DcR3 Proved Promising in Reversing A-β Damages in Mouse

  • 2017-06-05
  • Admin System


DcR3 is a protein molecule proved to be a potent immunomodulator that can enhance monocyte differentiation toward the M2 macrophages. Dr. Edmond Hsieh has successfully explored its functionalities in regards to the neuroinflammation. A further collaborative study with Dr. Irene Cheng from Institute of Brain Science, National Yang-Ming University showed reduced amyloid plaque deposits and enhancment of congnition function in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mouse. The article “Amelioration of amyloid-β-induced deficits by DcR3 in an Alzheimer’s disease model” can be retrieved online in the Molecular Neurodegeneration website: https://molecularneurodegeneration.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13024-017-0173-0

Check out the exciting details explained by Dr. Hsieh below:

1. Amyloid-β in Alzheimer’s disease is an inflammatory induced effect


2. DcR3 promotes macrophage differentiation toward M2 phenotype


3. From Immunology to Neurodegeneration


4. DcR3 is a God sent growth factor


5. Transgenic mouse experiment had exciting results


6. DcR3 enriched mouse are smarter


7. Is there any side effects of DcR3?


8. Prior study showed DcR3 has a way to regenerate damaged spinal cells


9. A successful collaboration in between Immunology and Behavior Studies


10. A second generation genetic engineering developed DcR3 molecule on its way


11. A pictorial illustration of DcR3 and A-β interactions