View count: 91

Medical Biology Division



Chen, Chien-Jen

  • Wu MM, Chiou HY, Chen CL, Wang YH, Huang WL, Hsieh YC, Lien LM, Lee TC, Chen CJ, 2010, “GT-repeat polymorphism in heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter is associated with cardiovascular mortality risk in an arsenic-exposed population in northeastern Taiwan”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 248(3), 226-233.. (SCIE)
  • Loomba R*, Yang HI, Su J, Brenner D, Iloeje U, Chen CJ, 2010, “Obesity and alcohol synergize to increase the risk of incident hepatocellular carcinoma in men.”, Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 8(10):891-898.
  • Shih YF, Chiang TH, Hsiao CK, Chen CJ, Hung PT, Lin LLK, 2010, “Comparing myopic progression of urban and rural Taiwanese schoolchildren”, Jpn J Ophthalmol, 54(5), 446-451.. (SCIE)
  • Wu MM, Chiou HY, Lee TC, Hsu LI, Chen CL, Wang YH, Huang WL, Hsieh YC, Yang TY, Lee CY, Yip PK, Wang CH, Hsueh YM, Chen CJ, 2010, “GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter and the risk of carotid atherosclerosis related to arsenic exposure.”, J Biomed Sci, 17:70. (SCIE)
  • Liu J, Yang HI, Lee MH, Lu SN, Jen CL, Wang LY, You SL, Iloeje UH, Chen CJ*, 2010, “Incidence and determinants of spontaneous hepatitis B surface antigen seroclearance: a community-based long-term follow-up study”, Gastroenterology, 139(2), 474-482. (SCIE)
  • Hsiung CA, Lan Q, Hong YC, Chen CJ, Hosgood HD III, Chang IS, Chatterjee N, Brennan P, Wu C, Zheng W, Chang GC, Wu T, Park JY, Hsiao CF, Kim YH, Shen H, Seow A, Yeager M, Tsai YH, Kim YT, Chow WH, Guo H, Wang WC, Sung SW, Hu Z, Chen KY, Kim JH, Chen Y, Huang L, Lee KM, Lo YL, Gao YT, Kim JH, Liu L, Huang MS, Jung TH, Jin G, Caporaso N, Yu D, Kim CH, Su WC, Shu XO, Xu P, Kim IS, Chen YM, Ma H, Shen M, Cha SI, Tan W, Chang CH, Sung JS, Zhang M, Yang TY, Park KH, Yuenger J, Wang CL, Ryu JS, Xiang Y, Deng Q, Hutchinson A, Kim JS, Cai Q,Landi MT, Yu CJ, Park JY, Tucker M, Hung JY, Lin CC, Perng RP, Boffetta P, Chen CY, Chen KC, Yang SY, Hu CY, Chang CK, Fraumeni JF Jr, Chanock S, Yang PC, Rothman N, Lin D, 2010, “The 5p15.33 locus is associated with risk of lung adenocarcinoma in never-smoking females in Asia”, PLoS Genetics, 6(8). pii: e1001051.. (SCIE)
  • Chen CL, Chiou HY, Hsu LI, Hsueh YM, Wu MM, Chen CJ*, 2010, “Ingested arsenic, characteristics of well water consumption and risk of different histological types of lung cancer in northeastern Taiwan”, Environ Res, 110(5), 455-462. (SCIE)
  • Shin HR*, Boniol M, Joubert C, Hery C, Haukka J, Autier P, Nishino Y, Sobue T, Chen CJ, You SL, Ahn SH, Jung KW, Law SC, Mang O, Chia KS, 2010, “Secular trends in breast cancer mortality in five East Asian populations: Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan”, Cancer Science, 101(5), 1241-1246. (SCIE)
  • Jean JS, Bundschuh J, Chen CJ, Guo HR, Liu CW, Lin TF, Chen YH, 2010, The Taiwan Crisis: a showcase of the global arsenic problem, 0-203 pages, London: CRC Press.
  • Fwu CW, Chien YC, Nelson KE, Kirk GD, You SL, Kuo HS, Feinleib M, Chen CJ*, 2010, “Mortality after chronic hepatitis B virus infection: a linkage study involving 2 million parous women from Taiwan”, J Infect Dis, 201(7), 1016-1023.. (SCIE)
  • Chen CL, Chiou HY, Hsu LI, Hsueh YM, Wu MM, wang YH, Chen CJ*, 2010, “Arsenic in drinking water and risk of urinary tract cancer: a follow-up study from northeastern Taiwan”, Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev, 19:101-110.
  • Wang CH*, Chen CL, Hsiao CK, Hsu LI, Chiou HY, Hsueh YM, Wu MM, Chen CJ, 2010, “Arsenic-induced QT dispersion is associated with atherosclerotic diseases and predicts long-term cardiovascular mortality in subjects with previous exposure to arsenic: a 17-year follow-up study”, Cardiovasc Toxicol, 10:17-26. (SCIE)
  • Chuang LC, Chen HC, You SL, Lin CY, Pan MH, Chou YC, Hsieh CY, Chen CJ, 2010, “Association between human papillomavirus and adenocarcinoma of rectum and rectosigmoid junction: a cohort study of 10,612 women in Taiwan”, Cancer Cause Control, 21(12), 2123-2128. (SCIE)
  • Lo YL, Hsiao CF, Jou YS, Chang GC, Tsai YH, Su WC, Chen YM, Huang MS, Chen HL, Yang PC, Chen CJ, Hsiung CA*, 2010, “ATM polymorphisms and the risk of lung cancer among never smokers”, Lung cancer, 69:148-54. (SCIE)
  • Chiang CJ, Chen YC, Chen CJ, You SL, Lai MS for Taiwan Cancer Registry task Force, 2010, “Cancer Trends in Taiwan”, Jpn J Clin Oncol, 40:897-904. (SCIE)
  • Chen JD, Yang HI, Ioleje UH, You SL, Lu SN, Wang LY, Su J, Sun CA, Liaw YF, Chen CJ* for the REVEAL-HBV Study Group, 2010, “Carriers of inactive hepatitis B virus are still at risk for hepatocellular carcinoma and liver-related death”, Gastroenterology, 138:1747-1754. (SCIE)
  • Wang CH*, Chen CJ, Lee MH, Yang HI, Hsaio CK, 2010, “Chronic hepatitis B infection and risks of atherosclerosis-related mortality: a 17-year follow-up study based on 22,472 residents in Taiwan”, Atherosclerosis, 211:624-629. (SCIE)
  • Chow IH, Tang CH, You SL, Liao CH, Chi TY, Chen CJ, Chen CA, Pwu RF, 2010, “Cost-effectiveness analysis of human papillomavirus DNA testing and pap smear for cervical cancer screening in a publicly financed health care system”, Brit J Cancer, 103(12):1773-82. (SCIE)
  • Tang CH*, Pwu RF, Tsai IC, Wang HI, You SL, Chen CA, Scuffham PA, Hsieh CY, Chou CY, Lin SR, Chen YD, Chen CJ, 2010, “Costs of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions treatment in a publicly financed health care system. Arch Gynecol ”, Arch Gynecol Obstet, 281:683-695. (SCIE)
  • Jan CF, Huang KC, Chien YC, Greydanus DE, Davies HD, Chiu TY, Huang LM*, Chen CJ, Chen DS, 2010, “Determination of immune memory to hepatitis B vaccination through early booster response in college students”, Hepatology, 51:1547-1554. (SCIE)
  • Mei-Hsuan Lee, Hwai-I Yang, Chih-Hao Wang, Chin-Lan Jen, Shiou-Hwei Yeh,Chun-Jen Liu, San-Lin You, Wei J. Chen and Chien-Jen Chen*, 2010, “Hepatitis C virus infection and increased risk of cerebrovascular disease.”, Stroke, 41(12):2894-900. (SCIE)
  • Lee MH, Yang HI, Lu SN, Jen CL, Yeh SH, Liu CJ, Chen PJ, You SL, Wang LY, Chen WJ, Chen CJ*, 2010, “Hepatitis C virus seromarkers and subsequent risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: Long-term predictors from a community-based cohort study”, J Clin Oncol, 28:4587-4593. (SCIE)
  • Yang HI, Sherman M, Su J, Chen PJ, Liaw YF, Iloeje UH, Chen CJ*, 2010, “Nomograms for risk of heptocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic heaptitis B virus infection”, J Clin Oncol, 28:2437-2444. (SCIE)
  • Tseng CH*, Chong CK, Chan TT, Bai CH, You SL, Chiou HY, Su TC, Chen CJ, 2010, “Optimal anthropometric factor cutoffs for hyperglycemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia for the Taiwanese population”, Atherosclerosis, 210:585-589. (SCIE)
  • Shin HR*, Joubert C, Boniol M, Hery C, Ahn SH, Won YJ, Nishino Y, Sobue T, Chen CJ, You SL, Mirasol-Lumague MR, Law SC, Mang O, Xiang YB, Chia KS, Rattanamongkolgul S, Chen JG, Curado MP, Autier P, 2010, “Recent trends and patterns in breast cancer incidence among Eastern and Southheastern Asian women”, CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL, 21(11), 1777-1785. (SCIE)
  • Lou PJ, Hsu WL, Chien YC, Chen CJ, 2010, “Screening and early diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma”, editor(s): Lu JJ, Cooper JS, Lee AWM, Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Multidisciplinary Management, pp. 53-64, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH.

Hsiao, Michael

  • Weng KP, Ho TY, Chiao YH, Cheng JT, Hsieh KS, Huang SH, Ou SF, Liu KH, Hsu CJ, Lu PJ, Hsiao M, Ger LP, 2010, “Cytokine Genetic Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Kawasaki Disease in Taiwanese Children.”, Circ J, 74(12), 2726-2733. Cited 7. (SCIE)
  • Lu PJ, Hsu PI, Chen CH, Hsiao M, Chang WC, Tseng HH, Lin KH, Chuah SK, Chen HC, 2010, “Gastric juice acidity in upper gastrointestinal diseases.”, World J Gastroenterol, 16(43), 5496-5501. Cite 8.
  • Su JL, Chiou J, Tang CH, Zhao M, Tsai CH, Chen PS, Chang YW, Chien MS, Peng CY, Hsiao M, Kuo ML, Yen ML, 2010, “CYR61 regulates BMP-2-dependent osteoblast differentiation through {alpha}v{beta}3 integrin/ILK/ERK pathway.”, J Biol Chem, Oct 8; 285(41), 31325-31336. Cite 46. (SCIE)
  • Chen MW, Hua KT, Kao HJ, Chi CC, Wei LH, Johansson G, Shiah SG, Chen PS, Jeng YM, Cheng TY, Lai TC, Chang JS, Jan YH, Chien MH, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Hsiao M*, Kuo ML, 2010, “H3K9 Histone Methyltransferase G9a Promotes Lung Cancer Invasion and Metastasis by Silencing the Cell Adhesion Molecule Ep-CAM.”, Cancer Research, 70(20), 7830-7840. Cite 201. (SCIE)
  • Lee CF, Ou DS, Lee SB, Chang LH, Lin RK, Li YS, Upadhyay AK, Cheng X, Wang YC, Hsu HS, Hsiao M, Wu CW, Juan LJ, 2010, “hNaa10p contributes to tumorigenesis by facilitating DNMT1-mediated tumor suppressor gene silencing.”, J Clin Invest, Aug 2; 120(8), 2920-2930. Cite 31. (SCIE)
  • Su JL, Chen PB, Chen YH, Chen SC, Chang YW, Jan YH, Cheng X, Hsiao M, Hung MC, 2010, “Downregulation of microRNA miR-520h by E1A contributes to anticancer activity.”, Cancer Res, Jun 15;70(12), 5096-108. Cite 31. (SCIE)
  • Chang WC, Huang MS, Yang CJ, Wang WY, Lai TC, Hsiao M, Chen CH, 2010, “Dermcidin identification from exhaled air for lung cancer diagnosis.”, Eur Respir J, May; 35(5), 1182-5. Cite 3. (SCIE)
  • Cheng WH, Lu PJ, Ho WY, Tung CS, Cheng PW, Hsiao M*, Tseng CJ, 2010, “Angiotensin II Inhibits Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Activation Through the ERK1/2-RSK Signaling Pathway to Modulate Central Control of Blood Pressure.”, Circulation Research, Mar 5;106(4):788-95. Cite 56. (SCIE)
  • Ankamwar B, Lai TC, Huang JH, Liu RS, Hsiao M, Chen CH, Hwu YK, 2010, “Biocompatibility of Fe(3)O(4) nanoparticles evaluated by in vitro cytotoxicity assays using normal, glia and breast cancer cells.”, Nanotechnology, Feb 19;21(7):75102 (9pp). Cite 71. (SCIE)
  • Hsu PI, Chen CH, Hsiao M, Wu DC, Lin CY, Lai KH, Lu PJ, 2010, “Diagnosis of gastric malignancy using gastric juice {alpha}1-antitrypsin.”, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, Feb;19(2):405-11. Cite 11.
  • Liu CJ, Wang CH, Chen ST, Chen HH, Leng WH, Chien CC, Wang CL, Kempson IM, Hwu Y, Lai TC, Hsiao M, Yang CS, Chen YJ, Margaritondo G, 2010, “Enhancement of cell radiation sensitivity by pegylated gold nanoparticles.”, Phys Med Biol, Feb 21;55(4):931-45. Cite 69. (SCIE)

Shen, Chia-Ning

  • Al-Adsani A, Burke ZD, Eberhard D, Lawrence KL, Shen CN, Rustgi AK, Sakaue H, Farrant JM, Tosh D, 2010, “Dexamethasone Treatment Induces the Reprogramming of Pancreatic Acinar Cells to Hepatocytes and Ductal Cells.”, PLoS ONE, 5(10), e13650. (SCIE)
  • Wu SY, Hsieh CC, Wu RR, Susanto J, Liu TT, Shen CR, Chen Y, Su CC, Chang FP, Chang HM, Tosh D, Shen CN*, 2010, “Differentiation of pancreatic acinar cells to hepatocytes requires an intermediate cell type.”, Gastroenterology, 138, 2519-2530. (SCIE)
  • Tsai HA, Wu RR, Lee IC, Chang HY, Shen CN*, Chang YC*, 2010, “Selection, Enrichment, and Maintenance of Self-Renewal Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells Utilizing Polypeptide Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films.”, Biomacromolecules, 11, 994-1001. (SCIE)
  • Shen CN*, Tosh D, 2010, “Transdifferentiation of pancreatic cells to hepatocytes”, Methods in molecular biology, 640, 273-280.

Yu, Alice Lin-Tsing

  • Liang YJ, Kuo HH, Lin CH, Chen YY, Yang BC, Cheng YY, Yu AL, Khoo KH, Yu J*, 2010, “Switching of the core structures of glycosphingolipids from globo- and lacto- to ganglio-series upon human embryonic stem cell differentiation.”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 107(52), 22564-9. (SCIE)
  • Batova A*, Altomare D, Chantarasriwong O, Ohlsen KL, Creek KE, Lin YC, Messersmith A, Yu AL, Yu J, Theodorakis EA, 2010, “The synthetic caged garcinia xanthone cluvenone induces cell stress and apoptosis and has immune modulatory activity.”, MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS, 9(11), 2869-78. (SCIE)
  • Lin RJ, Lin YC, Chen J, Kuo HH, Chen YY, , Diccianni MB, London W, Chang JCH, Yu AL*., 2010, “MicroRNA signature and expression of Dicer and Drosha can predict prognosis and delineate risk groups in neuroblastoma.”, CANCER RESEARCH, 70(20), 7841-7850. (SCIE)
  • Yu AL*, Gilman AL, Ozkaynak MF, London WB, Kreissman SG, Chen HX, Smith M, Anderson B, Villablanca JG, Matthay KK, Shimada H, Grupp SA, Seeger R, Reynolds CP, Buxton A, Reisfeld RA, Gillies SD, Cohn SL, Maris JM, Sondel PM for the Children’s Oncology Group COG, 2010, “Anti-GD2 Antibody with GM-CSF, IL2 and Isotretinoin for Neuroblastoma.”, NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 363(14), 1324-1334. (SCIE)
  • Lin RJ, Lin YC, Yu AL*, 2010, “miR-149* induces apoptosis by inhibiting Akt1 and E2F1 in human cancer cells.”, Molecular Carcinogenesis, 49(8), 719-727. (SCIE)
  • Lai CY, Hung JT, Lin HH, Yu AL, Chen SH, Tsai YC, Shao LE, Yang WB, Yu J, 2010, “Immunomodulatory and adjuvant activities of a polysaccharide extract of ganoderma lucidum in vivo and in vitro.”, Vaccine, 28(31), 4945-4954. (SCIE)
  • Lin HC, Lin HH, Kao CY, Yu AL, Peng WP*, Chen CH*, 2010, “Quantitative Measurement of Nano/Micro Particle Endocytosis with Cell Mass Spectrometr.”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 49(20), 3460-3464. (SCIE)
  • Sorkin LS, Otto M, Baldwin WM, Vail E, Gillies SD, Handgretinger R, Barfield RC, Yu HM, Yu AL*, 2010, “Anti-GD(2) with an FC point mutation reduces complement fixation and decreases antibody-induced allodynia.”, Pain, 149(1), 135-142. (SCIE)