Dr. Tien-Hsien Chang To Receive the 2018-2019 Taiwan Rotary Charity Award

  • 2019-01-03
  • Admin System


 THChang award20190103

Congratulations to Dr. Tien-Hsien Chang for receiving the 2018-2019 Taiwan Rotary Charity Award.

Dr. Chang has been a widely respected and highly popular advocate and speaker for higher learning. Aside from his already busy schedule in doing research and teaching, he contributes his free time to many community outreaches. Since returning home from nearly two decades of tenure at the Ohio State University, Dr. Chang has given hundreds of lectures on how to build essential transferrable skills, career development, science education, popular science, learning how to learn, acquiring international vision, and living a meaningful happy life at high schools, universities, and research institutes in Taiwan. For his teaching excellence, Dr. Chang was recognized by National Taiwan University in 2018 with an Excellent Teaching Award. In addition, Dr. Chang has designed and conducted a series of educational events to assist young researchers better prepared for their careers.

Charged by President James Liao, Dr. Chang jump-started the Program for Promotion of Research Integrity (PPRI) at Academia Sinica. Under his directorship, PPRI spearheaded the education and consultation program on academic ethics. To promote the awareness of this important issue, Dr. Chang was often on the road in giving talks and workshops not only in Taiwan but also at various international arenas.

“In recognition and appreciation of distinguished achievements in education, culture, research, and innovation, the Taiwan Rotary Charity Award honors the spirit of philanthropy by awarding deserving individuals for their contributions to society that further public welfare”, Dr. Chang has done more than an outstanding job. No doubt about it.

The award information can be read in: http://www.cref.org.tw/2017-05-28-09-12-02/2018-07-17-04-32-28.html