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Medical Biology Division



Hsiao, Michael

  • Chang WM, Lin YF, Su CY, Peng HY, Chang YC, Lai TC, Wu GH, Hsu YM, Chi LH, Hsiao JR, Chen CL, Chang JY, Shieh YS, Hsiao M*, Shiah SG, 2016, “Dysregulation of Runx2/Activin A axis upon miR376c downregulation promotes lymph node metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.”, Cancer Research, 76(24),7140-7150, Cite 16. (SCIE)
  • Kuo TC, Chen CK, Hua KT, Yu P, Lee WJ, Chen MW, Jeng YM, Chien MH, Kuo KT, Hsiao M, Kuo ML, 2016, “Glutaminase 2 stabilizes Dicer to repress Snail and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells.”, Cancer Letters, Dec 28;383(2), 282-294. (SCIE)
  • Chen HH, Cheng PW, Ho WY, Lu PJ, Lai CC, Tseng YM, Fang HC, Sun GC, Hsiao M, Liu CP, Tseng CJ, 2016, “Renal denervation improves the baroreflex and GABA system normalization in chronic kidney disease-associated hypertension”, Scientific Reports, 6, 38447. (SCIE)
  • Lo YL, Liou GG, Lyu JH, Hsiao M, Hsu TL, Wong CH*, 2016, “Dengue Virus Infection Is through a Cooperative Interaction between a Mannose Receptor and CLEC5A on Macrophage as a Multivalent Hetero-Complex.”, PLoS One, Nov 10;11(11), e0166474. (SCIE)
  • Chen CW, Chan YC, Hsiao M*, Liu RS, 2016, “Plasmon-enhanced photodynamic cancer therapy by upconversion nanoparticles conjugated with Au nanorods”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(47), 32108-32119, Cite 35. (SCIE)
  • Chan MH, Chen CW, Lee IJ, Chan YC, Tu DT, Hsiao M*, Chen CH, Chen XY, Liu RS, 2016, “Near-infrared light-mediated photodynamic therapy nanoplatform by electrostatic assembly of NaYF4:Yb/Tm upconversion nanoparticles with graphitic carbon nitride quantum dots”, Inorganic Chemistry, 55(20), 10267-10277. (SCIE)
  • Wei L, Su YK, Lin CM, Chao TY, Huynh TT, Jan HJ, Whang-Peng J, Chiou JF, Wu AT, Hsiao M*, 2016, “Preclinical investigation of Ibrutinib, a Bruton’s kinase tyrosine (Btk) inhibitor, in suppressing glioma tumorigenesis and stem cell phenotypes”, Oncotarget, Oct. 25;7(43), 69961-975.
  • Lai CC, Cheng PW, Yeh TC, Lu PJ, Hsiao M, Liu CP, Tseng CJ, 2016, “Paricalcitol attenuates cardiac fibrosis and expression of endothelial cell transition markers in isoproterenol-induced cardiomyopathic rats”, Critical Care Medicine, 44(9), e866-e874. (SCIE)
  • Chen CK, Yu WH, Cheng TY, Chen MW, Su CY, Yang YC, Kuo TC, Lin MT, Hsiao M, Hua KT, Hung MC, Kuo ML, 2016, “Inhibition of VEGF165/VEGFR2-dependent signaling by LECT2 suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma angiogenesis”, Scientific Reports, Aug 10;6, 31398. (SCIE)
  • Su CY, Chang YC, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Hsiao M*, 2016, “The opposite prognostic effect of NDUFS1 and NDUFS8 forms a prognostic panel for non-small cell lung cancer by reflecting the oncojanus role of mitochondrial complex I”, Scientific Reports, Aug 12;6, 31357. (SCIE)
  • Lin CW, Yang WE, Lee WJ, Hua KT, Hsieh FK, Hsiao M, Chen CC, Chow JM, Chen MK, Yang SF, Chien MH, 2016, “Lipocalin 2 prevents oral cancer metastasis through carbonic anhydrase IX inhibition and is associated with favourable prognosis.”, Carcinogenesis, Jul;37(7), 712-722. (SCIE)
  • Yang YC, Cheng TY, Huang SM, Su CY, Yang PW, Lee JM, Chen CK, Hsiao M, Hua KT, Kuo ML, 2016, “Cytosolic PKM2 stabilizes mutant EGFR protein expression through regulating HSP90-EGFR association.”, Oncogene, Jun 30;35(26), 3387-98. (SCIE)
  • Peng HY, Jiang SS, Hsiao JR, Hsiao M, Hsu YM, Wu GH, Chang WM, Chang JY, Jin SC, Shiah SG, 2016, “IL-8 induces miR-424-5p expression and modulates SOCS2/STAT5 signaling pathway in oral squamous cell carcinoma”, Mol Oncol, Jun;10(6), 895-909. (SCIE)
  • Lin CH, Tsai CH, Yeh CT, Liang JL, Hung WC, Lin FC, Chang WL, Li HY, Yao YC, Hsu TI, Lee YC, Wang YC, Sheu BS, Lai WW, Calkins MJ, Hsiao M*, Lu PJ, 2016, “MiR-193a-5p/ERBB2 act as concurrent chemoradiation therapy response indicator of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.”, Oncotarget, June 28;7(26):39680-39693.
  • Chan YC, Chen CW, Chan MH, Chang YC, Chang MW, Chi LH, Yu HM, Lin YF, Tsai DP, Liu RS, Hsiao M*, 2016, “MMP2-sensing up-conversion nanoparticle for fluorescence biosensing in head and neck cancer cells”, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Jun 15;80:131-139, Cite 17. (SCIE)
  • Kosheleva OK, Lai TC, Chen NG, Hsiao M*, Chen CH*, 2016, “Selective killing of cancer cells by nanoparticle-assisted ultrasound.”, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, June 14;14(1):46. (SCIE)
  • Chang YC, Su CY, Hsiao M*, 2016, “Therapeutic targeting of methylthioadenosine phosphorylase ”, Cancer Cell & Microenvironment, June;3:e1322. (Invited Review).
  • Su YH, Huang WC, Huang TH, Huang YJ, Sue YK, Huynh TT, Hsiao M, Liu TZ, AT Wu, Lin CM, 2016, “Folate deficient tumor microenvironment promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem-like phenotypes.”, Oncotarget, May 31;7(22):33246-33256.
  • Yeh SC, Wang PY, Lou YW, Khoo KH, Hsiao M, Hsu TL, Wong CH, 2016, “Glycolipid GD3 and GD3 synthase are key drivers for glioblastoma stem cells and tumorigenicity.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, May 17;113(20), 5592-5597. (SCIE)
  • Cheng PW, Lee HC, Lu PJ, Chen HH, lai CC, Sun GC, Yen TC, Hsiao M, Lin YT, Liu CP, Tseng CJ, 2016, “Resveratrol inhibition of Rac1-derived reactive oxygen species by AMPK decreases blood pressure in a fructose-induced rat model of hypertension”, Scientific Reports, May 3;6:25342. (SCIE)
  • Hsu CY, Lin CH, Jan YH, Su CY, Yao YC, Cheng HC, Hsu TI, Wang PS, Su WP, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Calkins MJ, Hsiao M*, Lu PJ, 2016, “Huntingtin-Interacting Protein-1 Is an Early-stage Prognostic Biomarker of Lung Adenocarcinoma and Suppresses Metastasis via Akt-mediated EMT.”, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Apr 15;193(8):869-880, Cite 10. (SCIE)
  • Lin YW, Lee LM, Lee WJ, Chu CY, Tan P, Yang YC, Chen WY, Yang SF, Hsiao M, Chien MH, 2016, “Melatonin inhibits MMP-9 transactivation and renal cell carcinoma metastasis by suppressing Akt-MAPKs pathway and NF-κB-DNAbinding activity”, Journal of Pineal Research, Apr;60(3):277-290. (SCIE)
  • Li YJ, Huang TH, Hsiao M, Lin BR, Cheng SJ, Yang CN, Lai WT, Wu TS, Fan JR, Kuo MY, Chang CC, 2016, “Suppression of fructose-bisphosphate aldolase C expression as a predictor of advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma.”, Head and Neck-Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck, Apr;38 Suppl 1, E1075-E1085. (SCIE)
  • Liu YP, Lee JJ, Lai TC, Lee CH, Hsiao YW, Chen PS, Liu WT, Hong CY, Lin SK, Ping Kuo MY, Lu PJ, Hsiao M*, 2016, “Suppressive function of low-dose deguelin on the invasion of oral cancer cells by downregulating tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced nuclear factor-kappa B signaling.”, Head and Neck-Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck, Apr;38 Suppl 1, E524-E534. (SCIE)
  • Lin TC, Su CY, Lai TC, Pan WA, Jan YH, Yeh CT, Chen CL, Ger LP, Chang HT, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Shyy JY, Tsai MD, Hsiao M*, 2016, “NIFK promotes cancer metastasis through Runx1-dependent repression of casein kinase 1α to activate Wnt/b-catenin signaling”, eLife, Mar 17;5:e11288, Cite 15. (SCIE)
  • Adebayo BO, Huang WC, Lee WH, Wu AT, Wang LS, Hsiao M, Yeh CT, Chao TY, 2016, “Aberrant KDM5B expression promotes aggressive breast cancer through MALAT1 overexpression and downregulation of hsa-miR-448”, BMC Cancer, Feb 25;16(1):160. (SCIE)
  • Chen CW, Huang JH, Lai TC, Jan YH, Hsiao M*, Chen CH, Hwu YK, Liu RS, 2016, “Evaluation of the intracellular uptake and cytotoxicity effect of TiO2 nanostructures for various human oral and lung cells under dark conditions”, Toxicology Research, 5:303-311. (SCIE)
  • Sung PL, Jan YH, Lin SC, Huang CC, Lin H, Wen KC, Chao KC, Lai CR, Wang PH, Chuang CM, Wu HH, Twu NF, Yen MS, Hsiao M*, Huang CF, 2016, “Periostin in tumor microenvironment is associated with poor prognosis and platinum resistance in epithelial ovarian carcinoma.”, Oncotarget, Jan 26;7(4):4036-4047.
  • Cheung SK, Chuang PK, Huang HW, Hwang-Verslues WW, Cho CH, Yang WB, Shen CN, Hsiao M, Hsu TL, Chang CF, Wong CH, 2016, “Stage-specific embryonic antigen-3 (SSEA-3) and beta3GalT5 are cancer specific and significant markers for breast cancer stem cells.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jan 26;113(4):960-965. Cite 1. (SCIE)

Hsieh, Shie-Liang

  • Li TH, Lee PC, Lee KC, Hsieh YC, Tsai CY, Yang YY, Huang SF, Tsai TH, Hsieh SL, Hou MC, Lin HC, Lee SD*, 2016, “Down-regulation of common NFκB-iNOS pathway by chronic Thalidomide treatment improves Hepatopulmonary Syndrome and Muscle Wasting in rats with Biliary Cirrhosis.”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6, 39405. (SCIE)
  • Fan WC, Liu CW, Ou SM, Huang CC, Li TH, Lee KC, Huang SF, Yang YY, Hsieh YC, Hsieh SL, Hou MC, Lin HC*, 2016, “TLR4/CD14 Variants-Related Serologic and Immunologic Dys-Regulations Predict Severe Sepsis in Febrile De-Compensated Cirrhotic Patients.”, PLoS One, 11(11), e0166458. (SCIE)
  • Huang YL, Chen ST, Liu RS, Chen YH, Lin CY, Huang CH, Su PY, Liao CL, Hsieh SL*, 2016, “CLEC5A is Critical for Dengue Virus-induced Osteoclast Activation and Bone Homeostasis”, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM, 94(9), 1025-1037. (SCIE)
  • 陳斯婷、吳明芳、黃雅蘭、黃明停、謝世良, 2016, “C型凝集素CLEC5A在登革致病機制的角色”, editor(s): 林以行等, 登革熱的台灣經驗-從流行病學及臨床到基礎科學的新視野, pp. 142-155, 台灣: 科技部.
  • Tung YT, Chang CC, Lin YL, Hsieh SL, Wang GJ*, 2016, “Development of double-generation gold nanoparticle chip-based dengue virus detection system combining fluorescence turn-on probes”, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, 77:90-8. (SCIE)
  • Tarng DC, Tseng WC, Lee PY, Chiou SH, Hsieh SL*., 2016, “Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Conditioned Medium Attenuates Acute Kidney Injury by Downregulating the Oxidative Stress-Related Pathway in Ischemia-Reperfusion Rats.”, CELL TRANSPLANTATION, 25(3), 517-530. (SCIE)
  • Li TH, Huang CC, Yang YY, Lee KC, Hsieh SL, Hsieh YC, Alan L, Lin HC, Lee SD, Tsai CY*, 2016, “Thalidomide Improves the Intestinal Mucosal Injury and Suppresses Mesenteric Angiogenesis and Vasodilatation by Down-Regulating Inflammasomes-Related Cascades in Cirrhotic Rats”, PLoS One, 11(1), e0147212. (SCIE)

Hwang-Verslues, Wendy W.

  • Cheung, S.K.C., Chuang, P.-K., Huang, H.-W., Hwang-Verslues, W.W., Cho C.H.-H., Yang, W.-B., Shen, C.-N., Hsiao, M., Hsu, T.-L., Chang, C.-F., Wong, C.-H., 2016, “Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen-3 (SSEA-3) and β3GalT5 are Cancer Specific and Significant Markers for Breast Cancer Stem Cells”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(4), 960-965. (SCIE)

Lee, Wen-Hwa

  • Tien YW, Kuo HC, Ho BI, Chang MC, Chang YT, Cheng MF, Chen HL, Liang TY, Wang CF, Huang CY, Shew JY, Chang YC, Lee EY, Lee WH, 2016, “A High Circulating Tumor Cell Count in Portal Vein Predicts Liver Metastasis From Periampullary or Pancreatic Cancer: A High Portal Venous CTC Count Predicts Liver Metastases.”, Medicine, 95(16), e3407. (SCIE)
  • Chang MC, Chang YT, Chen JY, Jeng YM, Yang CY, Tien YW, Yang SH, Chen HL, Liang TY, Wang CF, Lee EY, Chang YC, Lee WH, 2016, “Clinical Significance of Circulating Tumor Microemboli as a Prognostic Marker in Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.”, Clinical chemistry, 62(3), 505-513. (SCIE)
  • Kao SH, Wu KJ, Lee WH, 2016, “Hypoxia, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, and TET-Mediated Epigenetic Changes.”, Journal of clinical medicine, 5(2). (SCIE)
  • Chen YI, Wei PC, Hsu JL, Su FY, Lee WH, 2016, “NPGPx (GPx7): a novel oxidative stress sensor/transmitter with multiple roles in redox homeostasis.”, American journal of translational research, 8(4), 1626-40. (SCIE)

Lin, Kuo-I

  • Chen, T.-T., Tsai, M.-H., Kung, J.T., Lin, K.-I, Decker, T. and Lee, C.-K., 2016, “STAT1 regulates marginal zone B cell differentiation in response to inflammation and infection with blood-borne bacteria”, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 213, 3025-3039. (SCIE)
  • Chien, C.-Y., Lee, H.-S. Lee, Cho, C.H.H., Lin, K.-I, Tosh, D., Wu, R.-R., Mao, W.-Y., Shen, C.-N., 2016, “Maternal Vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy affects vascularized islet development”, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 36, 51-59. (SCIE)
  • Wu, J.-L., Wu, H.-Y., Tsai, D.-Y., Chiang, M.-F., Chen, Y.-J., Gao, S., Lin, C.-C., Lin, C.-H., Khoo, K.-H., Chen, Y.-J.* and Lin, K.-I *, 2016, “Temporal regulation of Lsp1 O-GlcNAcylation and phosphorylation during apoptosis of activated B cells”, Nature Communications, 7, 12526. (SCIE)
  • Hung, K.-H., Su, S.-T., Chen, C.-Y., Hsu, P.-H., Huang, S.-Y., Wu, W.-J., Chen, M.M., Chen, H.-Y., Wu, P.-C., Lin, F.-R., Tsai, M.-D., and Lin, K.-I*, 2016, “Aiolos collaborates with Blimp-1 to regulate the survival of multiple myeloma cells”, CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, 23, 1175-1184. (SCIE)
  • Yu, Y.-H., and Lin, K.-I*, 2016, “Factors that regulate the generation of antibody-secreting plasma cells.”, Advances in Immunology, 131, 61-99. (SCIE)

Lu, Joyce Jean

  • Chang WF, Hwu YM, Xu J, Lin CJ, Wang SW, Cheng AS, Lu J, Lu CH, Sung LY, 2016, “Derivation of Patient Specific Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Clinically Discarded Cumulus Cells.”, PloS one, 11(11), e0165715. (SCIE)
  • Huang YC, Lin SJ, Lin KM, Chou YC, Lin CW, Yu SC, Chen CL, Shen TL, Chen CK,Lu J, Chen MR, Tsai CH, 2016, “Regulation of EBV LMP1-triggered EphA4 downregulation in EBV-associated B lymphoma and its impact on patients\' survival.”, Blood, 128(12), 1578-89. (SCIE)

Shen, Chia-Ning

  • F.P. Chang, C.H. Cho, C.R. Shen, C.Y. Chien, L.W.Ting, H.S. Lee, C.N. Shen*, 2016, “PDGF Facilitates Direct Lineage Reprogramming of Hepatocytes to Functional ß-Like Cells Induced by Pdx1 and Ngn3”, Cell transplantation, 25(10), 1893-1909. (SCIE)
  • Chien, C.Y., T.A. Yuan, Candy.H.H. Cho, F.P. Chang, W.Y. Mao, R.R. Wu, H.S. Lee*, C.N. Shen*, 2016, “All-trans retinoic acid ameliorates glycemic control in diabetic mice via modulating pancreatic islet production of vascular endothelial growth factor-A”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 477(4), 874-880.. (SCIE)
  • Liu CM, Hsieh CL, Shen CN, Lin CC, Shigemura K, Sung SY, 2016, “Exosomes from the tumor microenvironment as reciprocal regulators that enhance prostate cancer progression.”, International journal of urology, 23(9), 734-744. (SCIE)
  • Lin PY, Peng SJ, Shen CN*, Pasricha PJ, Tang SC, 2016, “PanIN-associated pericyte, glial, and islet remodeling in mice revealed by 3-D pancreatic duct lesion histology.”, American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 311(3), G412-G422. (SCIE)
  • Chien, C.Y., H.S. Lee*, Candy.H.H. Cho, K.I. Lin, D. Tosh, R.R. Wu, W.Y. Mao, C.N. Shen*, 2016, “Maternal Vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy affects vascularized islet development”, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 36, 51-59. (SCIE)
  • Lien HW, Yuan RY, Chou CM, Chen YC, Hung CC, Hu CH, Hwang SP, Hwang PP, Shen CN, Chen CL, Cheng CH, Huang CJ, 2016, “Zebrafish cyclin Dx is required for development of motor neuron progenitors, and its expression is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor 2alpha.”, Scientific reports, 6, 28297. (SCIE)
  • Chang HM, Huang WY, Lin SJ, Huang WC, Shen CR, Mao WY, Shen CN*, 2016, “ABCG2 deficiency in skin impairs re-epithelialization in cutaneous wound healing.”, Experimental dermatology, 25(5), 355-361. (SCIE)
  • Cheung SK, Chuang PK, Huang HW, Hwang-Verslues WW, Cho CH, Yang WB, Shen CN, Hsiao M, Hsu TL, Chang CF, Wong CH, 2016, “Stage-specific embryonic antigen-3 (SSEA-3) and beta3GalT5 are cancer specific and significant markers for breast cancer stem cells.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(4), 960-965. (SCIE)

Yang, Hwai-I

  • Liu J, Yang HI, Lee MH, Jen CL, Hu HH, Lu SN, Wang LY, You SL, Huang YT, Chen CJ, 2016, “Alcohol drinking mediates the association between polymorphisms of ADH1B and ALDH2 and hepatitis B related hepatocellular carcinoma.”, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 25(4), 693-699. (SCIE)
  • Wu HC, Shen J, Yang HI, Tsai WY, Chen CJ, Santella RM, 2016, “Blood DNA methylation markers in prospectively identified hepatocellular carcinoma cases and controls from Taiwan.”, World journal of hepatology, 8(5), 301-306.
  • Lin YJ, Shaw TG, Yang HI, Lu SN, Jen CL, Wang LY, Wong KH, Chan SY, Yuan Y, L'Italien G, Chen CJ, Lee MH, 2016, “Chronic hepatitis C virus infection and the risk for diabetes: a community-based prospective study.”, Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver, doi: 10.1111/liv.13194. (SCIE)
  • Yang HI, Tseng TC, Liu J, Lee MH, Liu CJ, Su TH, Batrla-Utermann R, Chan HL, Kao JH, Chen CJ, 2016, “Incorporating Serum Level of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen or Omitting Level of HBV DNA Does not Affect Calculation of Risk for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients Without Cirrhosis”, CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 14(3), 461-468. (SCIE)
  • Hoang JK, Yang HI*, Le A, Nguyen NH, Lin D, Vu VD, Chaung K, Nguyen V, Trinh HN, Li J, Zhang JQ, Chen CJ, Nguyen MH*, 2016, “Lower liver cancer risk with antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis B patients with normal to minimally elevated ALT and no cirrhosis.”, Medicine, 95(31), e4433. (SCIE)
  • Huang YT, Freeman JR, Yang HI, Liu J, Lee MH, Chen CJ, 2016, “Mediation effect of hepatitis B and C on mortality.”, European journal of epidemiology, 31(6), 625-633. (SCIE)
  • Chen CJ, Yang HI, Lee MH, Liu J, Hu HH, 2016, “Natural history of HBV infection in the community”, editor(s): Liaw YF, Zoulim F, Hepatitis B Virus in Human Diseases, pp. 249-276, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
  • Chen YC*, Hsiao CJ, Jung CC, Hu HH, Chen JH, Lee WC, Chiou JM, Chen TF, Sun Y, Wen LL, Yip PK, Chu YM, Chen CJ*, Yang HI*, 2016, “Performance Metrics for Selecting Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Late-onset Alzheimer's Disease.”, Scientific Reports, 6, 36155. (SCIE)
  • Poh Z, Shen L, Yang HI, Seto WK, Wong VW, Lin CY, Goh BG, Chang PJ, Chan HL, Yuen MF, Chen CJ, Tan CK, 2016, “Real-world risk score for hepatocellular carcinoma (RWS-HCC): a clinically practical risk predictor for HCC in chronic hepatitis B.”, Gut, 65(5), 887-888. (SCIE)
  • Lin D, Yang HI*, Nguyen N, Hoang J, Kim Y, Vu V, Le A, Chaung K, Nguyen V, Trinh H, Li J, Zhang J, Hsing A, Chen CJ, Nguyen MH*, 2016, “Reduction of chronic hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma with anti-viral therapy, including low risk patients.”, Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 44(8), 846-855. (SCIE)
  • Chien J, Liu J, Lee MH, Jen CL, Batrla-Utermann R, Lu SN, Wang LY, You SL, Yang HI, Chen CJ, 2016, “Risk and Predictors of Hepatocellular Carcinoma for Chronic Hepatitis b Patients With Newly Developed Cirrhosis.”, Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, 31(12), 1971-1977. (SCIE)
  • Liu J, Yang HI, Lee MH, Jen CL, Batrla-Utermann R, Lu SN, Wang LY, You SL, Chen CJ, 2016, “Serum Levels of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and DNA Can Predict Inactive Carriers With Low Risk of Disease Progression.”, HEPATOLOGY, 64(2), 381-389. (SCIE)
  • Hu HH, Liu J, Lin YL, Luo WS, Chu YJ, Chang CL, Jen CL, Lee MH, Lu SN, Wang LY, You SL, Yang HI*, Chen CJ, 2016, “The rs2296651 (S267F) variant on NTCP (SLC10A1) is inversely associated with chronic hepatitis B and progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B.”, Gut, 65, 1514-1521. (SCIE)