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Physical & Computational Genomics Division
Chang, Tien-Hsien
- Chang, S. L., Leu, J.-Y.*, and Chang, T.-H.*, 2015, “A population study of killer viruses reveals different evolutionary histories of two closely related Saccharomyces sensu stricto yeasts”, Molecular Ecology, 24, 4312-4322. (SCIE)
- Hsiang-En Hsu, Tzu-Ning Liu, Chung-Shu Yeh, Tien-Hsien Chang, Yi-Chen Lo*, and Cheng-Fu Kao*, 2015, “Feedback control of Snf1 protein and its phosphorylation is necessary for adaptation to environmental stress”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290, 16786-16796. (SCIE)
Chen, Chung-Hsuan
- C. H. Chen, Y. P. Lin, J. L. Lin, S. T. Li, C. T. Ren, C. Y. Wu and C. H. Chen, 2015, “Rapid identification of terminal sialic acid linkage isomers by pseudo-MS3 mass spectrometry”, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 55(3-4), 412-422. (SCIE)
- Lee HJ, Lan L, Peng G, Chang WC, Hsu MC, Wang YN, Cheng CC, Wei L, Nakajima S, Chang SS, Liao HW, Chen CH, Lavin M, Ang KK, Lin SY, Hung MC, 2015, “Tyrosine 370 phosphorylation of ATM positively regulates DNA damage response.”, Cell research, 25(2), 225-36. (SCIE)
Chiu, Kuo Ping
- Yu-Feng Huang, Tzu-Han Chen, Yu-Tai Wong, David Glenn Smith, Kurtis Jai-Chyi Pei, and Kuo Ping Chiu., 2015, “Complete Taiwanese Macaque (Macaca cyclopis) Mitochondrial Genome: Reference-Assisted de novo Assembly with Multiple k-mer Strategy”, PLoS One, 10(6), e0130673. (SCIE)
- Chen, H.-S., S.-C. Hou, J.-W. Jian, K.-S. Goh, S.-T. Shen, Y.-C. Lee, J.-J. You, H.-P. Peng, W.-C. Kuo, S.-T. Chen, M.-C. Peng, H.-J. Wang, C.-M. Yu, I.-C. Chen, C.-P. Tung, T.-H. Chen, K. P. Chiu, C. Ma, C. Y. Wu, S.-W. Lin and A.-S. Yang, 2015, “Predominant structural configuration in natural antibody repertoires enables potent antibody responses against protein antigens”, Scientific Reports, 5, 12411. (SCIE)
Chuang, Trees-Juen
- Iju Chen, Chia-Ying Chen and Tree-Juen Chuang*, 2015, “Biogenesis, identification, and function of exonic circular RNAs”, WIREs RNA, 6(5), 563-79 (Corresponding author; SCI impact factor: 4.838; Rank (CELL BIOLOGY): 53/189; Q2) the top 5 most cited articles over the past two years in WIREs RNA.. (SCIE)
- Trees-Juen Chuang*, Min-Yu Yang, Chuang-Chieh Lin, Ping-Hom Hsieh and Li-Yuan Hung, 2015, “Comparative genomics of grass EST libraries reveals previously uncharacterized splicing events in crop plants”, BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 15, 39 (impact factor: 3.942; Ranking: 22/199 (PLANT SCIENCES)). (SCIE)
Wang, Yi Sheng
- Cai, Y.-H.; Lai, Y.-H.; Wang, Y.-S.*, 2015, “Coupled space- and velocity-focusing in time-of-flight mass spectrometry – a comprehensive theoretical investigation.”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY, 26(10), 1722-1731. (SCIE)