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Medical Biology Division
Chang, Tse Wen
- Lu CS, Hung AF, Lin CJ, Chen JB, Chen C, Shiung YY, Tsai CY, Chang TW, 2015, “Generating allergen-specific human IgEs for immunoassays by employing human epsilon gene knockin mice.”, Allergy, 70(4), 384-390. (SCIE)
- Wright JD, Chu HM, Huang CH, Ma C, Chang TW, Lim C, 2015, “Structural and Physical Basis for Anti-IgE Therapy.”, Scientific reports, 5, 11581. (SCIE)
- Chang TW, Chen C, Lin CJ, Metz M, Church MK, Maurer M, 2015, “The potential pharmacologic mechanisms of omalizumab in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria.”, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 135(2), 337-342.e2. (SCIE)
Chen, Chien-Jen
- Bennett H, Waser N, Johnston K, Kao JH, Lim YS, Duan ZP, Lee YJ, Wei L, Chen CJ, Sievert W, Yuan Y, Li H*, 2015, “A review of the burden of hepatitis C virus infection in China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan”, Hepatol Int, 9, 378-390. (SCIE)
- Sampson J, Wheeler WA, Yeager M, Panagiotou O, Wang Z, Berndt SI, ….., Chen CJ, ….. Slager SL, Chanock SJ, Chatterjee N, 2015, “Analysis of heritability and shared heritability based on genome-wide association studies for thirteen cancer types”, J Natl Cancet Inst, 107(12), djv279.
- Fowke JH, McLerran DF, Chen Y, Lee JE, Grant E, Gupta P, He J, Shu X, Ramadas K, Tsugane S, Inoue M, Tamakoshi A, Koh WP, Nishino Y, Tsuji I, Ozasa K, Yuan JM, Tanaka H, Ahn YO, Chen CJ, Sugawara Y, Yoo KY, Ahsan H, Pan WH, Pednekar M, Gu D, Xiang Y, Sauvaget C, Sawada N, Wang R, Kakizaki M, Tomata Y, Ohishi W, Butler LM, Oze I, Kim DH, You SL, Park SK, Parvez F, Chuang SY, Rolland B, Thornquist M, Feng Z, Zheng W, Boffetta P, Sinha R, Kang DH, Potter JD, 2015, “Association between BMI, smoking, and alcohol with prostate cancer mortality in the Asia Cohort Consortium”, Am J Epidemiol, 182(5), 381-389. (SCIE)
- Hsu LI, Wu MM, Wang YH, Lee CY, Yang TY, Hsiao BY, Chen CJ, 2015, “Association of environmental arsenic exposure, gnetic plymorphisms of ssceptible gnes and skin lsions in Taiwan”, BioMed Res Int, 892579. (SCIE)
- Liu J, Yang HI, Chen CJ*, 2015, “Author’s response to: HBV seromarkers clearance and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: serious risks of misinterpretation”, Gut, 64, 186-187. (SCIE)
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration NCD-RisC, 2015, “Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331,288 participants”, Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 3(8), 624-637. (SCIE)
- Chen KY, Hsiao CF, Chang GC, Tsai YH, Su WC, Chen YM, Huang MS, Hsiung CA, Chen CJ, Yang PC*, GELAC Study Group, 2015, “Estrogen receptor gene polymorphisms and lung adenocarcinoma risk in never-smoking women: analysis from a genome-wide association study”, J Thorac Oncol, 10(10), 1413-1420. (SCIE)
- Huang YJ, Lee YA, Li Q, Chen CJ, Hsu WL, Lou PJ, Zhu C, Pan J, Shen H, Ma H, Cai L, He B, Wang Y, Zhou X, Wu W, Ma J, Boffetta P, Zhang Z, Dai M, Hashibe M, 2015, “Family history of cancer and head and neck cancer risk in a Chinese population”, Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 16(17), 8003-8008.
- Pan WC, Wu CD, Chen MJ, Huang YT, Chen CJ, Su HJ, Yang HI, 2015, “Fine particle pollution, alanine transaminase and liver cancer: a prospective cohort study in Taiwan(R.E.V.E.A.L.-HBV)”, J Natl Cancer Inst, 108(3). pii: djv341.
- Machiela MJ, Hsiung CA, Shu XO, Seow WJ, Wang Z, Matsuo K, Hong YC, Seow A, Wu C, Hosgood HD 3rd, Chen K, Wang JC, Wen W, Cawthon R, Chatterjee N, Hu W, Caporaso NE, Park JY, Chen CJ, Kim YH, Kim YT, Landi MT, Shen H, Lawrence C, Burdett L, Yeager M, Chang IS, Mitsudomi T, Kim HN, Chang GC, Bassig BA, Tucker M, Wei F, Yin Z, An SJ, Qian B, Lee VH, Lu D, Liu J, Jeon HS, Hsiao CF, Sung JS, Kim JH, Gao YT, Tsai YH, Jung YJ, Guo H, Hu Z, Hutchinson A, Wang WC, Klein RJ, Chung CC, Oh IJ, Chen KY, Berndt SI, Wu W, Chang J, Zhang XC, Huang MS, Zheng H, Wang J, Zhao X, Li Y, Choi JE, Su WC, Park KH, Sung SW, Chen YM, Liu L, Hyun Kang C, Hu L, Chen CH, Pao W, Kim YC, Yang TY, Xu J, Guan P, Tan W, Su J, Wang CL, Li H, Dart Loon Sihoe A, Zhao Z, Chen Y, Choi YY, Hung JY, Kim JS, Yoon HI, Cai Q, Lin CC, Park IK, Xu P, Dong J, Kim C, He Q, Perng RP, Kohno T, Kweon SS, Chen CY, Vermeulen RC, Wu J, Lim WY, Chen KC, Chow WH, Ji BT, Chan JK, Chu M, Li YJ, Yokota J, Li J, Chen H, Xiang YB, Yu CJ, Kunitoh H, Wu G, Jin L, Lo YL, Shiraishi K, Chen YH, Lin HC, Wu T, Pik Wong M, Wu YL, Yang PC, Zhou B, Shin MH, Fraumeni Jr JF, Zheng W, Lin D, Chanock SJ, Rothman N, Lan Q., 2015, “Genetic variants associated with longer telomere length are associated with increased lung cancer risk among never-smoking women in Asia: a report from the female lung cancer consortium in Asia”, Int J Cancer, 137, 311-319. (SCIE)
- Chen CJ*, Lee MH, Liu J, Yang HI, 2015, “Hepatocellular carcinoma risk scores: ready to use in 2015?”, Hepatic Oncology, 2, 1-4.
- Lin CH, Shen CY, Lee JH, Huang CS, Yang CH, Kuo WH, Chang DY, Hsiung CN, Kuo KT, Chen WW, Chen IC, Wu PF, Kuo SH, Chen CJ, Lu YS, Cheng AL, 2015, “High prevalence of the BIM deletion polymorphism in young female breast cancer in an East Asian country”, PLoS One, 10(4), e0124908. (SCIE)
- Hosgood HD 3rd, Song M, Hsiung CA, Yin Z, Shu XO, Wang Z, Chatterjee N, Zheng W, Caporaso N, Burdette L, Yeager M, Berndt SI, Landi MT, Chen CJ, Chang GC, Hsiao CF, Tsai YH, Chien LH, Chen KY, Huang MS, Su WC, Chen YM, Chen CH, Yang TY, Wang CL, Hung JY, Lin CC, Perng RP, Chen CY, Chen KC, Li YJ, Yu CJ, Chen YS, Chen YH, Tsai FY, Kim C, Seow WJ, Bassig BA, Wu W, Guan P, He Q, Gao YT, Cai Q, Chow WH, Xiang YB, Lin D, Wu C, Wu YL, Shin MH, Hong YC, Matsuo K, Chen K, Wong MP, Lu D, Jin L, Wang JC, Seow A, Wu T, Shen H, Fraumeni JF Jr, Yang PC, Chang IS, Zhou B, Chanock SJ, Rothman N, Lan Q, 2015, “Interactions between household air pollution and GWAS-identified lung cancer susceptibility markers in the Female Lung Cancer Consortium in Asia (FLCCA)”, Hum Genet, 134, 333-341. (SCIE)
- Liu J, Tseng TC, Yang HI, Lee MH, Batrla-Utermann, Jen CL, Lu SN, Wang LY, You SL, Chen PJ, Chen CJ*, Kao JH*, 2015, “Predicting Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Surface Antigen Seroclearance in HBV e Antigen-Negative Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B: External Validation of a Scoring System”, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 211(10), 1566-1573. (SCIE)
- Chiang CJ, You SL, Chen CJ, Yang YW, Lo WC, Koong SL, Hsu TH, Wu CY, Lai MS*, 2015, “Quality assessment and improvement of Nationwide Cancer Registration System in Taiwan: a review”, Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, 45, 291-296. (SCIE)
- Chen HY, Yu SL, Ho BC, Su KY, Hsu YC, Chang CS, Li YC, Yang SY, Hsu PY, Ho H, Chang YH, Chen CY, Yang HI, Hsu CP, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Yuan SS, Lee MH, Liu CH, Wu GI, Hsiung CA, Chen YM, Wang CL, Huang MS, Yu SJ, Chen KY, Tsai YH, Su WC, Chen HW, Chen JJW, Chen CJ, Chang GC, Yang PC, KC Li*, 2015, “R331W missense mutation of oncogene YAP1 is a germline risk allele for lung adenocarcinoma with medical actionability”, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(20), 2303-2310. (SCIE)
- Chiang CJ, Yang YW, Chen JD, You SL, Yang HI, Lee MH, Lai MS, Chen CJ*, 2015, “Significant reduction in end-stage liver diseases burden through national viral hepatitis therapy program in Taiwan”, Hepatology, 61(4), 1154-1162. (SCIE)
- Chen CL, Yang JY, Lin SF, Sun CA, Bai CH, You SL, Chen CJ, Kao JH, Chen PJ, Chen DS*, 2015, “Slow decline of hepatitis B burden in general population:results from a population-based survey and longitudinal follow-up study in Taiwan”, J Hepatol, 63(2), 354-363. (SCIE)
Hsiao, Michael
- Hsiao SM, Chen MW, Chen CA, Chien MH, Hua KT, Hsiao M, Kuo ML, Wei LH, 2015, “The H3K9 Methyltransferase G9a represses E-cadherin and is associated with myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer”, Annals of Surgical Oncology, Suppl 3, 1556-1565. (SCIE)
- Chang JS, Su CY, Yu WH, WJ Lee, Liu YP, Lai TC, Jan YH, Yang YF, Shen CN, Shew JY, Lu J, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Lu PJ, Lin YF, Kuo ML, Hua KT, Hsiao M*, 2015, “GIT1 promotes lung cancer cell metastasis through modulating Rac1/Cdc42 activity and is associated with poor prognosis”, Oncotarget, 6(34), 36278-36291.
- Lin CS, Adebayo BO, Wu A, Chen JH, Peng YJ, Cheng MF, Lee WH, Hsiao M, Chao TY, Yeh CT, 2015, “Silencing JARID1B suppresses oncogenicity, stemness and increases radiation sensitivity in human oral carcinoma.”, Cancer Letters, 368(1), 36-45. (SCIE)
- Chang TC, Yeh CT, Adebayo BO, Lin YC, Deng L, Rao YK, Huang CC, Lee WH, Wu AT, Hsiao M, Wu CH, Wang LS, Tzeng YM, 2015, “4-Acetylantroquinonol B inhibits colorectal cancer tumorigenesis and suppresses cancer stem-like phenotype”, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 288(2), 258-268. (SCIE)
- Chen JT, Ku KL, Chen CH, Hsiao M, Chiang CP, Hsu TL, Chen MH, Wong CH. , 2015, “Glycoprotein B7-H3 as a marker for oral cancer: Overexpression and aberrant glycosylation in tumor growth and immune response ”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(42), 13057-13062. Cite 1. (SCIE)
- Hua KT, Chien MH, Lee WJ, Hsieh FK, Li CF, Cheng TY, Wang MY, Chen JS, Chow JM, Jan YH, Hsiao M, Kuo ML, 2015, “Keap1-Nrf2 by targeting the S100P protein”, Clinical Cancer Research, 21(20), 4719-4732. (SCIE)
- Chen HH, Lu PJ, Chen BR, Hsiao M, Ho WY, Tseng CJ, 2015, “Oxygenase-1 ameliorates kidney ischemia-reperfusion injury of mice by extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2-enhanced tubular epithelium proliferation”, BiochemicaI et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1852(10 Pt A), 2195-2201.
- Chen CW, Lee PH, Chan YC, Hsiao M*, Chen CH, Wu PC, Wu PR, Tsai DP, Tu D, Chen X, Liu RS, 2015, “Plasmon-induced hyperthermia: Hybrid upconversion NaYF4:Yb/Er and gold nanomarterials for oral cancer photothermal therapy”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3, 8293-8302. Cite 2. (SCIE)
- Cheng PW, Chen YY, Cheng WH, Lu PJ, Chen HH, Chen BR, Yeh TC, Sun GC, Hsiao M, Tseng CJ, 2015, “Wnt signaling regulates blood pressure by downregulating a GSK-3beta-mediated pathway to enhance insulin signaling in the central nervous system”, Diabetes, Oct;64(10):3413-24. Cite 1. (SCIE)
- Lin TC, Liu YP, Chan YC, Su CY, Lin YF, Hsu SL, Yang CS, Hsiao M*, 2015, “Ghrelin promotes renal cell carcinoma metastasis via snail activation and is associated with poor prognosis”, The Journal of Pathology, 237(1), 50-61. Cite 21. (SCIE)
- Wen YC, Lee WJ, Tang P, Yang SF, Hsiao M, Lee LM, Chien MH, 2015, “By inhibiting Snail signaling and miR-23a-3p, osthole suppresses the EMT-mediated metastatic ability in prostate cancer”, Oncotarget, 6(25), 21120-21136. Cite 1.
- Chang YW, Su YJ, Hsiao M, Wei KC, Lin WH, Liang CL, Chen SC, Lee JL, 2015, “Diverse targets of beta-catenin during the epithelial-mesenchymal transition define cancer stem cells and predict disease relapse”, Cancer Research, 75(16), 3398-3410. Cite 3. (SCIE)
- Chang YW, Chiu CF, Lee KY, Hong CC, Wang YY, Cheng CC, Jan YH, Huang MS, Hsiao M, Ma JT, Su JL, 2015, “CARMA3 represses metastasis-suppressor NME2 to promote lung cancer stemness and metastasis”, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Jul;89(7), 1103-1117. (SCIE)
- Su CY, Lin TC, Lin YF, Chen MH, Lee CH, Wang HY, Lee YC, Liu YP, Chen CL, Hsiao M* , 2015, “DDX3 as a strongest prognosis marker and its downregulation promotes metastasis in colorectal cancer”, Oncotarget, 6(21), 18602-18612. Cite 2.
- Su CY, Liu YP, Yang CJ, Chiu J, Chi T, Lee JJ, Wu AT, Lu PJ, Huang MS, Hsiao M*, 2015, “Plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 plays a leading prognostic role among protease families in non-small cell lung cancer”, PLoS One, 10(7), e0133411. (SCIE)
- Lee WJ, Hsiao M, Chang JL, Yang SF, Tseng TH, Cheng CW, Chow JM, Lin KH, Lin YW, Liu CC, Lee LM, Chien MH, 2015, “Quercetin induces mitochondrial-derived apoptosis via reactive oxygen species-mediated ERK activation in HL-60 leukemia cells and xenograft.”, Archives of Toxicology, Jul;89(7), 1103-1117. Cite 1. (SCIE)
- Sun GC, Ho WY, Chen BR, Cheng PW, Cheng WH, Hsu MC, Yeh TC, Hsiao M, Lu PJ, Tseng CJ, 2015, “G protein-coupled receptor dimerisation in brainstem nuclei contributes to the development of hypertension”, British Journal of Pharmacology, May;172(10), 2507-2518. Cite 1. (SCIE)
- Lee WJ, Chien MH, Chow JM, Chang JL, Wen YC, Lin YW, Hsiao M, Lee LM, 2015, “Nonautophagic cytoplasmic vacuolation death induction in human PC-3M prostate cancer by curcumin through reactive oxygen species-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress”, Scientific Reports, May;5, 10420 Cite 2. (SCIE)
- Wu CC, Wu HC, Chen WJ, Wang CH, Lin CH, Hsu SC, Chen YR, Hsiao M, Schuyler SC, Lu FL, Ma NH, Lu J, 2015, “Akt suppresses DLK for maintaining self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells”, Cell Cycle, Apr;14(8), 1207-1217. Cite 3. (SCIE)
- Chen HA, Chang YW, Tseng CF, Chiu CF, Hong CC, Wang W, Wang MY, Hsiao M, Ma JT, Chen CH, Jiang SS, Wu CH, Hung MC, Huang MT, Su JL, 2015, “E1A-mediated inhibition of HSPA5 suppresses cell migration and invasion in triple-negative breast cancer”, Annals of Surgical Oncology, Mar;22(3), 889-898. Cite 1. (SCIE)
- Pan WA, Tsai HY, Wang SC, Hsiao M, Wu PY, Tsai MD, 2015, “The RNA recognition motif of NIFK is required for rRNA maturation during cell cycle progression”, RNA Biology, Mar;12(3), 255-267. Cite 2. (SCIE)
- Yang SF, Lee WJ, Tan P, Tang CH, Hsiao M, Hsieh FK, Chien MH, 2015, “Upregulation of miR-328 and inhibition of CREB-DNA-binding activity are critical for resveratrol-mediated suppression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and subsequent metastatic ability in human osteosarcomas.”, Oncotarget, Feb;6(5), 2736-2753. Cite 4.
- Chen CW, Wu DY, Chan YC, Lin CC, Chung PH, Hsiao M*, Liu RS, 2015, “Evaluations of the stability and cytotoxicity of CuInS2 and CuInS2/ZnS core/shell quantum dots in Caenorhabditis elegans”, J Phys Chem C, Jan;119, 2852-2860. Cite 8. (SCIE)
Hsieh, Shie-Liang
- Huang MT, Chen ST, Wu HY, Chen YJ, Chou TY, Hsieh SL*, 2015, “DcR3 suppresses influenza virus-induced macrophage activation and attenuates pulmonary inflammation and lethality”, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM, 93(10), 1131-1143. (SCIE)
- Huang YL, Tso YT, Pai FS, Chou TY, Mon HC, Hsu TL, Wu CY, Yang WB, Chen CH, Wong CH, Hsieh SL*, 2015, “Human CLEC18 Gene Cluster Contains C-type Lectins with Differential Glycan-binding Specificity”, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 290(35), 21252-21263. (SCIE)
- Tarng DC, Ou SM, Yang CY, Lin YP, Chuang YF, Chen LK, Wang KY, Chen YT, Shih CJ, Tseng WC, Chen YH, Lin YS, Hung SC, Kuo KL, Hung TP, Tsai MT, Hu FH, Chen NJ, Chen YC, Lin CH, Tsai TH, Hsieh SL, Wei YH, Hsu CC, Liu JS, Chang YK, Chiang MH*, 2015, “Periodontal Disease and Risks of Kidney Function Decline and Mortality in Older People: A Community-Based Cohort Study.”, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES, 66(2), 223-230. (SCIE)
- Tsui KH, Li HY, Cheng JT, Sung YJ, Yen MS, Hsieh SL, Wang PH*, 2015, “The role of nitric oxide in the outgrowth of trophoblast cells on human umbilical vein endothelial cells.”, TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY, 54(3), 227-231. (SCIE)
- Lin YT, Yen CH, Chen HL, Liao YJ, Lin IF, Chen M, Lan YC, Chuang SY, Hsieh SL, Chen YM*., 2015, “The serologic decoy receptor 3 (DcR3) levels are associated with slower disease progression in HIV-1/AIDS patients.”, JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 114(6), 498-503. (SCIE)
- Lee PC, Yang YY, Huang CS, Hsieh SL, Lee KC, Hsieh YC, Lee TY, Lin HC*, 2015, “Concomitant inhibition of oxidative stress and angiogenesis by chronic hydrogen-rich saline and N-acetylcysteine treatments improves systemic, splanchnic and hepatic hemodynamics of cirrhotic rats.”, HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH, 45(5), 578-588. (SCIE)
- Lin YC, Huang DY, Wang JS, Lin YL, Hsieh SL, Huang KC, Lin WW, 2015, “Syk involves in NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated caspase-1 activation through adaptor ASC phosphorylation and enhanced oligomerization”, JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY, 97(5), 825-835. (SCIE)
Lee, Wen-Hwa
- Hu CM, Zhu J, Guo XE, Chen W, Qiu XL, Ngo B, Chien R, Wang YV, Tsai CY, Wu G, Kim Y, Lopez R, Chamberlin AR, Lee EY, Lee WH, 2015, “Novel small molecules disrupting Hec1/Nek2 interaction ablate tumor progression by triggering Nek2 degradation through a death-trap mechanism.”, Oncogene, 34(10), 1220-1230. (SCIE)
- Chen PJ, Weng JY, Hsu PH, Shew JY, Huang YS, Lee WH, 2015, “NPGPx modulates CPEB2-controlled HIF-1alpha RNA translation in response to oxidative stress.”, Nucleic acids research, 43(19), 9393-9404. (SCIE)
- Zhu J, Chen H, Guo XE, Qiu XL, Hu CM, Chamberlin AR, Lee WH, 2015, “Synthesis, molecular modeling, and biological evaluation of novel RAD51 inhibitors.”, European journal of medicinal chemistry, 96, 196-208. (SCIE)
- Wu HH, Hwang-Verslues WW, Lee WH, Huang CK, Wei PC, Chen CL, Shew JY, Lee EY, Jeng YM, Tien YW, Ma C, Lee WH, 2015, “Targeting IL-17B-IL-17RB signaling with an anti-IL-17RB antibody blocks pancreatic cancer metastasis by silencing multiple chemokines.”, Journal of experimental medicine, 212(3), 333-349. (SCIE)
- Lee WH, Wu HH, Huang CK, 2015, “Targeting interleukin-17 receptors.”, Oncotarget, 6(21), 18244-18245.
Lin, Kuo-I
- Tsai, D.-Y., Hung, K.-H., Lin, I-Y., Su, S.-T., Wu, S.-Y., Chung, C.-H., Wang, T.-C., Li, W.-H., Shih, A. C.-C.*, and Lin, K.-I* , 2015, “Uncovering miRNA regulatory hubs that modulate plasma cell differentiation”, Scientific Reports, 5, 17957. (SCIE)
- Tsai, C.-M. and Lin, K.-I*, 2015, “Examination of the role of galectins in plasma cell differentiation”, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1207, 153-167.
Lu, Joyce Jean
- Chang JS, Su CY, Yu WH, Lee WJ, Liu YP, Lai TC, Jan YH, Yang YF, Shen CN, Shew JY, Lu J, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Lu PJ, Lin YF, Kuo ML, Hua KT, Hsiao M, 2015, “GIT1 promotes lung cancer cell metastasis through modulating Rac1/Cdc42 activity and is associated with poor prognosis.”, Oncotarget, 6(34), 36278-91.
- Chua HH, Tsuei DJ, Lee PH, Jeng YM, Lu J, Wu JF, Su DS, Chen YH, Chien CS, Kao PC, Lee CN, Hu RH, Ni YH, Chang MH, 2015, “RBMY, a novel inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, increases tumor stemness and predicts poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.”, Hepatology, 62(5), 1480-96. (SCIE)
- Wu, C. C., Wu, H.C., Chen, W.J, Wang, C.H, Lin, C.H., Hsu, S.C., Chen, Y.R., Hsiao, M., Schuyler, S.C., Lu, F. L. , Ma, N.H., and Lu, J.*., 2015, “Suppression of Dual leucine zipper-bearing Kinase activity by Akt is required for mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal”, CELL CYCLE, 14(8), 1207-1217. (SCIE)
Shen, Chia-Ning
- Chen CY, Lee DS, Yan YT, Shen CN, Hwang SM, Tone Lee S, Hsieh PC, 2015, “Bcl3 Bridges LIF-STAT3 to Oct4 Signaling in the Maintenance of Naive Pluripotency.”, Stem cells, 33(12), 3468-3480. (SCIE)
- Chang JS, Su CY, Yu WH, Lee WJ, Liu YP, Lai TC, Jan YH, Yang YF, Shen CN, Shew JY, Lu J, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Lu PJ, Lin YF, Kuo ML, Hua KT, Hsiao M, 2015, “GIT1 promotes lung cancer cell metastasis through modulating Rac1/Cdc42 activity and is associated with poor prognosis.”, Oncotarget, 6(34), 36278-36291.
- Liaw CC, Yang YL, Lin CK, Lee JC, Liao WY, Shen CN, Sheu JH, Wu SH., 2015, “New Meroterpenoids from Aspergillus terreus with Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression”, Organic Letters, 17(10), 2330-2333. (SCIE)
Yang, Hwai-I
- Pan WC, Wu CD, Chen MJ, Huang YT, Chen CJ, Su HJ, Yang HI*, 2015, “Fine Particle Pollution, Alanine Transaminase, and Liver Cancer: A Taiwanese Prospective Cohort Study (REVEAL-HBV)”, JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 108(3). pii: djv341. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djv341.. (SCIE)
- Huang HC, Yang HI, Chou HC, Chen CY, Hsieh WS, Tsou KI, Tsao PN, 2015, “Preeclampsia and Retinopathy of Prematurity in Very Low-Birth-Weight Infants: A Population-based Study”, PLoS One, 10(11), e0143248 (co-1st author). (SCIE)
- Liu J, Yang HI, Lee MH, Hsu WL, Chen HC, Chen CJ, 2015, “Epidemiology of virus infection and human cancer”, editor(s): Shurin MR, Thanavala Y, Ismail N, Infection and Cancer: Bi-Directorial Interactions, pp. 23-48, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Yang BL, Wu WC, Fang KC, Wang YC, Huo TI, Huang YH, Yang HI, Su CW, Lin HC, Lee FY, Wu JC, Lee SD, 2015, “External validation of Fatty liver index for identifying ultrasonographic Fatty liver in a large-scale cross-sectional study in taiwan.”, PloS one, 10(3), e0120443. (SCIE)
- Huang YT, Yang HI, Liu J, Lee MH, Freeman JR, Chen CJ, 2015, “Mediation Analysis of Hepatitis B and C in Relation to Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk.”, EPIDEMIOLOGY, 27(1), 14-20. (SCIE, SSCI) (IF: 5.071; SCI ranking: 8.3%; SSCI ranking: 4.7%)
- Hwai-I Yang*, Jessica Liu, Mei-Hsuan Lee, Hui-Han Hu, Chia-Ling Chang, Chien-Jen Chen, 2015, “Natural history of occult hepatitis B virus infection”, editor(s): Jean-Pierre Allain, Yongshui Fu, Chengyao Li, Giovanni Raimondo, Occult Hepatitis B Infection, pp. 1-21, Beijing, China: Science Press.
- Lee MH, Yang HI, Lu SN, Lin YJ, Jen CL, Wong KH, Chan SY, Chen LC, Wang LY, L'Italien G, Yuan Y, Chen CJ, 2015, “Polymorphisms near the IFNL3 Gene Associated with HCV RNA Spontaneous Clearance and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk.”, Scientific Reports, 5, 17030. (SCIE)
- Liu J, Tseng TC, Yang HI, Lee MH, Batrla-Utermann R, Jen CL, Lu SN, Wang LY, You SL, Chen PJ, Chen CJ, Kao JH, 2015, “Predicting Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Surface Antigen Seroclearance in HBV e Antigen-Negative Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B: External Validation of a Scoring System.”, The Journal of infectious diseases, 211(10), 1566-1573. (SCIE)
- Chen HY, Yu SL, Ho BC, Su KY, Hsu YC, Chang CS, Li YC, Yang SY, Hsu PY, Ho H, Chang YH, Chen CY, Yang HI, Hsu CP, Yang TY, Chen KC, Hsu KH, Tseng JS, Hsia JY, Chuang CY, Yuan S, Lee MH, Liu CH, Wu GI, Hsiung CA, Chen YM, Wang CL, Huang MS, Yu CJ, Chen KY, Tsai YH, Su WC, Chen HW, Chen JJ, Chen CJ, Chang GC, Yang PC, Li KC, 2015, “R331W Missense Mutation of Oncogene YAP1 Is a Germline Risk Allele for Lung Adenocarcinoma With Medical Actionability.”, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 33(20), 2303-2310. (SCIE)
- Chiang CJ, Yang YW, Chen JD, You SL, Yang HI, Lee MH, Lai MS, Chen CJ, 2015, “Significant reduction in end-stage liver diseases burden through the national viral hepatitis therapy program in Taiwan.”, Hepatology, 61(4), 1154-1162. (SCIE)