Transglycosylase Substrate.”, Org. Lett., 13(19), 5306-5309. (SCIE)

Hung, Shang-Cheng

  • Hsu, C.-H.; Hung, S.-C.; Wu, C.-Y.; Wong, C.-H., 2011, “Toward Automatic Oligosaccharide Synthesis”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 50(50), 11872-11923. (SCIE)
  • Chung, C.-C.; Zulueta, M. M. L.; Padiyar, L. T.; Hung, S.-C., 2011, “Desymmetrization of 2,4,5,6-Tetra-O-benzyl-D-myo-inositol for the Synthesis of Mycothiol”, Org. Lett., 13, 5496–5499. (SCIE)
  • Lee, I.-C.; Zulueta, M. M. L.; Shie, C.-R.; Arco, S. D.; Hung, S.-C., 2011, “Deuterium-Isotope Study on the Regioselective Ring Opening of Benzylidene Acetals”, Org. Biomol. Chem., 9, 7655–7658. (SCIE)
  • Huang, T.-Y.; Zulueta, M. M. L.; Hung, S.-C., 2011, “One-Pot Strategies for the Synthesis of the Tetrasaccharide Linkage Region of Proteoglycans”, Org. Lett., 13, 1506–1509. (SCIE)
  • Wang, C.-C.; Zulueta, M. M. L.; Hung, S.-C., 2011, “Regioselective One-pot Protection and Protection-glycosylation of Carbohydrates”, Chimia, 65, 54-58. (SCIE)
  • Hu, Y.-P.; Lin, S.-Y.; Huang, C.-Y.; Zulueta, M. M. L.; Liu, J.-Y.; Chang, W.; Hung, S.-C., 2011, “Synthesis of 3-O-Sulfonated Cell-Surface Heparan Sulfate Octasaccharides that Inhibit Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Host-Cell Interaction”, Nature Chemistry, 3, 557–563. (SCIE)
  • Wang, C.-C.; Kulkarni, S. S.; Zulueta, M. M. L.; Hung, S.-C., 2011, “Synthesis of Hemagglutinin-Binding Trisaccharides”, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 705, 691-726. (SCIE)

Juan, Li-Jung

  • Lee SB, Lee CF, Ou DS, Dulal K, Chang LH, Ma CH, Huang CF, Zhu H, Lin YS, Juan LJ, 2011, “Host-viral effects of chromatin assembly factor 1 interaction with HCMV IE2.”, Cell research, 21(8), 1230-47. (SCIE)
  • Chu CS, Hsu PH, Lo PW, Scheer E, Tora L, Tsai HJ, Tsai MD, Juan LJ, 2011, “Protein kinase A-mediated serine 35 phosphorylation dissociates histone H1.4 from mitotic chromosome.”, The Journal of biological chemistry, 286(41), 35843-51. (SCIE)
  • Shi-Chen Ou D, Lee SB, Chu CS, Chang LH, Chung BC, Juan LJ, 2011, “Transcriptional activation of endoplasmic reticulum chaperone GRP78 by HCMV IE1-72 protein.”, Cell research, 21(4), 642-53. (SCIE)

Li, Tsung-Lin

  • J. Y. Ho, T. L. Lin, A. Lee, A. N. Cheng, C. Y. Li, M. C. Chen, S. H. Wu, J. T. Wang*, T. L. Li*, M. D. Tsai*, 2011, “Functions of some capsular polysaccharide biosynthetic genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae NTUH K-2044”, PLOS ONE, 6(7), e21664. (SCIE)
  • H. Wang, Y. J. Lai, Y. L. Chan, T. L. Li, C. J. Wu*, 2011, “Epigallocatechin-3-gallate effectively attenuates skeletal muscle atrophy caused by cancer cachexia”, CANCER LETTERS, 305(1):40-49. (SCIE)
  • Y. C. Liu, Y. S. Li, S. Y. Lyu, L. J. Hsu, Y. H. Chen, Y. T. Huang, H. C. Chan, C. J. Huang, G. H. Chen, C. C. Chou, M. D. Tsai, T. L. Li*, 2011, “Interception of teicoplanin oxidation intermediates yields new antimicrobial scaffolds”, NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, 7, 304-309. (SCIE)
  • C. J. Wu, H. Wang, Y. L. Chan, T. L. Li, 2011, “Passive immune-protection of small abalone against Vibrio alginolyticus infection by anti-Vibrio IgY-encapsulated feed”, FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY, 30, 1042-1048.
  • H. C. Chan, Y. T. Huang, S. Y. Lyu, C. J. Huang, Y. S. Li, Y. C. Liu, C. C. Chou, M. D. Tsai, and T. L. Li*, 2011, “Regioselective deacetylation based on teicoplanin-complexed Orf2* crystal structures”, MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, 7(4), 1224-1231. (SCIE)

Ma, Che Alex

  • Chen JR, Ma C*, Wong CH*, 2011, “Vaccine design of hemagglutinin glycoprotein against influenza.”, Trends in biotechnology, 29, 426-434. (SCIE)

Wong, Chi-Huey

  • L. M. Walker, M. Huber, K. J. Doores, E. Falkowska, R. Pejchal, J.-P. Julien, S.-K. Wang, P.-Y. Chan-Hui, P. W. Hammond, O. A. Olsen, A. Ramos, P. Phung, T. Wrin, M. D. Simek, S. Fling, C.-H. Wong, S. Phogat, W. C. Koff, I. A. Wilson, D. R. Burton, P. Poignard, 2011, “Broad neutralization coverage of HIV by multiple highly potent antibodies”, NATURE, 477(7365), 466-470. (SCIE)
  • K.-C. Chu, C.-T. Ren, C.-P. Lu, C.-H. Hsu, T.-H. Sun, T.-A. Chao, Y.-F. Lin, S.-H. Wu, C.-H. Wong and C.-Y. Wu, 2011, “Efficient and Stereoselective Synthesis of α(2→9) Oligosialic Acids Up to Dodecamer”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 50(40), 9391-9395. (SCIE)
  • H.-L. Yen, C.-H. Liang, C.-Y. Wu, H. Forrest, A. Ferguson, K.T. Choy, J. Jones, D.D.Y. Wong, P.P.H. Cheung, C.-H. Hsu, O.T. Li, K.M. Yuen, R.W.Y. Chan, L.L.M. Poon, M.C.W. Chan, J. Nicholls, S. Krauss, C.-H. Wong, Y. Guan, R.G. Webster, R.J. Webby & J.S.M. Peiris, 2011, “Hemagglutinin-neuraminidase balance confers respiratory droplet transmissibility of the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in ferrets”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108(34), 14264-14269. (SCIE)
  • K.-C. Liu, P.-S. Lee, S.-Y. Wang, Y.-S. E. Cheng, J.-M. Fang and C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Intramolecular ion-pair prodrugs of zanamivir and guanidino-oseltamivir”, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 19(16), 4796-4802. (SCIE)
  • R. Schmaltz, S. R. Hanson, C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Enzymes in the Synthesis of Glycoconjugates”, CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 111(7), 4259-4307. (SCIE)
  • Y.-C. Liu, H.-Y. Yen, C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Chen, P.-F. Cheng, Y.-H. Juan, C.-H. Chen, K.-H. Khoo, C.-J. Yu, P.-C. Yang, T.-L. Hsu, C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Sialylation and Fucosylation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Suppress its Dimerization and Activation in Lung Cancer Cells”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108(28), 11332-11337. (SCIE)
  • J.-R. Chen, C. Ma and C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Vaccine design of hemagglutinin glycoprotein against influenza”, TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 29(9), 426-434. (SCIE)
  • B.-L. Tsai, J.-L. Han, C.-T. Ren, C.-Y. Wu and C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Programmable One-Pot Synthesis of Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens Lewis X Dimer and KH-1 Epitopes”, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, 52(17), 2132-2135. (SCIE)
  • H.-W. Shih, K.-T. Chen, T.-J. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, W.-C. Cheng, 2011, “A New Synthetic Approach toward Bacterial Transglycosylase Substrates, Lipid II and Lipid IV”, ORGANIC LETTERS, 13(17), 4600-4603. (SCIE)
  • R. Pejchal, K.J. Doores, L.M. Walker, R. Khayat, P.-S. Huang, S.-K. Wang, R.L. Stanfield, J.P. Julien, A. Ramos, M. Crispin, R. Depetris, U. Katpally, A. Marozsan, A. Cupo, S. Maloveste, Y. Liu, R. McBride, Y. Ito, R.W. Sanders, C. Ogohara, J.C. Paulson, T. Feizi, C.N. Scanlan, C.-H. Wong, J.P. Moore, W.C. Olson, A.B. Ward, P. Poignard, W.R. Schief, D.R. Burton, I.A. Wilson, 2011, “A Potent and Broad Neutralizing Antibody Recognizes and Penetrates the HIV Glycan Shield”, SCIENCE, 334(6059), 1097-1103. (SCIE)
  • J.-J. Shie, J.-M. Fang, P.-T. Lai, W.-H. Wen, S.-Y. Wang, Y.-S. Cheng, K.-C. Tsai, A.-S. Yang, C.-H. Wong, 2011, “A Practical Synthesis of Zanamivir Phosphonate Congeners with Potent Anti-influenza Activity”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 133(44), 17959-17965. (SCIE)
  • T.-N. Wu, K.-H. Lin, Y.-J. Chang, J.-R. Huang, J.-Y. Cheng, A. L. Yu, and C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Avidity of CD1d-ligand-receptor ternary complex contributes to Th1 polarization and anticancer efficacy”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108(42), 17275-17280. (SCIE)
  • M. W. Chen, H.-Y. Liao, T.-J. R. Cheng, C.-T. Ren, C.-Y. Wu, Y. Huang, D. D. Ho, C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Broadly neutralizing DNA vaccine with specific mutation alters the antigenicity and sugar-binding activities of influenza hemagglutinin”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108(9), 3510-3515. (SCIE)
  • C.-Y. Wu and C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Chemistry and glycobiology”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 47(22), 6201-6207. (SCIE)
  • Y.-F. Shen, Y.-H. Chen, S.-Y. Chu, M.-I. Lin, H.-T. Hsu, P.-Y. Wu, C.-J. Wu, H.-W. Liu, F.-Y. Lin, G. Lin, P.-H. Hsu, A.-S. Yang, Y.-S. E. Cheng, Y.-T. Wu, C.-H. Wong, and M.-D. Tsai, 2011, “E339...R416 salt bridge of nucleoprotein as a feasible target for influenza virus inhibitors”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(40), 16515-16520. (SCIE)
  • C.-H. Liang, S.-K. Wang, C.-W. Lin, C.-C. Wang, C.-H. Wong, C.-Y. Wu, 2011, “Effects of neighboring glycans on antibody-carbohydrate interaction”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 50(7), 1608-1612. (SCIE)
  • J.-W. Hsu, H.-C. Huang, S.-T. Chen, C.-H. Wong, H.-F. Juan, 2011, “Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides induce macrophage-like differentiation in human leukemia THP-1 cells via caspase and p53 activation”, EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 1-13. (SCIE)
  • D. Punyadarsaniya, C.-H. Liang, C. Winter, H. Petersen, S. Rautenschlein, I. Hennig-Pauka, C. Schwegmann-Wessels, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, G. Herrler, 2011, “Infection of differentiated porcine airway epithelial cells by influenza virus: differential susceptibility to infection by porcine and avian viruses”, PLoS One, 6(12), e28429. (SCIE)
  • Y. Kinjo, P. Illarionov, J. L. Vela, B. Pei, E. Girardi, X. Li, Y. Li, M. Imamura, Y. Kaneko, Y. Miyazaki, P. Rogers, S. Dahesh, S. Uchiyama, A. Khurana, K. Kawahara, H. Yesilkaya, P. W. Andrew, C.-H. Wong, K. Kawakami, V. Nizet, G. S. Besra, M. Tsuji, D. M. Zajonc, M. Kronenberg, 2011, “Invariant NKT cells recognize glycolipids from pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria”, NATURE IMMUNOLOGY, 12(10), 966-974. (SCIE)
  • C.-Y. Chou, T.-P. Ko, K.-J. Wu, K.-F. Huang, C.-H. Lin, C.-H. Wong, A. H.-J. Wang, 2011, “Modulation of Substrate Specificities of D-Sialic Acid Aldolase through Single Mutations of Val-251.”, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 286(16), 14057-14064. (SCIE)
  • C.-Y. Wu and C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Programmable one-pot glycosylation”, Topics in Current Chemistry, 301, 223-252. (SCIE)
  • E. K. Culyba, J. L. Price, S. R. Hanson, A. Dhar, C.‐H. Wong, M. Gruebele, E. T. Powers and J. W. Kelly, 2011, “Protein native-state stabilization by placing aromatic side chains in N-glycosylated reverse turns”, Science, 331(6017), 571-575. (SCIE)
  • C.-F. Chang, J.-F. Pan, C.-N. Lin, C.-H. Wong, C.-H. Lin, 2011, “Rapid Characterization of Sugar-Binding Specificity by In-Solution Proximity Binding with Photosensitizers”, GLYCOBIOLOGY, 21(7), 895-902. (SCIE)
  • R. T. Lee, T.-L. Hsu, S. K. Huang, S.-L. Hsieh, C.-H. Wong, and Y. C. Lee, 2011, “Survey of immune-related, mannose/fucose-binding C-type lectin receptors reveals widely divergent sugar-binding specificities”, GLYCOBIOLOGY, 21(4), 512-520. (SCIE)
  • F.-C. Meng, K.-T. Chen, L.-Y. Huang, H.-W. Shih, H.-H. Chang, F.-Y. Nien, P.-H. Liang, T.-J. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, W.-C. Cheng, 2011, “Total Synthesis of Polyprenyl N-Glycolyl Lipid II as a Mycobacterial Transglycosylase Substrate”, ORGANIC LETTERS, 13(19), 5306-5309. (SCIE)
  • C.-H. Hsu, S.-C. Hung, C.-Y. Wu, and C.-H. Wong, 2011, “Toward Automated Oligosaccharide Synthesis”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 50(50), 11872-11923. (SCIE)

Wu, Chung-Yi

  • D Punyadarsaniya, C-H Liang, C Winter, H Petersen, S Rautenschlein, I Hennig-Pauka, C Schwegmann-Wessels, C-Y Wu, C-H Wong, G Herrler* , 2011, “Infection of differentiated porcine airway epithelial cells by influenza virus: differential susceptibility to infection by porcine and avian viruses”, PLoS One, 6(12), e28429. (SCIE)
  • Che-Hsiung Hsu, Shang-Cheng Hung*, Chung-Yi Wu*, and Chi-Huey Wong*, 2011, “Toward Automated Oligosaccharide Synthesis”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 50(50), 11872-11923. (SCIE)
  • K.-C. Chu, C.-T. Ren, C.-P. Lu, C.-H. Hsu, T.-H. Sun, J.-L. Han, B. Pal, T.-A. Chao, S.-H. Wu, C.-H. Wong* and C.-Y. Wu*, 2011, “Efficient and Stereoselective Synthesis of alpha(2→9) Oligosialic Acids: From Monomers to Dodecamers”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 50, 9391-9395. (SCIE)
  • H-L Yen, C-H Liang, C-Y Wu, H Forrest, A Ferguson, KT Choy, J Jones, DDY Wong, PPH Cheung, C-H Hsu, OT Li, KM Yuen, RWY Chan, LLM Poon, MCW Chan, J Nicholls, S Krauss, C-H Wong, Y Guan, RG Webster, RJ Webby & JSM Peiris* , 2011, “Hemagglutinin-neuraminidase balance confers respiratory droplet transmissibility of the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in ferrets”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108, 14264-14269. (SCIE)
  • Bin-Ling Tsai, Jeng-Liang Han, Chien-Tai Ren, Chung-Yi Wu* and Chi-Huey Wong*, 2011, “Programmable One-Pot Synthesis of Lewis X dimer and KH-1 epitopes”, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, 52(17), 2132-2135. (SCIE)
  • Chen MW, Liao HY, Huang Y, Jan JT, Huang CC, Ren CT, Wu CY, Cheng TJ, Ho DD, Wong CH, 2011, “Broadly neutralizing DNA vaccine with specific mutation alters the antigenicity and sugar-binding activities of influenza hemagglut”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108(9), 3510-3515. (SCIE)
  • Chung-Yi Wu* and Chi-Huey Wong*, 2011, “Chemistry and Glycobiology”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 47, 6201-6207. (SCIE)
  • Liang, C.-H., Wang, S.-K., Lin, C.-W., Wong, C.-H.*, Wu, C.-Y.*, 2011, “Effects of neighboring glycans on antibody-carbohydrate interaction”, Angewandte chemie-international edition, 50(7), 1608-1612. (SCIE)
  • Chung-Yi Wu* and Chi-Huey Wong*, 2011, “Programmable One-Pot Glycosylation”, Topics in Current Chemistry, 301, 223-252. (SCIE)

Yang, An-Suei

  • Yu-Ching Lee, Ing-Chien Chen, Chung-Ming Yu, Yi-Jen Huang, Hung-Ju Hsu, and An-Suei Yang*, 2011, “Effects of signal sequence on phage-displayed disulfide-stabilized single chain antibody variable fragment (sc-dsFv) libraries”, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 411(2), 348-353. (SCIE)
  • Yang FL, Yang YL, Liao PC, Chou JC, Tsai KC, Yang AS, Sheu F, Lin TL, Hsieh PF, Wang JT, Hua KF, Wu SH., 2011, “Structure and immunological characterization of capsular polysaccharide of a pyrogenic liver abscess Klebsiella pneumoniae: activation of macrophages through Toll-like receptor 4.”, J Biol Chem., 286(24), 21041-21051. (SCIE)
  • Shie JJ, Fang JM, Lai PT, Wen WH, Wang SY, Cheng YS, Tsai KC, Yang AS, Wong CH, 2011, “A practical synthesis of zanamivir phosphonate congeners with potent anti-influenza activity.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(44), 17959-17965. (SCIE)
  • Shen YF, Chen YH, Chu SY, Lin MI, Hsu HT, Wu PY, Wu CJ, Liu HW, Lin FY, Lin G, Hsu PH, Yang AS, Cheng YS, Wu YT, Wong CH, Tsai MD, 2011, “E339...R416 salt bridge of nucleoprotein as a feasible target for influenza virus inhibitors.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(40), 16515-16520. (SCIE)