CLEC5A Is What Dengue Fever and H5N1 Avian Flu Have In Common

  • 2017-06-22
  • Admin System


Back in 2008, Dr. Edmond Hsieh had proved CLEC5A to be a key factor that causes severe inflammation in Dengue infections, his continual studies focusing on CLEC5A has revealed another connection to CLEC5A with cases of H5N1 Avian Flu virus infections.

In the collaborative study with professor Hui-Ling Yen of HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, through observations of H5N1 infected mouse in a P3 lab, the team has proved CLEC5A to be a key factor in the H5N1 inflammatory responses.

According to Dr. Hsieh, by tackling the inflammatory response issues, it is possible to get away with the drug resistance problems for good.

The related article “CLEC5A-Mediated Enhancement of the Inflammatory Response in Myeloid Cells Contributes to Influenza Virus Pathogenicity In Vivo” can be retrieved online in the Journal of Virology website:

Please find out more from Dr. Hsieh’s explanation of this research below.


1. CLEC5A not only causes severe inflammation in Dengue infections, but also does major damages to H5N1 Avian Flu infections.


2. A collaborative study with professor Yen of HKU-Pasteur Research Pole proved CLEC5A’s role in H5N1 infection by P3 lab mouse reactions.


3. By tackling the inflammatory response issues, we can get away with the drug resistance problems for good.


4. A simple curiosity while observing the SARS scenario had paved the way for the whole CLEC5A study.