The notable science magazine “Nature Review, Microbiology” has quoted the PNAS publication about the achievement by the team led by Dr. Chi-Huey Wong regarding their work on drug discovery targeting SARS virus on the September 2004, Vol. 2 No 9 issue.
The team of 16 Taiwanese researchers led by Dr. Wong, the director of the Genomics Research Center of Academia Sinica located in Taiwan, has successfully identified 15 compounds that are potent against the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus (SARS-CoV), including two drugs that are currently in use and several that are already in the clinical development pipeline.
"The work is of significance to the research community in Taiwan. It demonstrates that research members from different places with different expertise can work together to tackle a major problem of an emerging infectious disease in a short period of time. Dr. Jan really played a critical role in the whole work. Without him it would not have been done", Wong said.
This study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 101, 10012-10017 (2004).