View count: 114

Chemical Biology Division



Chen, Yun-Ru Ruby

  • Ling-Hsien Tu, Ning-Hsuan Tseng, Ya-Ru Tsai, Tien-Wei Lin, Yi-Wei Lo, Jien-Lin Charng, Hua-Ting Hsu, Yu-Sheng Chen, Rong-Jie Chen, Ying-Da Wu, Yi-Tsu Chan, Chang-Shi Chen, Jim-Min Fang,* and Yun-Ru Chen*, 2018, “Rationally Designed Divalent Caffeic Amide Inhibits Amyloid-β Fibrillization, Induce Fibril Dissociation, and Ameliorate Cytotoxicity”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 158, 393-404. (SCIE)
  • Chia-Jung Kuo, Hsu-Cheng Chiang, Chi-Ang Tseng, Chin-Fu Chang, Rajesh Kumar Ulaganathan, Tzu-Ting Ling, Yu-Jen Chang, Chiao-Chen Chen, Yun-Ru Chen, and Yit-Tsong Chen*., 2018, “A Lipid-Modified Graphene-Transistor Biosensor for Monitoring Amyloid-β Aggregation”, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 10(15), 12311-12316. (SCIE)
  • Ming-Che Lee, Wan-Cheng Yu, Yao-Hsiang Shih, Chun-Yu Chen, Zhong-Hong Guo, Shing-Jong Huang, Jerry C. C. Chan, and Yun-Ru Chen*, 2018, “Zinc ion rapidly induces toxic, off-pathway amyloid-β oligomers distinct from amyloid-β derived diffusible ligands in Alzheimer’s disease”, Scientific Reports, 8, 4772. (SCIE)

Cheng, Wei-Chieh

  • Cheng WC, Lin CK, Li HY, Chang YC, Lu SJ, Chen YS, Chang SY, 2018, “A combinatorial approach towards the synthesis of non-hydrolysable triazole-iduronic acid hybrid inhibitors of human alpha-l-iduronidase: discovery of enzyme stabilizers for the potential treatment of MPSI.”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 54(21), 2647-2650. (SCIE)
  • Li HY, Lee JD, Chen CW, Sun YC, Cheng WC, 2018, “Synthesis of (3S,4S,5S)-trihydroxylpiperidine derivatives as enzyme stabilizers to improve therapeutic enzyme activity in Fabry patient cell lines.”, European journal of medicinal chemistry, 144, 626-634. (SCIE)

Hung, Shang-Cheng

  • Wang, C.-C.*; Sabbavarapu, N. M.; Podilapu, A. R.; Liao, P.-H.; Hung, S.-C.*, 2018, “One-Pot Protection, Glycosylation and Protection-Glycosylation Strategies of Carbohydrates”, Chem. Rev., 118, 8025-8104. (SCIE)
  • Zulueta, M. M. L.*; Chyan, C.-L.; Hung, S.-C.*, 2018, “Structural Analysis of Synthetic Heparan Sulfate Oligosaccharides with Fibroblast Growth Factors and Heparin-Binding Hemagglutinin”, Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol., 50, 126-133. (SCIE)

Li, Tsung-Lin

  • N. S. Hsu, Y. L. Wang, K. H. Lin, C. F. Chang, S. C. Ke, S. Y. Lyu, L. J. Hsu, Y. S. Li, S. C. Chen, K. C. Wang, T. L. Li*, 2018, “Evidence of diradicals involved in the yeast transketolase catalyzed keto-transferring reactions”, CHEMBIOCHEM, 19(22), 2395-2402. (SCIE)
  • N. S. Hsu, Y. L. Wang, K. H. Lin, C. F. Chang, S. Y. Lyu, L. J. Hsu, Y. C. Liu, C. Y. Chang, C. J. Wu, T. L. Li*, 2018, “The mesomeric effect of thiazolium on non-Kekule diradicals in Pichia stipitis transketolase”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 57(7), 1802-1807. (SCIE)

Ma, Che Alex

  • Huang KA, Rijal P, Jiang H, Wang B, Schimanski L, Dong T, Liu YM, Chang P, Iqbal M, Wang MC, Chen Z, Song R, Huang CC, Yang JH, Qi J, Lin TY, Li A, Powell TJ, Jan JT, Ma C, Gao GF, Shi Y, Townsend AR, 2018, “Structure-function analysis of neutralizing antibodies to H7N9 influenza from naturally infected humans.”, Nature microbiology, 4(2): 306-315. (SCIE)

Wong, Chi-Huey

  • H.-W. Cheng, R.-J. Chein, T.-J. Cheng, P.-S. Wu, H.-Y. Wu, P.-F. Hung, C.-J. Wang, Y.-L. Hsu, J.-M. Wong, A. Yuan, C.-H. Wong, P.-C. Yang, S.-H. Pan, 2018, “2-anilino-4-amino-5-aroylthiazole-type compound AS7128 inhibits lung cancer growth through decreased iASPP and p53 interaction.”, Cancer science, 109(3), 832-842. (SCIE)
  • T. Zhou, A. Zheng, U. Baxa, G.-Y. Chuang, I. S. Georgiev, R. Kong, S. O’Dell, S. Shahzad-ul-Hussan, C.-H. Shen, Y. Tsybovsky, R. T. Bailer, S. K. Gift, M. K. Louder, K. McKee, R. Rawi, C. H. Stevenson, G. B. E. Stewart-Jones, J. D. Taft, E. Waltari, Y. Yang, B. Zhang, S. S. Shivatare, V. S. Shivatare, C.-C. D. Lee, C.-Y. Wu, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, J. C. Mullikin, C. A. Bewley, D. R. Burton, V. R. Polonis, L. Shapiro, C.-H. Wong, J. R. Mascola, P. D. Kwong, and X. Wu, 2018, “A Neutralizing Antibody Recognizing Primarily N-Linked Glycan Targets the Silent Face of the HIV Envelope.”, Immunity, 48(3), 500-513.e6. (SCIE)
  • W.-S. Wu, W.-C. Cheng, T.-R. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Affinity-Based Screen for Inhibitors of Bacterial Transglycosylase.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(8), 2752-2755. (SCIE)
  • S. S. Shivatare, V. S. Shivatare, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Chemo-Enzymatic Synthesis of N-Glycans for Array Development and HIV Antibodies Profiling”, Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments, 132. (SCIE)
  • S. S. Shivatare, L.-Y. Huang, Y.-F. Zeng, J.-Y. Liao, T.-H. You, S.-Y. Wang, T. Cheng, C.-W. Chiu, P. Chao, L.-T. Chen, T.-I. Tsai, C.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Wu, N.-H. Lin, and C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Development of glycosynthases with broad glycan specificity for the efficient glyco-remodeling of antibodies”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 54(48), 6161-6164. (SCIE)
  • C.-F. Huang, K. S. Liang, T.-L. Hsu, T.-T. Lee, Y.-Y. Chen, S.-M. Yang, H.-H. Chen, S.-H. Huang, W.-H. Chang, T.-K. Lee, P. Chen, K.-E. Peng, C.-C. Chen, C.-Z. Shi, Y.-F. Hu, G. Margaritondo, T. Ishikawa, C.-H. Wong and Y. Hwu, 2018, “Free-electron-laser coherent diffraction images of individual drug-carrying liposome particles in solution.”, Nanoscale, 10(6), 2820-2824. (SCIE)
  • C.-P. Liu, T.-I Tsai, T. Cheng, V. S. Shivatare, C.-Y. Wu, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Glycoengineering of antibody (Herceptin) through yeast expression and in vitro enzymatic glycosylation.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(4), 720-725. (SCIE)
  • C.-W. Cheng, Y. Zhou, W.-H. Pan, S. Dey, C.-Y. Wu, W.-L. Hsu, and C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Hierarchical and programmable one-pot automated synthesis of oligosaccharides”, Nature Communications, 9, 5202. (SCIE)
  • P.-W. Lo, J.-J. Shie, C.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Wu, T.-L. Hsu, C.-H. Wong, 2018, “O-GlcNAcylation regulates the stability and enzymatic activity of the histone methyltransferase EZH2”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(28), 7302-7307. (SCIE)
  • S. Dey and C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Programmable one-pot synthesis of heparin pentasaccharides enabling access to regiodefined sulfate derivatives”, Chemical Science, 9(32), 6685-6691. (SCIE)
  • S. Dey, S. O. Bajaj, T.-I. Tsai, H.-J. Lo, K. Wu, and C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Synthesis of Modular Building Blocks using Glycosyl Phosphate Donors for the Construction of Asymmetric N-Glycans”, TETRAHEDRON, 74(41), 6003-6011. (SCIE)
  • X. Wang, L. Krasnova, K. B. Wu, W.-S. Wu, T.-J. Cheng, C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Towards new antibiotics targeting bacterial transglycosylase: Synthesis of a Lipid II analog as stable transition-state mimic inhibitor.”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 28(16 SI), 2708-2712. (SCIE)
  • V. S. Shivatare, S. S. Shivatare, C.-C. Lee, C.-H. Liang, K.-S. Liao, Y.-Y. Cheng, G. Saidachary, C.-Y. Wu, N.-H. Lin, P. D. Kwong, D. Burton, C.-Y. Wu, C.-H. Wong, 2018, “Unprecedented Role of Hybrid N-Glycans as Ligands for HIV-1 Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(15), 5202-5210. (SCIE)

Wu, Chung-Yi

  • Cheng Cheng-Wei, Zhou Yixuan, Pan Wen-Harn, Dey Supriya, (Wu Chung-Yi, Hsu Wen-Lian*, Wong Chi-Huey*, 2018, “Hierarchical and programmable one-pot synthesis of oligosaccharides”, Nature Communications, 9(1), 5202. (SCIE)
  • Lo Pei-Wen, Shie Jiun-Jie, Chen Chein-Hung, Wu Chung-Yi, Hsu Tsui-Ling, Wong Chi-Huey, 2018, “O-GlcNAcylation regulates the stability and enzymatic activity of the histone methyltransferase EZH2”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 115(28), 7302-7307. (SCIE)
  • Lee I-Ming, Yang Feng-Ling, Chen Te-Li, Liao Kuo-Shiang, Ren Chien-Tai, Lin Nien-Tsung, Chang Yu-Pei, Wu Chung-Yi*, Wu Shih-Hsiung*, 2018, “Pseudaminic acid on exopolysaccharide of Acinetobacter baumannii plays a critical role in phage-assisted preparation of glycoconjugate vaccine with high antigenicity.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(28), 8639-8643. (SCIE)
  • Shivatare Sachin S., Huang Lin-Ya, Zeng Yi-Fang, Liao Jung-Yu, You Tsai-Hong, Wang Shi-Yun, Cheng Ting, Chiu Chih-Wei, Chao Ping, Chen Li-Tzu, Tsai Tsung-I, Huang Chiu-Chen, Wu Chung-Yi*, Lin Nan-Horng*, Wong Chi-Huey*, 2018, “Development of glycosynthases with broad glycan specificity for the efficient glyco-remodeling of antibodies”, Chemical Communications, 54(48), 6161-6164. (SCIE)
  • Shivatare Vidya S., Shivatare Sachin S., Lee Chang-Chun David, Liang Chi-Hui, Liao Kuo-Shiang, Cheng Yang-Yu, Saidachary Gannerla, Wu Chung-Yi, Lin Nan-Horng, Kwong Peter D., Burton Dennis R., Wu Chung-Yi*, Wong Chi-Huey*, 2018, “Unprecedented Role of Hybrid N-Glycans as Ligands for HIV-1 Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(15), 5202-5210. (SCIE)
  • Zhou Jie, Wei Jianjian, Choy Ka-Tim, Sia Sin Fun, Rowlands Dewi K., Yu Dan, Wu Chung-Yi, Lindsley William G., Cowling Benjamin J., McDevitt James, Peiris Malik, Li Yuguo, Yen Hui-Ling, 2018, “Defining the sizes of airborne particles that mediate influenza transmission in ferrets”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 115(10), E2386-E2392. (SCIE)
  • Tongqing Zhou, Anqi Zheng, Ulrich Baxa, Gwo-Yu Chuang, Ivelin S. Georgiev, Rui Kong, Sijy O'Dell, Syed Shahzad-ul-Hussan, Chen-Hsiang Shen, Yaroslav Tsybovsky, Robert T. Bailer, Syna K. Gift, Mark K. Louder, Krisha McKee, Reda Rawi, Catherine H. Stevenson, Guillaume B. E. Stewart-Jones, Justin D. Taft, Eric Waltari, Yongping Yang, Baoshan Zhang, Sachin S. Shivatare, Vidya S. Shivatare, Chang-Chun D. Lee, Chung-Yi Wu, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, James C. Mullikin, Carole A. Bewley, Dennis R. Burton, Victoria R. Polonis, Lawrence Shapiro, Chi-Huey Wong, John R. Mascola,* Peter D. Kwong* and Xueling Wu*, 2018, “Structural Basis of Recognition by an Antibody Targeting the Silent Face of HIV Envelope”, IMMUNITY, 48(3), 500-513. (SCIE)
  • Shivatare Sachin S., Shivatare Vidya S., Wu Chung-Yi, Wong Chi-Huey*, 2018, “Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of N-glycans for Array Development and HIV Antibody Profiling”, Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments, 132, e55855. (SCIE)
  • Chiu-Ping Liu, Tsung-I Tsai, Ting Cheng, Vidya S. Shivatare, Chung-Yi Wu, Chung-Yi Wu, and Chi-Huey Wong*, 2018, “Glycoengineering of antibody (Herceptin) through yeast expression and in vitro enzymatic glycosylation”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 115(4), 720-725. (SCIE)