Dr. Hwai-I Yang Named the 2017-2018 Taiwan Rotary Charity Award Recipient

  • 2018-01-23
  • Admin System


Dr. Hwai-I Yang, Associate Research Fellow in the Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, is a recipient of the 2017-2018 Taiwan Rotary Charity Award. Dr. Yang specializes in hepatitis epidemiology, translational epidemiology, immunoepidemiology of viral hepatitis, and the immunoprevention of major cancers. His research on the risk assessment of chronic viral hepatitis has reduced public healthcare expenditures and thus benefited more than 3 million patients in Taiwan. His recent cutting edge study on the risk of death from chronic diseases caused by fine particle pollution was also published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Dr. Yang joined Chien-Jen Chen’s research team in 1996 and has since received several awards and distinctions, including the Prof. K-P Chen Award for the Best Public Health Paper (2004) and the 20th Wang Ming-Ning Award (2010). He also served as an Honorary Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society (2006) and a Distinguished Postdoctoral Scholar at Academia Sinica (2007-2008). Recently, he was selected for the Ta-You Wu Memorial Award by the National Science Council (2013) and the Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology by the Executive Yuan (2013).

In recognition and appreciation of distinguished achievements in education, culture, research, and innovation, the Taiwan Rotary Charity Award honors the spirit of philanthropy by awarding deserving individuals for their contributions to society that further public welfare.

Original Content Source : Academia Sinica E-News