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Physical & Computational Genomics Division
Chen, Chung-Hsuan
- Chin-Yu Wang, Chung-Yi Wu, Ting-Jiun Hung, Chi-Huey Wong, Chung-Hsuan Chen, 2014, “Sequence-constructive SELEX: A new strategy for screening DNA aptamer binding to Globo H”, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 452(3), 484-489. (SCIE)
- Abdil Ozdemir, J.L. Lin, Y. S. Wang, C.H. Chen, 2014, “A deeper look into sonic spray ionization”, RSC Advances, 106(4), 61290-61297. (SCIE)
- Huo L, Li CW, Huang TH, Lam YC, Xia W, Tu C, Chang WC, Hsu JL, Lee DF, Nie L, Yamaguchi H, Wang Y, Lang J, Li LY, Chen CH, Mishra L, Hung MC, 2014, “Activation of Keap1/Nrf2 signaling pathway by nuclear epidermal growth factor receptor in cancer cells.”, American Journal of Translational Research, 6(6), 649-663. (SCIE)
- I.C. Lee, T.L. Lo, T.H. Young, Y.C. Li, N.G. Chen, C.H. Chen, 2014, “Differentiation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Using Low Intensity Ultrasound ”, ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 40(9), 2195-2206. (SCIE)
- Chou RH, Wang YN, Hsieh YH, Li LY, Xia W, Chang WC, Chang LC, Cheng CC, Lai CC, Hsu JL, Chang WJ, Chiang SY, Lee HJ, Liao HW, Chuang PH, Chen HY, Wang HL, Kuo SC, Chen CH, Yu YL, Hung MC, 2014, “EGFR modulates DNA synthesis and repair through Tyr phosphorylation of histone H4.”, Developmental cell, 30(2), 224-37. (SCIE)
- K. J. Gillig and C. H. Chen, 2014, “Increasing the performance of portable ion mobility analyzers- development of the Periodic Focusing Differential Mobility Analyzer (PFDMA)”, The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, vol.3, S0032.
- Thirumurthi U, Shen J, Xia W, LaBaff AM, Wei Y, Li CW, Chang WC, Chen CH, Lin HK, Yu D, Hung MC, 2014, “MDM2-mediated degradation of SIRT6 phosphorylated by AKT1 promotes tumorigenesis and trastuzumab resistance in breast cancer.”, Science signaling, 7(336), ra71. (SCIE)
Chiu, Kuo Ping
- Hsu, H.-J., K. H. Lee, J.-W. Jian, H.-J. Chang, C.-M. Yu, Y.-C. Lee, I.-C. Chen, H.-P. Peng, C. Y. Wu, Y.-F. Huang, C.-Y. Shao, K.P. Chiu and A.-S. Yang, 2014, “Antibody variable domain interface and framework sequence requirements for stability and function by high throughput experiments”, Structure, 22(1), 22-34. (SCIE)
- Chang, H.-J., J.-W. Jian, H.-J. Hsu, Y.-C. Lee, H.-S. Chen, J.-J. You, S.-C. Hou, C.-Y. Shao, Y.-J. Chen, K.P. Chiu, H.-P. Peng, K. H. Lee and A.-S. Yang., 2014, “Loop sequence features and stability determinants in antibody variable domains by high throughput experiments”, Structure, 22(1), 9-21. (SCIE)
Chuang, Trees-Juen
- Trees-Juen Chuang*, Tai-Wei Chiang, 2014, “Impacts of Pre-transcriptional DNA Methylation, Transcriptional Transcription Factor and Post-transcriptional microRNA Regulations on Protein Evolutionary Rate”, Genome Biology and Evolution, 6(6), 1530-1541 (impact factor: 4.759; ranking: 33/164: GENETICS & HEREDITY). (SCIE)
- Trees-Juen Chuang* and Feng-Chi Chen*, 2014, “DNA methylation is associated with an increased level of conservation at nondegenerate nucleotides in mammals”, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31(2), 387-396 (impact factor: 10.217; ranking: 14/290: BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY). (SCIE)
- Chan-Shuo Wu, Chun-Ying Yu, Ching-Yu Chuang, Michael Hsiao, Cheng-Fu Kao, Hung-Chih Kuo* and Trees-Juen Chuang*, 2014, “Integrative transcriptome sequencing identifies trans-splicing events with important roles in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency”, Genome Research, 24(1), 25-36 (impact factor: 10.101; ranking: 3/160: BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY). (SCIE)
- Chun-Ying Yu, Hsiao-Jung Liu, Li-Yuan Hung, Hung-Chih Kuo* and Trees-Juen Chuang*, 2014, “Is an Observed Non-co-linear RNA Product Spliced in trans, in cis, or just in vitro?”, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 42(14), 9410-9423 (Corresponding & first author; SCI impact factor: 10.162; Rank (BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY): 14/286; Q1). (SCIE)
- Feng-Chi Chen*, Trees-Juen Chuang*, Hsuan-Yu Lin and Min-Kung Hsu, 2014, “The evolution of the coding exome of the Arabidopsis species - the influences of DNA methylation, relative exon position, and exon length”, BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, 14, 145. (SCIE)
Wang, Yi Sheng
- 台灣質譜學會,2014,《質譜分析技術原理與應用》,共800頁,台北市:全華圖書。
- Ozdemir, A.; Lin, J.-L.; Wang, Y.-S.; Chen, C.-H.*, 2014, “A deeper look into sonic spray ionization.”, RSC ADVANCES, 4(106), 61290-61297. (SCIE)
- Lai, Y.-H.; Chen, B.-G.; Lee, Y. T.; Wang, Y.-S.;* Lin, S. H.*, 2014, “Contribution of thermal energy to initial ion production of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization observed with 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone.”, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 1716-1722. (SCIE) (IF: 2.2; SCI ranking: 50%,59.7%,35.7%)
- Dutkiewicz, E.; Lin, J.-D.; Tseng, T.-W.; Wang, Y.-S.; Urban, P.*, 2014, “Hydrogel micropatches for sampling and profiling skin metabolome.”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 86 (5), 2337-2344. (SCIE)